
katsuya @self_agenda

@mmbleunuit 英語チャット楽しそうですよね~^^Twitterってやっぱり、皆さんが色んなアイデアを持っているので、刺激を受けていいですね!

2012-02-14 00:10:01
katsuya @self_agenda

@teng416 When we tweet in English, our friends also send us replies in English! Communicating with each other in English is a lot of fun!:D

2012-02-13 23:48:14
森@フリーランスPM @teng416

@self_agenda I agree with you.It's good for us to study English:)

2012-02-13 23:58:00
katsuya @self_agenda

When I was reading aloud a love letter for my daughter, my wife blocked me. But I'm fine. Thanks. #twinglish

2012-02-13 21:13:23
タウンビギナー a.k.a 文豪タウン @town_b

@self_agenda Why don't you read aloud love letter to your wife too? She may remove her blocking.

2012-02-13 21:47:37
katsuya @self_agenda

@town_b Thanks for sharing such a great strategy with me! Well, I'd be able to avoid her attack...if I can only have the courage to do so...

2012-02-13 23:44:24
katsuya @self_agenda

【速報】My daughter gave me a chocolate!\(^o^)/

2012-02-14 21:19:52
ひよこばし @sagaluma

@self_agenda R,really?? honmei choco? It must be a wondeful moment to you! and you should return to it at white day!^-^

2012-02-14 21:26:58
ふぃりっぷ/山田裕一朗@Findy代表 @yuichiro826

すごい、Twitterでのやりとりが英語になってますね。@self_agenda: @sagaluma That's right! I'm confident that she will say "I want to marry you."! \(^o^)/”

2012-02-14 22:40:43
katsuya @self_agenda

@yuichiro826 @sagaluma 英語でtweetすると英語で返してくれる方が多くて、とても楽しいし勉強になりますね!

2012-02-15 00:02:25