ベルリンで開催された「パレスチナ会議」が警察により強制的に停止 ラファ攻撃に反対していた「ユダヤ人」を拘束

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よしぼ~ @yocibou

独ベルリン・テンペルホーフで金曜日に開催された『パレスチナ会議』を警察が暴力的に解散させたことを受け、金曜夜、同会議も土曜、日曜の開催を中止すると発表した。 pic.twitter.com/QlrottTrIQ x.com/jungewelt/stat…

2024-04-13 06:50:36
junge Welt @jungewelt

Nach dem gewaltsamen Abbruch des in Berlin-Tempelhof veranstalteten Palästina-Kongresses durch die Polizei hat diese am Freitag abend ein Verbot der Veranstaltung auch für das Wochenende verkündet. #b1204 jungewelt.de/artikel/473879…

2024-04-13 03:16:45
よしぼ~ @yocibou

『パレスチナ会議』 金曜日の夕刻にベルリン・テンペルホーフでイベントが始まった。 午後5時24分、説明もなく警察はイベントの解散を命じた。 pic.twitter.com/vn8F4GTTNr x.com/jungewelt/stat…

2024-04-13 06:52:51
junge Welt @jungewelt

Nach monatelanger Kampagne gegen die Veranstalter und die Inhalte des Kongresses hat die Veranstaltung am Freitag nachmittag in Berlin-Tempelhof begonnen. Um 17.24 Uhr erklärte die Polizei die Veranstaltung per Durchsage für aufgelöst. Ohne Begründung. jungewelt.de/artikel/473230…

2024-04-13 03:00:01
ブブ・ド・ラ・マドレーヌ🍉 @bubu_de_la_ma

「ドイツ警察がパレスチナ会議の外でユダヤ人活動家を逮捕する様子をご覧ください。警察は『ユダヤ人は虐殺に反対』と書かれたプラカードを掲げていたため@JSNahostメンバーを逮捕しました。」 x.com/redstreamnet/s…

2024-04-13 07:04:50
red. @redstreamnet

Watch German police arrest a Jewish activist outside the Palestine Congress. Police seized @JSNahost member for holding a sign that read: "Jew Against Genocide." pic.twitter.com/wNcrzyLmGl

2024-04-13 02:03:03
T T @un__ki

ドイツ警察がベルリンの会場に押し入ってパレスチナ会議を解散させたため(1930 年代風)、私はこのスピーチを行うことができませんでした。 警察が以下の言葉を禁止しているドイツがどのような社会になりつつあるか、あなた自身で判断してください。 友達、 脅迫にも、会場の外の厳重な警察にも x.com/yanisvaroufaki…

