
なぜかおすすめタブで流れてきたので放流。元ツイート主の発言を見ると米っぽい。 万が一ご存じの方がいたらいいかなって


The Dapper Platypus @NoWayRay2020

Struggling Hist Fantasy Author - (@JRSolomonAuthor - Writing Acct) Married GenX (Pronouns Old Dude)- 50ish Word/math/history/coding nerd. #Steelers #SFGiants

Ray @NoWayRay2020

Happy Sunday Twits, I need help to solve a puzzle. My best friend owns a used book store and following an estate sale came to own two cards taken from a fallen Japanese soldier during WW2. He would like help finding the owners family. pic.twitter.com/eVNPeUiEEW

2023-12-10 23:55:24
Ray @NoWayRay2020

Please put on blast to anyone who might help translate. I have the reverse sides as well.

2023-12-10 23:56:09

ハッピーサンデーツイッツ、パズルを解くのに助けが必要です。 私の親友は古本屋を経営しており、不動産売却の後、第二次世界大戦中に戦死した日本兵から奪った2枚のカードを所有するようになりました。 彼は主の家族を見つけるのを手伝ってほしいと思っています。

翻訳を手伝ってくれそうな人に大声で伝えてください。 裏側も持ってます



大層朝夕寒くなりましたね 相変わらず軍務多忙と存じます。呉〃も身大切にご奉公の程 僕も相変わらず舞廠で懸命です 今は靖国の例祭で家に帰って居ります ????も皆元気で安心の程  辨太も11月で無事任官する事と思います 舞鶴気付軍艦名取十一分隊に居ります 僕もいつも出会います おまえの分隊に僕と下宿に一緒にいた浦田勝英君も同じ分隊とのことです あったらよろしく伝えて呉れ先は


   野口隊 川勝信夫

前略 其後兄様元気ですか 小生も相変わらず元気で居ります 過日四日市・大阪の姉様と達者な姿を拝見して楽しく送りました
留守宅も皆元気で暮らしている様子です 八木の兄も度々手伝った様で 取り入れも大分終えたと便りがありました お互いに体に注意してご奉公いたしませう 次の元気なニュースを待っております ではまた後日にて

JD @found_a_lock_in

@NoWayRay2020 @almurray Would sending them to / contacting the Japanese embassy help?

2023-12-11 05:22:02
Ray @NoWayRay2020

@found_a_lock_in @almurray Contacting the embassy is an excellent suggestion. I will pass that along.

2023-12-11 05:23:33

大使館に連絡することは素晴らしい提案です。 それを伝えておきます。

aha813 @aha813

情報をお持ちの方に このtweetが届きますように。 twitter.com/NoWayRay2020/s…

2023-12-11 19:50:44



イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 Although the recipients are different, both are private letters addressed to the Naval Gunnery School in Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture. The postmark '18' indicates that these were sent in 1943. The information about the school is in Japanese. chiba-muse.or.jp/SCIENCE/sanko/…

2023-12-12 03:55:34
リンク www.chiba-muse.or.jp 085
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 first letter 館山海軍砲術學校 太田分隊 砂野敏治殿 京都府与謝郡三河内 廣井平一郎 Tateyama Naval Gunnery School Ota Branch Mr. Sunano TOSHIHARU (Receiver) Mikawachi, Yosa District, Kyoto Prefecture Hirai HEIICHIRO (sender)

2023-12-12 04:04:55
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 Mr. Hiroi is either a benchmate or a relative of Mr. Sunano. Mr. Hiroi works at the Maizuru Arsenal. A mutual friend of theirs has recently been commissioned and is said to be on board the light cruiser Natori.

2023-12-12 04:12:31
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 Mr. Hiroi says that there is an acquaintance of Mr. Sunano's at brunch, so please give him his regards. I can't read some of the characters because it's written in cursive characters, but this is roughly what it says.

2023-12-12 04:13:33
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 2st letter 千葉縣  館山海軍砲術學校太田分隊 川勝貞治殿 三重縣鈴鹿郡川崎村 明野陸軍飛行學校北伊勢分教場    野口隊 川勝信夫 (same as 1st) Mr.Kawakatsu SADAHARU Kawasaki Vil.,Suzuka District,Mie Pref. Akeno Army Flying School Kitaise Branch School Noguchi Team Kawakatsu NOBUO

2023-12-12 04:21:23
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 The sender, Mr. Nobuo, is Mr. Sadaharu's younger brother. Mr. Nobuo told that their sister had visited him and was doing well. He wrote that their house was safe and that the rice harvest had been completed, and that he was waiting for a reply.

2023-12-12 04:28:29
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 I don't have a good idea of how to find their family. As for Mr. Sunano, there are no clues about his address, so I think the only option is to look into Gunnery School. Mr. Hiroi's address is near Maizuru Naval Base, which may not be his hometown.

2023-12-12 04:46:58
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 Both Kawakatsu brothers were in the service, and their true addresses are not listed in the letters. I think the only option is to check through one of the schools.

2023-12-12 04:49:40
Ray @NoWayRay2020

@col_W1 This is WONDERFUL!! Thank you so much!!

2023-12-12 04:47:54
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1

@NoWayRay2020 It's My Pleasure. I'm using Google Translate, so there may be some mistakes in English.

2023-12-12 04:51:54
イベ茶だけ提督 @col_W1


2023-12-12 05:16:55