【質問】 なぜウクライナ東部でロシア軍火力が優勢になったの?

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mssn65 @jpg2t785

ウクライナ軍将校「以前ここは地獄だった、今は楽園だ、めちゃくちゃ静かだ」 たった12両のハイマースがロシア軍の兵站を破壊したことで前線の砲撃が激減したという。 twitter.com/MaxBoot/status…

2022-07-28 06:32:27
Max Boot 🇺🇦🇺🇸 @MaxBoot

A Ukrainian officer: “It was hell over here. Now, it’s like paradise. Super quiet. Everything changed when we got the HIMARS.” If Ukraine is able to fight back so effectively with only 12 HIMARS, imagine what it could do with dozens more HIMARS and ATACMS.wapo.st/3cPnyHa

2022-07-27 21:21:11
mssn65 @jpg2t785

ハイマースとM270 MLRSの大きな違いはタイヤとキャタピラ(装軌)、弾薬の搭載量。 pic.twitter.com/zRfYU14iEC

2022-07-28 19:15:17
mssn65 @jpg2t785

M270は装軌車(キャタピラ)なのでハイマースと違って舗装道路を利用して長距離高速移動ができないので、そこが弱点。 また移動した後に履帯の跡を残すので無人機などに追尾されやすい。 本当は後方からATACMSを撃つような任務に当たるのが良いのかもしれない。

2022-07-16 13:56:20
田村尚也Naoya Tamura @NaoyaTamura6

2、ロシア軍の対砲兵レーダーの弾道の逆算を欺瞞するため、発射後にGMLRSロケット弾が「ピッチアップ」している、という指摘。「そんなこともやるのか」と。 twitter.com/TrentTelenko/s…

2022-07-30 11:06:14
Trent Telenko @TrentTelenko

This UA M270 MLRS video showed several things. 1. It is operating in a combined arms task force with a UK Starstreak SAM tracked launcher to 'delouse' Russian drones. 2. The GMLRS 'pitch up' maneuver after launch to spoof Russian counter-battery radar backtracking. 1/ twitter.com/RALee85/status…

2022-07-30 04:45:54
Saint Javelin @saintjavelin

David Attenborough presents... BBC Planet Ukraine - HIMARS pic.twitter.com/KJl5hNmHVM

2022-08-26 23:35:57

◆◆ロシア軍防空網はGMLRS(GPS誘導多連装ロケット)を阻止できていない (2022.8.14)

Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

The first 4 seconds of this video of a russian attempt to intercept GMLRS rockets hitting the Antonovsky Bridge are revealing: 1) three russian air defense missiles rise & detonate in the same area, which means the russian air defense operators fired 1/4 pic.twitter.com/MIhzwIXYT1

2022-08-14 18:52:45
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

the missiles into the air on a pre-set course and with a timed fuze. Proof that russian radars are incapable to detect & target GMLRS rockets. 2) and the russian air defense operators fire the missiles into the air to the West and South of the bridge. Proof that they don't 2/4

2022-08-14 18:52:46
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

don't know the actual flight profile of a GMLRS rocket. As I said before: the russians can't jam GMLRS rockets, they can't spoof P/Y GPS, they can't shoot down GMLRS rockets. Now we also know that russian radars can't detect them and are useless. 3/4 twitter.com/noclador/statu…

2022-08-14 18:52:47
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

I was asked if russians can jam GMLRS missiles. Sure... with a hammer... while the missile is in mid flight. And if they don't have Thor's Mjolnir at hand - jamming gravity, light, and electricity in the universe are russia's other options. A thread 🧵 1/n pic.twitter.com/oIFz5SIsu4

2022-06-04 06:45:52
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Firing ammo into the air on a timed fuze and hoping the shrapnell will hit an enemy airborne object is early WWII tech... but that is what the clownish russian army is doing now with their expensive missiles. Let me repeat it: GMLRS rockets ALWAYS hit. Nothing can stop them. 4/4 pic.twitter.com/FqYFPFuN5a

2022-08-14 18:52:50
mssn65 @jpg2t785

アントノフスキー橋に飛来するハイマースのロケット弾をロシア軍が迎撃する様子。 迎撃に失敗して橋に着弾しています。 対空ミサイルもGPS電波妨害も有効な対策になっていないようだとのこと。 twitter.com/noclador/statu…

2022-08-15 17:14:30
mssn65 @jpg2t785

ウクライナに供与されたハイマースは毎日最低2個ポッド(12発)の誘導ロケットを発射。 供与された16両で毎日192発、1ヶ月で5800発を発射。命中率90%で5200目標を打撃するとのこと。 twitter.com/MarkHertling/s…

2022-07-26 18:33:07
MarkHertling @MarkHertling

-16 HIMARS in Ukraine. -Each HIMARS fires a minimum (MINIMUM!) of 2 pods/day -Each pod has 6 missiles...12 missiles/HIMAR/Day -12 missiles x 16 HIMARS = 192 missiles/day In 1 month, 16 launchers will fire approx 5800 missiles & accurately hit about 5200 (90%) targets. 7/

2022-07-26 05:40:00
mssn65 @jpg2t785

アメリカの誘導ロケット弾年間生産能力が9000~1万発らしく、2か月以下で射耗していることに。 twitter.com/HoansSolo/stat…

2022-07-26 18:38:28
Franz-Stefan Gady @HoansSolo

The US manufacturer makes about 9000 HIMARS missiles per year. At the below expenditure rate of missiles, the entire annual US peacetime production would be spend in less than 2 month in Ukraine. twitter.com/MarkHertling/s…

2022-07-26 14:53:38
mssn65 @jpg2t785


2022-07-26 19:12:59
mssn65 @jpg2t785


2022-07-26 19:23:40


Defense of Ukraine @DefenceU

Today #HIMARS has a Ukrainian heart beating inside of it. Today #HIMARS wears Ukrainian military uniform. pic.twitter.com/XmuXZ5HSoj

2022-07-31 19:31:02
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