2024-04-13 07:31:30
Yanis Varoufakis @yanisvaroufakis

The speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style). Judge for yourselves the kind of society Germany is becoming when its police bans the following words: Friends, Congratulations, and heartfelt thanks, for being here, despite the threats, despite the ironclad police outside this venue, despite the panoply of the German press, despite the German state, despite the German political system that demonises you for being here. “Why a Palestinian Congress, Mr Varoufakis?”, a German journalist asked me recently? Because, as Hanan Asrawi once said: “We cannot rely on the silenced to tell us about their suffering.” Today, Asrawi’s reason has grown depressingly stronger: Because we cannot rely on the silenced who are also massacred and starved to tell us about the massacres and the starvation. But there is another reason too: Because a proud, a decent people, the people of Germany, are led down a perilous road to a heartless society by being made to associate themselves with another genocide carried out in their name, with their complicity. I am neither Jewish nor Palestinian. But I am incredibly proud to be here amongst Jews and Palestinians – to blend my voice for Peace and Universal Human Rights with Jewish Voices for Peace and Universal Human Rights – with Palestinian Voices for Peace and Universal Human Rights. Being together, here, today, is proof that Coexistence is Not Only Possible – but that it is here! Already. “Why not a Jewish Congress, Mr Varoufakis?”, the same German journalist asked me, imagining that he was being smart. I welcomed his question. For if a single Jew is threatened, anywhere, just because she or he is Jewish, I shall wear the star of David on my lapel and offer my solidarity - whatever the cost, whatever it takes. So, let’s be clear: If Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish Congress in which to register our solidarity. Similarly, when Palestinians are massacred because they are Palestinians – under a dogma that to be dead they must have been Hamas – I shall wear my keffiyeh and offer my solidarity whatever the cost, whatever it takes. Universal Human Rights are either universal or they mean nothing. With this in mind, I answered the German journalist’s question with a few of my own: · Are 2 million Israeli Jews, who were thrown out of their homes and into an open air prison 80 years ago, still being kept in that open air prison, without access to the outside world, with minimal food and water, no chance of a normal life, of travelling anywhere, and bombed periodically for 80 years? No. · Are Israeli Jews being starved intentionally by an army of occupation, their children writhing on the floor, screaming from hunger? No. · Are there thousands of Jewish injured children no surviving parents crawling through the rubble of what used to be their homes? No. · Are Israeli Jews being bombed by the world’s most sophisticated planes and bombs today? No. · Are Israeli Jews experiencing complete ecocide of what little land they can still call their own, not one tree left under which to seek shade or whose fruit to taste? No. · Are Israeli Jewish children killed by snipers today at the orders of a member-state of the UN? No. · Are Israeli Jews driven out of their homes by armed gangs today? No. · Is Israel fighting for its existence today? No. If the answer to any of these questions was yes, I would be participating in a Jewish Solidarity Congress today. Friends, Today, we would have loved to have a decent, democratic, mutually-respectful debate on how to bring Peace and Universal Human Rights for everyone, Jews and Palestinians, Bedouins and Christians, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea with people who think differently to us. Sadly, the whole of the German political system has decided not to allow this. In a joint statement including not just the CDU-CSU or the FDP but also the SPD, the Greens and, remarkably, two leaders of Die Linke, joined forces to ensure that such a civilised debate, in which we may disagree agreeably, never takes place in Germany. I say to them: You want to silence us. To ban us. To demonise us. To accuse us. You, therefore, leave us with no choice but to meet your accusations with our accusations. You chose this. Not us. · You accuse us of anti-Semitic hatred o We accuse you of being the antisemite’s best friend by equating the right of Israel to commit war crimes with the right of Israeli Jews to defend themselves. · You accuse us of supporting terrorism o We accuse you of equating legitimate resistance to an Apartheid State with atrocities against civilians which I have always and will always condemn, whomever commits them – Palestinians, Jewish Settlers, my own family, whomever. o We accuse you of not recognising the duty of the people of Gaza to tear down the Wall of the open prison they have been encased in for 80 years – and of equating this act of tearing down the Wall of Shame – which is no more defensible than the Berlin Wall was – with acts of terror. · You accuse us of trivialising Hamas’ October 7th terror o We accuse you of trivialising the 80 years of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and the erection of an ironclad Apartheid system across Israel-Palestine. o We accuse you of trivialising Netanyahu’s long-term support of Hamas as a means of destroying the 2-State Solution that you claim to favour. o We accuse you of trivialising the unprecedented