定期的にバズる カナダの大学 経済学で日本貧困は政策ミスというデマについて

ドイツ移住推奨アカウント @soduenn

『日本の貧困は、世界的にも例の無い完全な「政策のミス」によるもの。カナダの大学の経済学で取り上げられたそうだ』という画像についての分かりやすいまとめ。恐らくこのような趣旨の発言をした人物は存在しない……。 netlorechase.net/entry/2022/05/…

2022-05-11 22:40:13
ドイツ移住推奨アカウント @soduenn


2022-05-11 22:47:37
ネットロアをめぐる冒険 @netlorechase

日本の貧困は「世界的にも例の無い」、完全な政策のミスだとするコピペの出所を検討しました。 日本の貧困は政策のミスなのか、ネコを信じよ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険 netlorechase.net/entry/2022/05/…

2022-05-05 07:00:05
リンク ネットロアをめぐる冒険 日本の貧困は政策のミスなのか、ネコを信じよ - ネットロアをめぐる冒険 日本の貧困は「政策ミス」であるとする画像が出回っています。文字起こしすると、以下の通り。 カナダの大学の経済学で取り上げられたそうだ。日本の貧困者は薬物もやらず、犯罪者の家族でもなく移民でもない。教育水準が低いわけでもなく、怠惰でもなく勤勉で労働時間も長く、 スキルが低いわけでもない。世界的にも例の無い、完全な「政策のミス」による貧困だと 実はこのコピペ、出所がそこそこはっきりしており、「カナダの大学」自体は出所不明で、どうやら間違いのようなんです。ただ、それを元にこの話自体を「迷信」として処理する方がい 262 users 119
和泉徹彦 Tetsuhiko IZUMI @izumit



和泉徹彦 Tetsuhiko IZUMI @izumit

定期的にバズる「カナダの大学の経済学で~」の元ネタはこちら。 カナダの大学、関係ないし。日本を引き合いにしてアメリカの貧困を議論している。 そして日本の貧困の真実は「高齢化で年金生活者が人口の3割いて再分配所得が無ければ当初所得は無収入だから」 twitter.com/Noahpinion/sta…

2022-05-04 06:25:46
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

Japanese poor people do everything right - they get a job, avoid violence, don't do drugs, and don't have kids out of wedlock - and yet they're still poor. This suggests that poverty is NOT mainly caused by bad behavior. bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…

2019-07-31 00:57:30
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

Japanese poor people do everything right - they get a job, avoid violence, don't do drugs, and don't have kids out of wedlock - and yet they're still poor. This suggests that poverty is NOT mainly caused by bad behavior. bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…

2019-07-31 00:57:30
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

2/In America, conservatives often attribute poverty to laziness, criminality, or irresponsibility. These stereotypes are applied especially often against black people... pic.twitter.com/OqB6tIdE5y

2019-07-31 01:07:42
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

3/But conservatives also sometimes apply this "moral" view of poverty toward poor white people. Here's Kevin Williamson in the National Review: nationalreview.com/magazine/2016/… pic.twitter.com/xdmUt1F3ni

2019-07-31 01:09:34
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

4/But if violence, drugs, out-of-wedlock births, and unwillingness to work are the main causes of poverty, we'd expect countries where almost nobody does these things to have very low poverty rates...right? Well, I do happen to know of such a country. It is Japan.

2019-07-31 01:11:12
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

5/Japan is, by some measures, the least violent country on Earth. pic.twitter.com/tlAoExuglT

2019-07-31 01:11:56
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

8/How about single parenthood? The rate is MUCH lower than in the U.S. pic.twitter.com/Q70oMxyT8S

2019-07-31 01:15:29
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

9/And how about idleness? HA. Japanese people work a TON. More Japanese people have jobs than Americans! And they work even longer hours. pic.twitter.com/7hDweKVKrQ

2019-07-31 01:17:36
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

10/So Japan should have much less poverty than other rich countries...right?? WRONG!! nippon.com/en/behind/l103…

2019-07-31 01:18:18
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

11/Japan's poverty rate - measured in internationally standardized terms, as the % of people making less than half of median income - is closer to America's than to Europe's. pic.twitter.com/ScMk9xeSiK

2019-07-31 01:19:28
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

12/Japanese poverty is typically hidden. The government, and people themselves, try hard to hide it. japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/03/0…

2019-07-31 01:20:12
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

13/Many Japanese people fall off the wagon of prosperity and never manage to get back on. asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Nearly…

2019-07-31 01:21:15
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

14/The country has 3.5 million kids in poverty - a child poverty rate of 14%. nippon.com/en/japan-data/…

2019-07-31 01:21:44
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

15/Japan's experience suggests that there is something very, very wrong with the conservative theory that poverty is mainly caused by bad behavior. pic.twitter.com/6C7EtPmPWb

2019-07-31 01:22:53
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

16/So what really causes poverty? Poverty is a natural result of a market economy. To fix poverty, we need to intervene to support the people that fall through the cracks. There's just no other way. pic.twitter.com/MFXR7xsiM5

2019-07-31 01:24:21
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

17/We should look to the welfare states of Europe, and to measures to raise the wages of low-end jobs, instead of hectoring poor people to behave better. (end) bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…

2019-07-31 01:25:15
Bloomberg @business

Stop blaming America’s poor for their poverty bloom.bg/2yEBgVH via @bopinion

2019-08-05 07:04:42
V林田 @vhysd

「カナダの大学の経済学で取り上げられたそうだ。日本の貧困者は(中略)世界的にも例の無い、完全な「政策のミス」による貧困だと」というツイートが流れてきたのを見て、ソースを掘ったらどうもBLOOMBERGのこの記事なんだけど、 bnnbloomberg.ca/stop-blaming-a…

2021-11-08 20:07:28