反日する英語を話す人③英国の朝鮮半島専門の大学教授Kevin Gray@DrKevinGrayがいつの間にかツイートを消し逃げ出していた。何万ものツイートを消すには一日では終わらない。やってる事は仲間内や英字新聞から情報収集し、それを学術研究と思ってるようだ。(新聞記者と学者の区別ができないようだ)

Steve Miwa @dekabudou

@DrKevinGray You can't read japanese? Look at yahoo comments of any news related korea,99% are negative. Your saying right`s narrative is all japanese?

2023-03-15 04:45:08
Anti_LibeGlobal @AGlobalism

@DrKevinGray It is one of the three pillars of South Korea's founding principles, i.e., the Constitution: prostitutes, migrant workers, and defamation of the Rising Sun. twitter.com/Byungheonkim2/…

2023-03-15 06:48:04
國史正立 金柄憲 @Byungheonkim2

본 조형물은 증오심을 유발하는 혐오시설입니다. 조속한 철거 바랍니다. - 2023. 3. 7. 세종호수공원 소녀위안부상 pic.twitter.com/NweXAPkCuk

2023-03-15 04:10:17
Mack Ramseyer , not the Prof. at Harvard Univ. @LAktwndOzCaWxNd

@DrKevinGray @aino87445630 Since you likely read English, PLS read the English report describing the economic of the Korean Peninsula in 1907. Don't copy and paste from WIKIPEDIA like a newspaper reporter. Use sources be as close to primary sources as possible. archive.org/details/admini…

2023-03-15 14:08:38
黒田誠司 @tarmVEQKf97BxQ3

@DrKevinGray @aino87445630 I know you are a liar Korean. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

2023-03-15 17:20:51
anti-communism @anticom00517232

@DrKevinGray washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/…く韓国の大統領が韓国にとって都合のいい発言をしたとき、「韓国の大統領は何を都合のいいことを言っているのか?」と批判するtweetを見かけます。

2023-03-15 17:28:44
anti-communism @anticom00517232

@DrKevinGray washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/… この記事に書かれていることは日韓併合時不利益を被った両班(特に親中派の両班、身分制度の廃止で平民になった)、人身売買の禁止で人身売買が出来なくなった人身売買業者が日本を恨み日本への復讐のために作られた作り話。

2023-03-15 17:43:45
anti-communism @anticom00517232

@DrKevinGray 少数民族Jは世界の各所に民族間の紛争の種を植えて世界を支配するのが得意です。 少数民族Jは日本と朝鮮、日本と中国が仲良くしないように離間の種を植えています。 米国が少数民族の支配から解放されない限り日本と朝鮮、日本と中国の間に作り出された問題は解決することはありません。

2023-03-15 18:21:39
新NoMoreLies 通知たまに不調 @274nooomorelies

@DrKevinGray Hi. Please don't blindly accept one side. Germany did an ethnic cleansing & Japan fought against Caucasian in Asia who had been invading & exploiting for years and got rid of them , abolished the rules of exploitation. As for Korea👇 twitter.com/Nooomorelies27…

2023-03-16 20:04:57
New NoMoreLies 壱式 通知不調です @274Nooomorelies

@narehatemhk @GrothendieckMax @gaegatielsodeu1 Japan annexed Korea at the request of Korea, rather than destroying its culture, built schools, educated its people in its own language, Hangul, and various other knowledge, and developed infrastructure. Japan increased Korea's population & life expectancy twitter.com/Nooomorelies27…

2022-09-30 15:00:17



Dahye Yoo (Emilia) @emilia_Y1991

@DrKevinGray They were a mob of ramblers, whose arguments brutally failed to hold water.

2023-03-15 21:46:18
낙화유수 ITZY-FallenFlowerOnWater @Fallenfloweronw

@Jp1HhMf777 You know N. Korea has nukes and I think South too! But Kim has said as much that he will not hesitate to use them on Japs! I truly believe it! And it will cause destruction like you have never seen before. More powerful than Hiro. pic.twitter.com/FuwpMsAxWF

2023-03-15 03:03:06
낙화유수 ITZY-FallenFlowerOnWater @Fallenfloweronw

@DrKevinGray I am anti-Japan not because they annexed Korea for 36 years. No, I am anti-Japan because they have never truly acknowledged crimes they've committed. They are narrow-minded little monkeys! My grandfather, who fought against Japs told me he sadly blamed weak Korea more than Japs.

2023-03-14 23:12:37
혹시 당신 이상한 내용을 보고 계시죠? @exinum0457

@DrKevinGray I thought it would end with Park Geun-hye, but with the appearance of Yoon Seok-yeol in Korea, I felt that it was an unfinished problem.

2023-03-15 22:16:12


  • 아이고 교수님 고생 많으십니다. 뭔일인가 찾아보니 꽤 심각했군요. 일본 극우는 진짜 행실이 저급하네요. 이렇게까지 욕보이다니. 치가 떨립니다.

  • あいご先生に苦労しています。 何か探してみるとかなり深刻でしたね。 日本極右は本当の行為が低級ですね。 こんなまで欲望だなんて。 歯が震えます。

  • 공감합니다  共感します

  • 노재팬 불매운동ノジャパン不買運動
    - 거짓 선동에 외국인까지 ... ㅉㅉㅉ偽の扇動に外国人まで…ㅉㅉㅉ

  • 이게 국빈 대접이냐??これは国賓のおもてなしですか?

cglove @ldteapot

@DrKevinGray 아이고 교수님 고생 많으십니다. 뭔일인가 찾아보니 꽤 심각했군요. 일본 극우는 진짜 행실이 저급하네요. 이렇게까지 욕보이다니. 치가 떨립니다.

2023-03-15 23:56:00
Joshua Choi 🇰🇷 @cmpkorea

@DrKevinGray 거짓 선동에 외국인까지 ... ㅉㅉㅉ

2023-03-17 00:11:08
Hyun-Seung Lee @LeeHyunSeung85

@DrKevinGray Don’t be manipulated by the SK far-left propaganda. pic.twitter.com/M2fY4RA4gy

2023-03-17 01:47:44