terror unleashed by the Israeli army on the people of Gaza, W. Bank and E. Jerusalem. · You accuse the organisers of today’s Congress that we are, and I quote, “not interested in talking about possibilities for peaceful coexistence in the Middle East against the background of the war in Gaza”. Are you serious? Have you lost your mind? o We accuse you of supporting a German state that is, after the United States, the largest supplier of the weapons that the Netanyahu government uses to massacre Palestinians as part of a Grand Plan to make a 2-State solution, and peaceful coexistence between Jews and Palestinians, impossible. o We accuse you of never answering the pertinent question that every German must answer: How much Palestinian blood must flow before your, justified, guilt over the Holocaust is washed away? So, let’ s be clear: We are here, in Berlin, with our Palestinian Congress because, unlike the German political system and the German media, we condemn genocide and war crimes regardless of who is perpetrating them. Because we oppose Apartheid in the land of Israel-Palestine no matter who has the upper hand – just as we opposed Apartheid in the American South or in South Africa. Because we stand for universal human rights, freedom and equality among Jews, Palestinians, Bedouins and Christians in the Ancient Land of Palestine. And so that we are even clearer on the questions, legitimate and malignant, that we must always be ready to answer: Do I condemn Hamas’ atrocities? I condemn every single atrocity, whomever is the perpetrator or the victim. What I do notcondemn is armed resistance to an Apartheid system designed as part of a slow-burning, but inexorable, ethnic cleansing program. Put differently, I condemn every attack on civilians while, at the same time, I celebrate anyone who risks their life to TEAR DOWN THE WALL. Is Israel not engaged in a war for its very existence? No, it is not. Israel is a nuclear-armed state with perhaps the most technologically advanced army in the world and the panoply of the US military machine having its back. There is no symmetry with Hamas, a group which can cause serious damage to Israelis but which has no capacity whatsoever to defeat Israel’s military, or even to prevent Israel from continuing to implement the slow genocide of Palestinians under the system of Apartheid that has been erected with long-standing US and EU support. Are Israelis not justified to fear that Hamas wants to exterminate them? Of course they are! Jews have suffered a Holocaust that was preceded with pogroms and a deep-seated antisemitism permeating Europe and the Americas for centuries. It is only natural that Israelis live in fear of a new pogrom if the Israeli army folds. However, by imposing Apartheid on their neighbours, by treating them like sub-humans, the Israeli state is stoking the fires of antisemitism, is strengthening Palestinians and Israelis who just want to annihilate each other and, in the end, contributes to the awful insecurity consuming Jews in Israel and the Diaspora. Apartheid against the Palestinians is the Israelis’ worst self-defence. What about antisemitism? It is always a clear and present danger. And it must be eradicated, especially amongst the ranks of the Global Left and the Palestinians fighting for Palestinian civil liberties –around the world. Why don’t Palestinians pursue their objectives by peaceful means? They did. The PLO recognised Israel and renounced armed struggle. And what did they get for it? Absolute humiliation and systematic ethnic cleansing. That is what nurtured Hamas and elevated it the eyes of many Palestinians as the only alternative to a slow genocide under Israel’s Apartheid. What should be done now? What might bring Peace to Israel-Palestine? · An immediate ceasefire. · The release of all hostages: Hamas’ and the thousands held by Israel. · A Peace Process, under the UN, supported by a commitment by the International Community to end Apartheid and to safeguard Equal Civil Liberties for All. · As for what must replace Apartheid, it is up to Israelis and Palestinians to decide between the 2-state solution and the solution of a Single Federal Secular State. Friends, We are here because vengeance is a lazy form of grief. We are here to promote not vengeance but Peace and Coexistence across Israel-Palestine. We are here to tell German democrats, including our former comrades of Die Linke, that they have covered themselves in shame long enough – that two wrongs do not one right make – that allowing Israel to get away with war crimes is not going to ameliorate the legacy of Germany’s crimes against the Jewish People. Beyond today’s Congress, we have a duty, in Germany, to change the conversation. We have a duty to persuade the vast majority of decent Germans out there that universal human rights is what matters. That Never Again means Never Again. For anyone, Jew, Palestinian, Ukrainian, Russian, Yemeni, Sudanese, Rwandan – for everyone, everywhere. In this context, I am pleased to announce that DiEM25’s German political party MERA25 will be on the ballot paper in the European Parliament election this coming June – seeking the vote of German humanists who crave a Member of European Parliament representing Germany and calling out the EU’s complicity in genocide – a complicity that is Europe’s greatest gift to the antisemites in Europe and beyond. I salute you all and suggest we never forget that none of us are free if one of us is in chains.

