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まとめ 1/26 国際司法裁判所(ICJ)、南アフリカ 対 イスラエル事件(ガザ地区のジェノサイド条約適用要求事件)でイスラ.. まとめました。 例によって、被ブロックアカウントの発言は、URLのみ引用しています。これは著作権法で認められた権利です。 https://help.togetter.com/contact_01 まとめられたご自身の発言を削除したい場合は、お手数ですが上記URLの方法でお願いします。 うまく行かない場合、あるいは被ブロックなどで上記の方法で削除出来ない場合は、まとめ内などで削除対象を摘示頂ければ当方で削除します。 2084 pv 6


Prime Minister of Israel @IsraeliPM

The Prime Minister's Office: It is impossible to achieve the goal of the war of eliminating Hamas by leaving four Hamas battalions in Rafah. On the contrary, it is clear that intense activity in Rafah requires that civilians evacuate the areas of combat.

2024-02-10 00:40:20
Prime Minister of Israel @IsraeliPM

Therefore, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the IDF and the security establishment to submit to the Cabinet a combined plan for evacuating the population and destroying the battalions.

2024-02-10 00:40:20
リンク Wikipedia ラファフ ラファフまたはラファ(アラビア語:رفح, Rafaḥ)市は、パレスチナのガザ地区南端ラファフ県の県都。エジプトとの国境にラファ検問所がある。 2015年の国勢調査では人口は約17万人だった(ラファフ難民キャンプを除く)。2023年パレスチナ・イスラエル戦争では、戦火から逃れるためガザ地区全域から国内避難民が流入した。 現代アラビア語による現地名はラファフ(رَفَحٌ, Rafaḥ)。中世のアラビア語資料では現代と同じラファフ(رَفَحٌ, Rafaḥ)ないしは2字目が母音aを伴わないラフフ(رَفْ



NEWS: on 12 February 2024, South Africa submitted an “urgent request for additional measures under Article 75 (1)” of the Rules of Court in connection with the “developing circumstances in Rafah” in the case #SouthAfrica v. #Israel before the #ICJ tinyurl.com/wajhp3tv pic.twitter.com/Vup8uIKP0o

2024-02-14 03:38:07

NEWS: on 15 February 2024, Israel submitted to the #ICJ its observations on the request for additional measures made by South Africa under Article 75 (1) of the Rules of Court in the case #SouthAfrica v. #Israel tinyurl.com/yr4b9yue pic.twitter.com/opM6JTVZpG

2024-02-16 03:06:55

PRESS RELEASE: the #ICJ issues its decision on South Africa’s request for additional provisional measures in the case of Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (#SouthAfrica v. #Israel) tinyurl.com/59uutfe8 pic.twitter.com/KLIMOD69uo

2024-02-17 04:46:57



#SONA2024 | Presidency 🇿🇦 @PresidencyZA

The South African Government has made an urgent request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to consider whether the decision announced by Israel to extend its military operations in Rafah, which is the last refuge for surviving people in Gaza, requires that the court uses its power to prevent further imminent breach of the rights of Palestinians in Gaza. tinyurl.com/3afw2ms2

2024-02-13 21:50:15
Clayson Monyela @ClaysonMonyela

#SouthAfrica🇿🇦 will keep knocking at the doors of these institutions of global governance in defence of humanity. The wanton killing of innocent civilians MUST stop! x.com/CIJ_ICJ/status…

2024-02-14 05:06:04
Clayson Monyela @ClaysonMonyela

#SouthAfrica🇿🇦 welcomes this @CIJ_ICJ decision. The court has affirmed our view that the perilous situation demands immediate & effective implementation of the provisional measures indicated by the Court in its Order of 26 January 2024 which are applicable throughout the #GazaStrip & has clarified that this includes #Rafah. The court notes "that the most recent developments in the Gaza Strip & in Rafah in particular, 'would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences'

2024-02-17 05:00:54
#SONA2024 | Presidency 🇿🇦 @PresidencyZA

SOUTH AFRICA WELCOMES ICJ INJUNCTION ON PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS IN RAFAH, GAZA The Republic of South Africa welcomes the International Court of Justice decision on the recent Article 75 application. The court affirms our view that the perilous situation demands immediate and effective implementation of the provisional measures indicated by the Court in its Order of 26 January 2024, which are applicable throughout the Gaza Strip, and has clarified that this includes Rafah. The court decision has noted the "that the most recent developments in the Gaza Strip, and in Rafah in particular, “would exponentially increase what is already a humanitarian nightmare with untold regional consequences”, as stated by the United Nations Secretary-General (Remarks to the General Assembly on priorities for 2024 (7 February 2024). The court has accepted: 1. That Israel's planned incursions in Rafah would render what is already a humanitarian disaster even more perilous. 2. The situation requires compliance with the existing provisional measures. 3. Compliance with the existing provisional measures requires the protection of civilians in Gaza including Rafah. The court has unequivocally explained that compliance with the existing provisional measures requires Israel to ensure the safety and security of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Any decision by Israel to engage in military activities against Palestinians in the current circumstances is a violation of the order of the International Court of Justice. The Court states in terms: “The Court emphasises that the State of Israel remains bound to fully comply with its obligations under the Genocide Convention and with the said Order, including by ensuring the safety and security of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” South Africa will continue to use existing channels such as the United Nations Security Council to ensure full and effective implementation of the existing provisional measures. ISSUED BY THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

2024-02-17 06:15:28
#SONA2024 | Presidency 🇿🇦 @PresidencyZA

🇿🇦His Excellency President @CyrilRamaphosa in a bilateral meeting with 🇵🇸His Excellency Prime Minister Shtayyeh of the State of #Palestine ahead of the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the @_AfricanUnion. During the meeting the Prime Minister expressed gratitude for South Africa’s support for the Palestinian cause, particularly the role played by South Africa as it presented its case against #Israel for carrying out a genocide against the people of Gaza to the @CIJ_ICJ #AUSummit #ICJGenocideConvention

2024-02-17 15:25:48



ParsTodayJapanese【公式】 @ParstodayJ

南アフリカはICJ・国際司法裁判所に対し、ラファの🇵🇸#パレスチナ人 保護に向けた新たな緊急措置及び、イスラエルによるラファ攻撃の阻止を目的とした介入を要請しました。👇 parstoday.ir/ja/news/middle… #RafahMassacre #RafahUnderAttack #IsraelWarCriminal pic.twitter.com/MIh4qs4chk

2024-02-14 18:57:56


UN Palestinian Rights Committee @UNISPAL

🚨 The International Court of Justice emphasizes that "Israel remains bound to 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 with its obligations under the Genocide Convention and with the said Order, including by ensuring the safety and security of the Palestinians in Gaza" ⤵️ x.com/CIJ_ICJ/status…

2024-02-17 05:34:44
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