「指導者のいない運動」の顛末とは: 脱原発、 #OWS からツァイトガイスト、平和省運動まで

日本の脱原発運動に絡んで、アメリカで始まったOWS(Occupy Wall Street)運動について呟いていたら、ツァイトガイスト運動(TZM:The Zeitgeist Movement)の関係者との対話が始まった。 ※注意:TZM関係者とのやりとりは全部英語です。 ワシントンポスト紙で「指導者のいない運動」についての記事を読み、他の運動に当てはめて考察をし始めたら、TZM関係者との対話がより深まってきた。必要なのはプロセス志向だとわかってきた。 http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/what-is-occupy-wall-street-the-history-of-leaderless-movements/2011/10/10/gIQAwkFjaL_story.html?tid=sm_btn_twitter 続きを読む
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Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j Hmmm, if the money system works--all is good, if not, then we should know all available options--not just the government's line

2011-10-12 01:13:53
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home Yes we should. And WHO makes the use of these knowledge. It would bring forth another cluster of leadership class wouldn't it?

2011-10-12 01:17:04
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j We can automate anything, what makes you think our current "leadership class" is immune from this--kings and emperors gone now

2011-10-12 01:23:03
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

#OWS のような「リーダーのいない運動」を想定したものは、日本でもフィクションでは存在した。映画『踊る大捜査線2』に登場した反抗グループがそうだった。彼らは不当解雇した「組織」を憎み、リーダーのいない組織を作り上げ、社会に反旗を翻した。しかし彼らの行った行動はテロ行為だった。

2011-10-12 01:25:00
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home Who's WE? Who has the intellectual and technical ability to work on such projects? Very few people right? And the rest of us?

2011-10-12 01:27:03
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home The one aspect that's lacking in the TZM or VP is the sequencing of the process of change. It's not laid out. Only components.

2011-10-12 01:28:46
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j Conflict model used in our society has served us well, but it,s time 2 learn how 2 solve problems rather then blowing them up

2011-10-12 01:29:04
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j We, I would hope we means as many people in the world as possible rather then the 1% wealthy: http://t.co/mwisT62A

2011-10-12 01:34:14
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:34:42
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:37:22
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j Well, I would disagree... making plans for a process of change is the easy part TVP: http://t.co/FhcCP54z

2011-10-12 01:37:57
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:41:12
Gharr @Gharr_home

~ @tkatsumi06j I hope we can all participate in change rather then the 1% wealthy: http://t.co/mwisT62A , http://t.co/Kv1V1GSl

2011-10-12 01:41:31
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:43:47
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home For all the systemic and structural changes TVP and TZM is proposing, it lacks sequential thinking. Without sequence its chaos.

2011-10-12 01:45:44
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home I must disagree on that. Providing incomplete solution without sequencing the process is easy. Providing sequence is difficult.

2011-10-12 01:47:11
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@Gharr_home A solution needs to be comprehensive; a rationale, structure, sequential process, and a reasonable prospect for success.

2011-10-12 01:51:03
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

Without these it cannot be called a 'solution'. I think this is the same in the corporate world too. Otherwise, it just doesn't sell.

2011-10-12 01:52:25
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j we are used to living in a system that requires leaders. To think differently--we no longer require leaders--is difficult.

2011-10-12 01:54:45
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:55:20
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j I'm well aware of the difference in how Japan and USA make decisions on how to produce a product--your opinion is valid.

2011-10-12 01:58:28
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 01:58:41
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j


2011-10-12 02:01:27
Gharr @Gharr_home

@tkatsumi06j I understand your view, Japan does not do things the same way as the USA--The Venus Project and TZM needs to learn this!

2011-10-12 02:02:52
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

@ozawajun あ、すみません。ツァイトガイスト運動という、非暴力的に社会の変革を求めるグローバル運動がありまして、その関係者といま対話しながら自分の考えもツイートしているんです。何しろいま世界で実際に、この手の運動が広がっていますからね。その行く先を考えている次第です。

2011-10-12 02:03:28
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