2024-04-13 01:33:56
Rii🫒🍉🇵🇸🇸🇾🇾🇪 @nightfall_69

ドイツが本当にナチスの時代に逆行している気がする。言論統制やユダヤ人に対する弾圧が続き、パレスチナ会議に登壇予定であったガッサン・アブ・シッタ博士を空港で拘束し入国を拒否。こうまでしてガザの病院で働く医師としての証言を世間に出したく無いのか。🇩🇪はジェノサイドの共犯者となるのか。 x.com/x_atara_303/st…

2024-04-13 07:48:49
Aka @x_Atara_303

@GermanyinBerlin #今日のベルリン です。 「ジェノサイドに反対するユダヤ人」と書かれたバナーを持ったユダヤ人が逮捕された。 有識者が多く登壇するパレスチナ会議を警察が包囲。会場に入れないようにする中、ユダヤ人に対する弾圧が続きます。 pic.twitter.com/Ux1p6o6lp5

2024-04-12 22:52:10
Ayumi @AyumiKimurin

ドイツに入国を拒否されたガッサン・アブシッタ医師(英グラスゴー大学学長) 3時間半尋問されただけでなく、他の国からオンラインでベルリンのパレスチナ会議に講演するのは「犯罪」と言われたそうだ 「ガザで起きているジェノサイドの目撃者を封じ」、自分の弁明ばかりする姿はギャングと同じと糾弾 x.com/MiddleEastEye/…

2024-04-13 07:50:10
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

In an exclusive interview with Middle East Eye, Ghassan Abu Sittah, a British-Palestinian doctor who has become known for his work in Gaza, detailed how he was detained at an airport in Germany and subsequently denied entry. Abu Sittah wanted to attend a conference where he would present evidence on the war in Gaza and his witness statement as a doctor working in its hospitals.

2024-04-13 04:56:58
安田菜津紀 Dialogue for People @NatsukiYasuda

この取材にも声を届けてくれた人たちが関わるベルリンでのパレスチナ会議。昨日、会場を警官が取り囲んで入場を阻み、「ジェノサイドに抗議するユダヤ人」と掲げたユダヤ人を拘束。ガザ出身で英国市民権を持つ医師が、ガザでの医療活動の報告を行う予定が、入国拒否に。どうなっていくんだドイツ。 x.com/NatsukiYasuda/…

2024-04-13 09:13:03
安田菜津紀 Dialogue for People @NatsukiYasuda

ドイツのショルツ首相は、イスラエルの安全が「国是」だと語り、軍事支援を増強。ジェノサイドに抗う市民の逮捕や排除が相次ぎ、パレスチナに連帯するユダヤ人たちに、ドイツの公権力によって「反ユダヤ主義」のレッテルが貼られる。ドイツ社会で何が?取材報告です▶ youtube.com/watch?v=ncemDU… #D4P pic.twitter.com/5tpgNXcLhY

2024-04-02 06:57:00
安田菜津紀 Dialogue for People @NatsukiYasuda

パレスチナ会議を警察が強制的に潰す行為を、「イスラム主義者の現場の監視」にすり替える連邦内務大臣。この会議の中心はシオニズムに抗うユダヤ人団体でもあり、そのユダヤ人たちも拘束されている。公権力者自らレッテル貼りと差別を扇動している。 twitter.com/BMI_Bund/statu…

2024-04-13 09:19:31
Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat @BMI_Bund

"Es ist gut, dass die Berliner Polizei ein hartes Durchgreifen beim sogenannten Palästina-Kongress in Berlin angekündigt hat. Wir behalten die islamistische Szene sehr eng im Visier." #Palaestinakongress Bundesinnenministerin @NancyFaeser morgenpost.de/berlin/article…

2024-04-12 21:38:45
songcunzhizhi1 @songcunzhizhi1

@GermanyinJapan パレスチナ会議を警察が妨害して、ユダヤ人を含む逮捕者が出ているそうです。 平和的な集会を妨害して、殺戮と略奪を続けるイスラエル政府を支援するというドイツ政府の在り方には、全く同意出来ません。

2024-04-13 09:49:35
Sabor @SaborSabole

ファシズムの復活である。 "ドイツは、イベント開始から2時間も経たないうちにベルリンでのパレスチナ会議を中止した。 数百人の私服警官が議会に突入し、電気を遮断し、少なくとも1人を逮捕した。" x.com/trtworld/statu…

