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🌊 Jamie/Jin/Dandy 🌊 🏳️‍⚧️ (Waverider arc) @dandyspacedout

Bridget being trans is objectiveky good, if you think otherwise read her lore again and actually apply an ounce of nuance and critical thought to why someone would be more inclined to be something if they can choose to be it rather than needing to be it.

2022-08-10 05:16:45
Evelyn, your One-Eyed Trans Crush 🏳️‍⚧️💕 @CaptAmazo

Seeing a lot of transphobes saying "Bridget identified as a man in the previous games! It doesn't make any sense!" Have y'all met any trans women? We all have a story about how we tried to identify as men and prove our manhood before we finally found the courage to come out.

2022-08-10 05:27:52
Evelyn, your One-Eyed Trans Crush 🏳️‍⚧️💕 @CaptAmazo

"But it's the bad ending!" What happens in the "good ending", if there is one? Does Bridget state she's a boy and wants to be seen as such? The ending of a bad arc is not by default a bad ending. Cis men once again thinking they can somehow speak for the trans experience.

2022-08-10 05:27:52
Sky... 2! 🏳️‍⚧️ @Taco_Night_

i know it is not a good idea for me, but I might actually get Guilty Gear finally just because of Bridget being canon cute trans girl I mean I did play Blazblue and Skull Girls, but I don't enjoy playing with randos anymore so I don't get too much coverage with these games c:

2022-08-10 06:09:51
MadHatter 🏳️‍⚧️ @_M4D_H4TT3R

Cishets has no media comprehension. Anyways Bridget is trans in ALL endings if anybody bothered to read, I love her!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ pic.twitter.com/mrEyJQRpvm

2022-08-10 06:16:22
Mim😈 @Mimcubus

💜Streams up! Chatting for a bit then learning how to play Guilty Gear as BRIDGET, our new trans icon! 💚

2022-08-10 06:21:46
Lizzy🐉Streaming Dragon🐉 @ElysaraVT

I find it kindof funny how all the trans people I know are absolutely in love with Bridget, and from what I can see, all or nearly all the people who are upset are cis people, mostly bigots, whose argument basically amounts to "NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE REPRESENTATION YOU LIKE!"

2022-08-10 06:22:24
SukiIsOkay (She/Her)💫 @SukiOkay

Wait people are upset because Bridget is trans? Guess I must buy it now. I'm all for pissing off the idiots of the world

2022-08-10 06:52:56
Andrea of ATX (OF in bio) @andrea_of_atx

NGL... I've never given 2 thoughts about this franchise - until this news about Bridget. Since then, trans twitter has BLOWN UP about wanting to play. I'm right there with em twitter.com/Dredd_Artist/s…

2022-08-10 06:57:03
🏳️‍⚧️Velvet🏳️‍⚧️ | Grusha's Strongest Soldier @Dredd_Artist

For anyone who wants to talk shit on representation in games and saying it doesn't matter, tell me why a trans friend who doesn't play fighting games dm'd me saying they were genuinely considering learning GGST because of the news about Bridget. This shit matters to people pic.twitter.com/GKwaBveXtk

2022-08-09 06:00:00
rosie🌹 @roseradotwav

Three trans women, myself included, in my discord bought GGST yesterday even though none of us knew anything about the series. I was shopping around for a fighting game anyway and Bridget made me so excited It shouldn't be a surprise, but turns out we like being represented! twitter.com/Dredd_Artist/s…

2022-08-10 07:02:00
Vivian @Vivi_Sected

Bridget being officially trans now is like, the best thing to happen in video games all year.

2022-08-10 07:02:21
Vivian @Vivi_Sected

looking like she's high on weed is also a big W

2022-08-10 07:03:41
Desperado D. Mayor @Overmayor

The endless outpouring of unrelenting joy from the trans community after the Bridget news dropped is one of the few things keeping me sane.

2022-08-10 07:24:42
Desperado D. Mayor @Overmayor

As I said to one of my best friends yesterday, it's not just that Bridget is trans, it's that she's trans and she's happy.

2022-08-10 07:28:02
CluelessAri | feh is dead to me @CluelessAri776

Canon trans girl character 🥰 Increase in transphobic and transphobic discourse on twitter... 🤬 But seriously I hate this shit, I kinda love Bridget now and I'm glad she's canonically trans but seeing the assholes saying transphobic shit is draining as hell

2022-08-10 07:25:33
CluelessAri | feh is dead to me @CluelessAri776

And y'all have only seen a fraction of what I've seen if you're only seeing me responding to it 🙃

2022-08-10 07:25:33
Hedonistic Malewife🔞🏳️‍⚧️ @CiravaBytes

Bridget being canonized as a trans girl made our friend cry w joy when we showed her. "She was already my favorite GG character, now she's just my favorite for different reasons." Probably the brightest thing to happen in our friend group lately. I block all the complainers 😂

2022-08-10 07:28:46
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

The thing that I find especially funny about the whole “Bridget being trans is actually Bad Trans Rep because it says that she was groomed into it” thing (Aside from how this argument is always intentionally disingenuous, as anyone that says Trans Groomer is) Is that like

2022-08-10 08:21:36
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

It also shows how they really don’t understand what it’s like to be trans, and the process of finding yourself. Like, as it stands, Bridgets background of being raised as a girl always came out of a place of concern from her parents, with how they didn’t want to fucking kill

2022-08-10 08:22:09
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

their kid due to ass-backwards superstitions, so they raised her as a chick, but BEYOND that GGXX having Bridget doing things like loving muscles and glamorizing masculinity was framed, even then, as her breaking free of her life with her family and trying to figure out

2022-08-10 08:22:40
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

who she wants to be. She wanted to try living as a boy and viewed anything male as especially fascinating and something she felt that she needed to aspire towards, if she was going to figure out what Being A Boy was like.

2022-08-10 08:23:13
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

This gender exploration is something that’s familiar for trans folks. Even ones that knew at a young age that they were trans, potentially that had support from their family, have had a period where they tried out being cis or exploring cis concepts of their sex.

2022-08-10 08:23:36
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

Sometimes they find themselves to actually be cis, sometimes they find themselves to be more fluid in general, and sometimes they realize “oh hey yeah no I’m definitely not cis at all.”

2022-08-10 08:24:03
Susiezilla Appreciator @DumbCerb

Bridget, in this case, realized “oh wait, no, I’m a girl after all hell yeah” and what’s nice about it is that it’s a decision she makes for herself. She has support in feeling out how she feels in Strive, but in the end it’s still her that says, on her own terms “no, I’m a girl”

2022-08-10 08:24:18
Julia🍓 @BareBonesSenpai

Bro I just wanna be happy about this character. I'm gonna vent about the arguments I'm seeing guilty gear fans and people who desire more "femme boy" representation are making in bad faith. Bridget is trans. Let her be trans. A THREAD🧵 pic.twitter.com/TosGAFvHzj

2022-08-10 08:26:38
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