正しくTogetter / min.tにログインできない不具合が発生中です。X側の修正をお待ちください(詳細はこちら)




David Aja @davaja

@SavageSmallwood Aw, that sucks, can they do that kind of crap? Ask always to check final before going to print, I do.

2022-02-10 02:41:36


Tuyen (to-win) #MakeTASM3 @justtuyen

@SavageSmallwood This is so upsetting! If they wanted changes made they should have sent it back to you to make those changes in order to keep the integrity of the work! That’s so blatantly disrespectful of you

2022-02-10 02:29:03


Tuyen (to-win) #MakeTASM3 @justtuyen

@SavageSmallwood And if you couldn’t make the changes I don’t feel that it should be within their power to make them, especially if they’re so small

2022-02-10 02:30:15


socially awkward confidence 🪿 @RhymesWithDonna

@KOPF_STOFF @SavageSmallwood YES THIS -- the eyes in the original have so much warmth and wonder to them, just like dilated pupils when looking at someone you love

2022-02-10 03:50:59


Lisan al Daive @_StrawhatDave

@SavageSmallwood Wow, I’m sorry this happened! Looking at the panels you showed I have no clue why these got “flagged”.

2022-02-10 02:31:11


Christa Sydney @christasyd

@CullyHamner @SavageSmallwood Honestly as an Asian person I find the changes….unsettling

2022-02-10 03:01:35
reni @iner_blau

美しく秀逸で”率直な”アジア人描写の原画にマーヴェル側が”多様性に配慮した”加筆 ……マーヴェルさんは履き違えてませんか……極東アジア人種の射干玉の瞳もまた美しゅうございますわよ。 twitter.com/SavageSmallwoo…

2022-02-10 15:18:43
Greg Smallwood @SavageSmallwood

Sad to say that, without my approval, Marvel attempted to "fix" several panels of my art in issue two of Elektra: Black, White, & Blood before sending it to the printers. They're not huge changes but I really don't like my art being tampered with. pic.twitter.com/08ZnBLqBPa

2022-02-10 02:26:17


David Blatt @KOPF_STOFF

@SavageSmallwood That's how quickly a warm-hearted look can become a Junji Ito look. It's understandable that this bothers you.

2022-02-10 02:29:55