2024-04-13 10:17:55
TRT World @trtworld

Germany shuts down Palestine conference in Berlin less than two hours after the beginning of the event. Hundreds of plain clothes police officers storm the Congress, cutting the electricity and arresting at least one person pic.twitter.com/Urb9Oy64mv

2024-04-13 10:00:24
Sabor @SaborSabole

万国共通だな "正式に「解散」されたベルリンのパレスチナ会議で、警察がユダヤ人のイベント主催者を逮捕した。理由を聞かれても答えられない。" x.com/tarek_bae/stat…

2024-04-13 10:42:25
Tarek Baé @Tarek_Bae

Die Polizei führt beim Palästina Kongress in Berlin, der amtlich „aufgelöst“ wurde einen jüdischen Veranstaltungsorganisator ab. Auf Nachfrage wird kein Grund angegeben. pic.twitter.com/MixS9khVAB

2024-04-13 00:46:00
Soramite @SoraAoi43462587


2024-04-13 10:48:18
いわぴ @iwp_httyou

ドイツ警察は親パレスチナ会議に突入し、ライブ配信を中止させた。 この集会では、ドイツからのイスラエルへの武器輸送や、パレスチナ闘争と呼ぶものへの連帯など、さまざまな議題について話し合う予定だった。 x.com/hebh_jamal/sta…

2024-04-13 11:12:50
Hebh Jamal @hebh_jamal

Berlin police just canceled the entire Palestine Congress. I was the only speaker that successfully finished a speech. Salman Abu Sitta was cut off after 1 minute. Our livestream ended and electricity cut off. This is Germany. pic.twitter.com/07NUCpownv

2024-04-13 00:31:47
50% @_50percent

また1つ、狂ったドイツ人の標本。 内務大臣 ナンシー・フェーザー曰く「ベルリン警察がパレスチナ会議なる物へ強く対応する事は正しいし必要だ。ユダヤ人に対する嫌悪やイスラム主義的プロパガンダは許しておけない。」 1/2 @GermanyinJapan #WeWillRememberGermanGenocides x.com/NancyFaeser/st…

2024-04-13 11:16:42
Nancy Faeser @NancyFaeser

Es ist richtig und notwendig, dass die Berliner Polizei hart durchgreift beim sogenannten Palästina-Kongress. Wir dulden keine islamistische Propaganda und keinen Hass gegen Jüdinnen und Juden. x.com/polizeiberlin_…

2024-04-13 03:17:02
Kanayama Kohei #CeasefireNOW #FreePalestine @koheikana

「本日ドイツにて ・警察はベルリンでの親パレスチナ会議で活動家を逮捕した ・ドイツは、ガザへのボランティア活動に参加した外科医のガッサン・アブ・シッタ医師を国外追放した。彼が参加して経験を語るのを阻止するためである。」 x.com/Timesofgaza/st…

2024-04-13 11:19:47
TIMES OF GAZA @Timesofgaza

Earlier Today in Germany: • Police arrested activists at a pro-Palestine conference in Berlin • Germany deported Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a surgeon who served on a voluntary mission to Gaza, in an attempt to prevent him from attending & sharing his experience pic.twitter.com/75M2c6bk4B

2024-04-13 08:40:18
微笑みよる子 @Yoru_stern

ドイツほんまナチ時代と根本的なところ何も変わってないな。大体パレスチナ会議を警察が強制終了させたとか何の権限があってそんなことできるんだよ。ガザ地区の現状を報告することすら許されないという言論の自由のなさが恐ろしいし何でそこまでガザ地区の現状を広められることを恐れてるんだ? x.com/soga_taichi/st…

2024-04-13 11:25:31
曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム @soga_taichi

ドイツ、本当に大丈夫か。ガザ出身で現在は英国市民権を持ち、医師としては各地の紛争地で働き、10月7日以降、ガザの病院で治療に当たっていたアブシッタ医師が、ベルリンでの会議に出席し、ガザでの医療活動について報告しようとしたところ、入国を拒否されたとのこと。 x.com/ghassanabusitt…

