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AGBT tweets 2012 (2)

gathered tweets with hashtag #AGBT , until around 2012-02-18T13:30 of JST, for personal reference. RTs are removed with the function of this site. Please see the tweets aggregation (1) for day1 and day2 as; http://togetter.com/li/259349
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Orli Bahcall @obahcall

Tom Gingeras on lessons learned from ENCODE and modENCODE #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:40:02
Deanna Church (she/her) @deannachurch

TG: over 51,000 genic regions 40.5% protein coding, over 161,000 transcripts. #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:40:36
Deanna Church (she/her) @deannachurch

TG: genes don't have a single control region- they have multiple. #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:41:56
Illumina @illumina

Gingeras, Lessons learned from complex genomes. 8 transcripts per gene locus more than half are non-coding. #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:42:39
@bffo@mastodon.social BF Francis Ouellette @bffo

RM: fEffects of sequence variation on differential allelic transcription factor occupancy & gene expression. http://t.co/qdAf8OxO #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:42:56
Todd Smith @finchtalk

#AGBT Tom Gingeras on the transcriptomes: the rule, genes have multiple control points. The exception is 1 gene 1 transcript

2012-02-17 23:42:59
Olivier Elemento @ElementoLab

#AGBT Tom Gingeras: it is critical to think that most genes have multiple transcription initiation sites

2012-02-17 23:43:14
Michael Gross @proseandpassion@mastodon.social @michaelgrr

presentation from Oxford @nanopore at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (#AGBT) conf coming up at 11.40am (EST) / 4.40pm (GMT).

2012-02-17 23:43:34
Illumina @illumina

Gingeras: Number of genes increased 41% since 2004, number of transcripts increased 52% since 2008 #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:43:35
Tim Hubbard @timjph

Lots of GRCh37 patches for one! RT @GenomeRef: poster 59 if you're at #AGBT to see what GRC is up to with the reference assembly

2012-02-17 23:43:47
Sumit Middha @bioinfosm

#agbt TG: thats a fun term i learnt 'irreproducibility detection rate IDR'

2012-02-17 23:46:00
Sumit Middha @bioinfosm

#agbt, sorry the term is from TG, but comment is mine :)

2012-02-17 23:46:38
National Human Genome Research Institute @genome_gov

Signing on from the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology Conference in Marco Island, FL. Day 2 of talks. #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:47:13
Illumina @illumina

Gingeras: cellular addresses RNA for localization: cytoplasmic, nuclear (nucleoli, nucleoplasm, chromatin) #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:47:28
Robert West, PhD ✝️ ⚕️#PrecisionMedicine @westr

Would like to hear more about it: RT @iontorrent Rick Myers, Hudson Alpha, shows 114 CpGs associated with response to antibody therapy #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:47:43
Olivier Elemento @ElementoLab

#AGBT Tom Gingeras: how do you know low read cnt is background or real transcription? irreproducibility detection rate (IDR) (Bickel et al)

2012-02-17 23:48:00
Massgenomics @Massgenomics

Tom Gingeras: 80% of the genome covered by primary transcripts (90.7% of exons, 79.3% of introns, 35.5% of intergenic seqs) #AGBT.

2012-02-17 23:49:15
Olivier Elemento @ElementoLab

#AGBT Tom Gingeras: found up to 15K NOVEL multi exon transcripts in intergenic regions, 8K antisense

2012-02-17 23:49:49
Robert West, PhD ✝️ ⚕️#PrecisionMedicine @westr

NB! RT @ElementoLab: #AGBT Tom Gingeras: it is critical to think that most genes have multiple transcription initiation sites #pm101

2012-02-17 23:50:27
Chris Gunter @girlscientist

Gingeras: A very large portion of the genome is appearing in the RNA space as unspliced transcript, very often polyA- and antisense. #AGBT

2012-02-17 23:50:35
Olivier Elemento @ElementoLab

#AGBT Tom Gingeras: (that was based on RNA-seq in 15 cell lines)

2012-02-17 23:51:15
New England Biolabs @NEBiolabs

Hear Rich Roberts, NEB CSO, speak at 11:20 in the Plenary Session at #AGBT. http://t.co/4LcUZpwW

2012-02-17 23:51:16
James Hadfield @coregenomics

#AGBT Tom Gingeras IDR analysis (Li et al 2011). Statistics for two replicates, I know a lot of biologists who will say “two is enough”!

2012-02-17 23:51:49
Olivier Elemento @ElementoLab

#AGBT Tom Gingeras: intergenic regions migth be much smaller than currently thought, genes might massively overlap

2012-02-17 23:52:47
Ion Torrent @iontorrent

@westr #AGBT cool stuff! He is going into publication now. Stay tuned.

2012-02-17 23:52:56
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