「指導者のいない運動」の顛末とは: 脱原発、 #OWS からツァイトガイスト、平和省運動まで

日本の脱原発運動に絡んで、アメリカで始まったOWS(Occupy Wall Street)運動について呟いていたら、ツァイトガイスト運動(TZM:The Zeitgeist Movement)の関係者との対話が始まった。 ※注意:TZM関係者とのやりとりは全部英語です。 ワシントンポスト紙で「指導者のいない運動」についての記事を読み、他の運動に当てはめて考察をし始めたら、TZM関係者との対話がより深まってきた。必要なのはプロセス志向だとわかってきた。 http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/what-is-occupy-wall-street-the-history-of-leaderless-movements/2011/10/10/gIQAwkFjaL_story.html?tid=sm_btn_twitter 続きを読む
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💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

ドバイの夢のプロジェクトである「マスダール・シティ都市開発計画」。金融危機であわや頓挫寸前のこのプロジェクトから得られる教訓:ハイテクエコ都市を作れば解決ではない。いかにして有機的で人間らしい生活に即した環境を作り上げることができるか。 http://t.co/SYLu0jPa

2011-10-11 23:23:32
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 Thanks. 2nd article was esp inspiring. If Obama wants to go green however DoE with authority needs to be established.

2011-10-11 23:25:14
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@mcas2187 @Gharr_home なぜか梓さんも交えてお話したいみたいです。このまま続けてもいいですか?私が最近になって紹介し始めたツァイトガイスト運動について詳しい方みたいです。様々な再生可能エネルギー構想をご存じのようですね。興味があれば、私のブログをご覧ください。

2011-10-11 23:28:23
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 We know that ja companies have the most number of patents related to renewable energy, but it's all underutilized.

2011-10-11 23:30:04
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 Though ja does have the tech capacity the researches are only symbolic coz they think nuclear cannot be replaced.

2011-10-11 23:31:26
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 It's this mode of thinking we have to change if we were to head for a nuclear-free society. That's why ppl stood up.

2011-10-11 23:32:32
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@mcas2187 未来都市開発を展望するツァイトガイスト運動については、こちらをご覧ください。長いですが、見応えあります。動画:長編ドキュメンタリー『ZEITGEIST III』の視聴の全記録 - Yahoo!ブログ http://t.co/RIfQ4AF6

2011-10-11 23:37:59
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 I think it's more important that attitudes in good old USA, the land of the big car is changing: http://t.co/LdSAuTfz

2011-10-11 23:58:27
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 both the TZM http://t.co/QRC3wbr5 and The Venus Project: http://t.co/iN2286If interested in various energy sources

2011-10-12 00:05:17
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 I agree but only if it connects with a social change that bring about industrial change. I'm still skeptical.

2011-10-12 00:05:34
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home @mcas2187 I've watched Moving Forward so I know the gist of their proposal. The question is where does the funding come from.

2011-10-12 00:07:09
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 patents: are sometimes used to buy technology to prevent that technology from competing with a existing company

2011-10-12 00:09:27
Gharr @Gharr_home

RT @tkatsumi06j: @Gharr_home @mcas2187 Though ja does have the tech capacity the researches are only symbolic coz they think nuclear cannot be replaced.

2011-10-12 00:13:24
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 Nuclear energy community has left a bad taste in Japan and world wide: LOVE ONE ANOTHER [music]: http://t.co/aUgTwGfb

2011-10-12 00:20:10
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

WP紙 - #OWS 運動とは何か「指導者のいないムーヴメントの歴史」合議制の鉄則。What is Occupy Wall Street? The history of leaderless movements http://t.co/Rrmcz9Do

2011-10-12 00:36:15
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 Yes, there is a momentum for social change: http://t.co/2AhEOwMP , but it has to stand the test of time.

2011-10-12 00:38:10
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

I completely agree on that. RT @Gharr_home @mcas2187 Yes, there is a momentum for social change, but it has to stand the test of time.

2011-10-12 00:40:36
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j @mcas2187 (RE: http://t.co/HYBdxDc8) I think you already know that: change occurs because of needs--the money system failure

2011-10-12 00:42:09
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

WP紙 - #OWS とは何であるかについて「これはリーダーのいない、公式な要求を持たない運動である。目標とされる成果もなく、落としどころもなく、代表者会談もない。OCCUPYムーヴメントでは、我々一人一人がリーダーなのである」と引用。

2011-10-12 00:45:07
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j (RE: http://t.co/X8uthmKq) One more thing: if money did not exist, the need for change would still be there would it not?

2011-10-12 00:50:28
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home That's a big 'IF'. The monetary infrastucture is so deeply embedded in today's society. Dismantling needs to be concurrent.

2011-10-12 00:58:48
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home So I do understand the need, the trend, the potential. The ultimate question is HOW, realistically speaking.

2011-10-12 01:00:49
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j lol, no government, laws, armies, shops or money: The Venus Project, beyond politics, poverty and war: http://t.co/pE9p5fDN

2011-10-12 01:04:11
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j So was the systems of kings and emperors, just because something is "embedded" does not make it safe from change.

2011-10-12 01:07:59
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