
katsuya @self_agenda

Good morning. I'm studying English after waking up an hour earlier than usual though I'm sleepy. Let's make our this week meaningful!

2012-02-13 07:27:05
Kei(けいさん)@ @kei_team

you are always energetic .RT @self_agenda: Good morning. I'm studying English after waking up an hour earlier than usual though I'm...

2012-02-13 07:30:22
katsuya @self_agenda

@kei_team Thanks! Let's keep on motivating each other through twitter hereafter too!:D

2012-02-13 07:37:12
ひよこばしX @sagaluma

@self_agenda Good morning! I am feeling the same way as you!\(^o^)/

2012-02-13 07:32:40
katsuya @self_agenda

@sagaluma Good morning! It's a good idea to secure our time for study by getting up earlier. Let's go for it!:D

2012-02-13 07:42:17
ASAKO @asakonolimit

@self_agenda I love your energetic tweet!! Hope this week is gonna be wonderful:)

2012-02-13 08:36:16
katsuya @self_agenda

@asakonolimit Thanks for the reply from UK! By the way, how are tastes of British foods? I wonder whether we can adjust ourselves to them :D

2012-02-13 09:29:04
ASAKO @asakonolimit

@self_agenda Well I guess you can enjoy food here. There are not only British food but also many cuisines from overseas!!

2012-02-13 09:41:21
katsuya @self_agenda

@asakonolimit Thanks again! Oh, that information could balloon my dream more to visit England someday! :D

2012-02-13 14:02:20
katsuya @self_agenda

Reading aloud and Listening with Shadowing are effective ways though they are a bit tough. I'm realizing it now.

2012-02-13 08:25:27
katsuya @self_agenda

Not to mention, tweeting in English is very effective way to practice. Especially in the morning, it can activate our English brain.

2012-02-13 09:32:24
さこ @sankimuko

And …,reading your tweets is very instructive for me . Thank you. RT @self_agenda: Not to mention, tweeting in English is very effective...

2012-02-13 09:58:43
katsuya @self_agenda

@sankimuko Thanks! I'm honored to receive such a nice comment. Then I've got to do it on a regular basis. Let's enjoy tweeting in English!:D

2012-02-13 14:11:52
わいおり @waioli501

@self_agenda To be sure,English practice in the morning makes me feel so refreshed! Your comment always motivates me.Thanks.^^

2012-02-13 12:49:48
katsuya @self_agenda

@waioli501 Thanks! Yes, tweeting in English in the morning is a reasonable way because our Japanese ones don't wake up yet.:D

2012-02-13 14:29:27
katsuya @self_agenda

I find myself tweeting in English makes me talky. This chatter seems perpetual. I should stop it before my public image 'shy, collapses...

2012-02-13 09:39:52
katsuya @self_agenda

I've been tweeting almost only in English today. This is a good practice for me to structure English sentences extemporaneously. #twinglish

2012-02-13 20:49:02
katsuya @self_agenda

I think it's desirable to output English freely without hesitation regardless of each level. No need to worry about errors. #twinglish

2012-02-13 20:59:48
J.K @JK230

@self_agenda I agree with you. It is important for us to talk about something without hesitaiton.

2012-02-13 21:14:03
katsuya @self_agenda

@JK230 Thanks! If we can only eliminate our hesitation, we would be able to break a half of the hurdle of English, I think!:D

2012-02-13 22:29:17
森@フリーランスPM @teng416

何かTL上が英語チャットみたいになってて楽しい☆発端は @self_agenda さんっぽい♪英語学習者同士がチャットやれるサイトとかあれば面白そう(^^♪あるのかな???

2012-02-13 21:55:58
ひよこばしX @sagaluma

@yokochan_Y2 @teng416 英語チャット、、、、楽しそうです!

2012-02-13 23:03:06
よこちゃん @yokochan_Y2

.@teng416 頑張ります!サイト名考えないとw。英語チャット部屋ですかー!多分ですが、出来ると思います。分からなければ人に聞いて実装しますw 確かに、面白そうですね!!!!

2012-02-13 22:17:42
katsuya @self_agenda

@yokochan_Y2 @sagaluma @teng416 英語チャットいいですね!Twitterでの会話よりさらに素早く、それこそ英会話のように反応しなけばいけないので、楽しいし、頭で英語の構文を作ることや、ライティング、スピーキングのトレーニングにもなりそうですね^^

2012-02-13 23:55:21
Meg @shiroedge

@self_agenda y横入り失礼します。何だか楽しそうですね〜。

2012-02-14 00:06:14