「指導者のいない運動」の顛末とは: 脱原発、 #OWS からツァイトガイスト、平和省運動まで

日本の脱原発運動に絡んで、アメリカで始まったOWS(Occupy Wall Street)運動について呟いていたら、ツァイトガイスト運動(TZM:The Zeitgeist Movement)の関係者との対話が始まった。 ※注意:TZM関係者とのやりとりは全部英語です。 ワシントンポスト紙で「指導者のいない運動」についての記事を読み、他の運動に当てはめて考察をし始めたら、TZM関係者との対話がより深まってきた。必要なのはプロセス志向だとわかってきた。 http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/what-is-occupy-wall-street-the-history-of-leaderless-movements/2011/10/10/gIQAwkFjaL_story.html?tid=sm_btn_twitter 続きを読む
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💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

First, TZM could lose rights to their third film Moving Forward. It could be taken off YouTube and that will b great loss for the movement.

2011-10-11 05:25:23
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

Second, if the leader of TZM gets more radical it would lose support of intellectuals and could backfire to question the logic of the mvment

2011-10-11 05:29:46
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j It was The Venus Project that asked to split from the Zeitgeist Movement--TZM will change because of it:http://t.co/bmaOmjdI

2011-10-11 05:29:58
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ thank you for your opinion @tkatsumi06j. You are right taking action and changing things can be see as radical.

2011-10-11 05:32:14
Gharr @Gharr_home

To find out more about the Zeitgeist Movement, you could check out their face book pages: http://t.co/QDXZPwvP @tkatsumi06j

2011-10-11 05:50:10
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j No problems, I hope U find the answers you are looking for--also you might check out The Venus Project: http://t.co/Kv1V1GSl

2011-10-11 06:00:40
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home May be I should look into a third party site that analyses both, like their history together and the cause of the split.

2011-10-11 06:06:24
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home Which could also mean that Jacques Fresco will no longer appear on TZM films and promotions. I'll just observe how this goes.

2011-10-11 06:14:05
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

Coz to me it was Fresco who made the design, who is the architect of the resource-based economy and the model city design. Property rights.

2011-10-11 06:16:03
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j Well, the best way to find out things is to ask primary sources--The Zeitgeist Movement http://t.co/STYOpqnd is world wide

2011-10-11 06:18:43
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

真っ当な国家として認められる要件を満たさなくなるのは確か。RT @mcas2187 先進国でなくても見捨てたら人道に対する犯罪でしょ。http://t.co/9keZ5R5v(朝日):除染、福島隣県も対象の可能性 1ミリ以上 費用課題 http://t.co/wqdxmIEh

2011-10-11 06:20:30
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j Jacque Fresco is currently busy making a major film http://t.co/jzV6bPV6

2011-10-11 06:31:50
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j The Venus Project has no leaders, U would have to ask The Venus Project how they will handle legal issues: http://t.co/Kv1V1GSl

2011-10-11 06:37:27
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 as I understand it, Japan has powerful sea currents that could be used to power the nation: http://t.co/8uuQbxMR

2011-10-11 06:46:19
梓 Azusa @mcas2187

おはようございます。現在の除染計画ではその要件を満たすかどうか。海外の専門家の意見の表明を(一部来日してますがそれ以外の方々のも)待ちたいと思います。RT @tkatsumi06j: 真っ当な国家として認められる要件を満… (cont) http://t.co/ZKgSkWJk

2011-10-11 06:46:28
Gharr @Gharr_home

Japan has powerful deep sea currents that could be used to power the nation: http://t.co/8uuQbxMR

2011-10-11 06:57:43
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

Yes, u're correct. But it's been underinvested and underutilized for obvious reasons. RT @Gharr_home @mcas2187 http://t.co/pYCSWod5

2011-10-11 10:47:44
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 In my former work, my Senator and I worked on the project to promote the technology developed by OTEC. Didn't go well.

2011-10-11 10:48:54
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-11 10:57:50
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

#OWS ニューヨーク占領宣言全文はこういうものです。http://t.co/hyNnTOHU RT @naoyafujiwara 全米および世界に急速に広がりつつあるウォール街を占領しよう運動の中核のコンセンサスはこれです。http://t.co/bmNTXm1j

2011-10-11 11:15:00
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

#OWS に関して日本在住のアメリカの友人が語る…アメリカの社会、戦争、と将来 : ウォール街を占拠せよ! Occupy Wall Street! http://t.co/cbgLZ4cl 私も今から、誕生日記念記事を書きます。

2011-10-11 11:36:47
梓 Azusa @mcas2187

@tkatsumi06j: @Gharr_home @mcas2187 あれ?私のIDつきです。海洋の温度差で発電する話ですか?お話を見せていただいて、本当にありがとうございます。(今朝からDeck.ly 廃止のようで、..(cont) http://t.co/OCo0GUcF

2011-10-11 12:56:04
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 things are always changing: http://t.co/Z94tV8DT , If nuclear goes... Japan will look 4 other energy sources.

2011-10-11 23:06:12
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