2024-04-13 01:30:42
古池空子 No War!No Base! @wkoik1102

ベルリン警察はパレスチナ会議全体を中止しました。スピーチを無事に終えることができたのは私だけでした。 サルマン・アブ・シッタは1分後に切断されました。私たちのライブストリームは終了し、電気も止まりました。 ここはドイツです。 x.com/hebh_jamal/sta…

2024-04-13 11:27:28
いわぴ @iwp_httyou

10月のガザの病院でボランティア活動をしていた英国系パレスチナ人の外科医はこの親パレスチナ会議に参加する予定だったが、入国審査で拒否されイギリスに帰国した。 x.com/middleeasteye/…

2024-04-13 11:27:56
★**★..happy★**★.. @0712happy1214

元祖ナチス国家のドイツ政府は「ナチス精神は未だ健在」を自ら証明し、ユダヤの代わりにパレスチナ&イスラムを絶賛迫害中 >ドイツ警察はパレスチナ会議を閉鎖した 彼らはユダヤ人活動家を逮捕した 英国系パレスチナ人外科医の入国を禁止した ドイツはこうやってその卑猥な過去を償えると考えている x.com/OwenJones84/st…

2024-04-13 11:44:52
Owen Jones @OwenJones84

The German police have shut down the Palestine Congress. They've arrested Jewish activists. They've banned a British-Palestinian surgeon from entering the country. This is how Germany thinks it can make amends for its obscene past. x.com/_amroali/statu…

2024-04-13 04:57:21
C🕊🇵🇸🕊 @tabibito_C_

@GermanyinJapan パレスチナ会議を禁止するなんて何をやっているんですか。ジェノサイドを止めることがあなた方の役目でしょう。イスラエルを止めなさい。それは反ユダヤ主義ではない。ジェノサイドを繰り返す手助けをすることが反ユダヤ主義です

2024-04-13 12:50:55
TPMはBIOSからFIDO @tpmbiosfidorss

パレスチナ会議の最新情報: ドイツ警察が会議のステージに突入し、ライブ配信を遮断した。 レッドメディアは、30~40人の警察官が議事堂に入り、主催者に撮影をやめるよう要求した現場にいます。私たちの取材班は、警察が会場の照明と電気を消したと伝えています。 x.com/redstreamnet/s…

2024-04-13 12:54:39
red. @redstreamnet

PALESTINE CONGRESS UPDATE: German police have stormed the stage of the congress and shut down the livestream. red. media is at the scene where 30-40 police officers entered the congress hall and demanded organizers stop filming. Our team reports that police have now shut off the lights and electricity in the venue. 🟡 More updates coming. Stay tuned @redstreamnet

2024-04-12 23:46:21
kskao @kskao1

ドイツ警察がパレスチナ会議の外でユダヤ人活動家を逮捕する様子をご覧ください。警察は「ユダヤ人は虐殺に反対」と書かれたプラカードを掲げていたため @JSNahost メンバーを逮捕しました。 x.com/redstreamnet/s…

2024-04-13 13:10:32
虹子 Nijiko #NOWAR #NONewFascism @precious_nijiko

【大量虐殺の目撃者を黙らせる」:ドイツがガザの戦争外科医を拘束】 - ドイツは、首都ベルリンで開催されたパレスチナ会議に招待されていたパレスチナ人外科医ガッサン・アブ・シッタを拘束した。- presstv.ir/Detail/2024/04…

2024-04-13 15:35:53
Jesus Lord✝️Jesus is coming soon🔥 @jesus97419975


2024-04-13 15:52:41
転蓬 @HDUzaJR8Mv26684

『著名なイギリス系パレスチナ人外科医Ghassan Abu Sittah氏は、ドイツ当局に拘束され、入国を拒否されていると語った。Abu Sittahは金曜日にベルリンで開催されるパレスチナ会議で講演する予定だった』 x.com/MiddleEastEye/…

2024-04-13 15:57:56
Middle East Eye @MiddleEastEye

Prominent British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah said authorities in Germany have detained him and are refusing him entry into the country. Abu Sittah was due to speak at a Palestinian conference in Berlin on Friday pulse.ly/foaydwz6mv

2024-04-12 23:44:51
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