38年目の真実~Bloody Sunday事件真相究明委員会報告書 3) 公表のあと

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Robert Fisk : The day the innocent became the guilty http://bit.ly/cvY2oo #BloodySunday

2010-06-17 06:38:18
Homa Pourasgari @HomaPourasgari

British PM Cameron apologises for 1972 'Bloody Sunday' killings http://bit.ly/b5eGhO #ireland #bloodysunday |@ FRANCE24|

2010-06-17 06:45:41

Reading today's paper. I love Steve Bell's cartoon. #BloodySunday #Derry

2010-06-17 06:51:01

Superb. If the NI PPS fail to seek convictions civil cases will be made. Where do I donate? #BloodySunday

2010-06-17 06:54:16
Roy Bard @freethepeeps

Craig Murray: A Tale of Two Inquiries: the David Trimble Factor http://bit.ly/a15psF #flotilla #Gaza #bloodysunday

2010-06-17 07:00:13

We r still appalled by #BloodySunday-but #BloodyFriday happens EVERY BLOODY WEEK OF TH YEAR in #OccupiedPalestine at NON-VIOLENT demos #BDS

2010-06-17 07:02:49

over 3000 people died during The Troubles in N Ireland - 14 deceased have been given an inquiry - justice now for the rest? #bloodysunday

2010-06-17 07:20:46

Very impressed with the response to the Saville Inquiry by Peter Robinson. Well done. I hope Gregory Campbell is taking notes #BloodySunday

2010-06-17 08:01:56
Kim Anthony Bosotina @chogokin

A bit of solace for The Irish People today. Other occupations,other battles. #Bloodysunday #Gaza

2010-06-17 08:25:25

Hashtag of the day : #bloodysunday - so tragic.

2010-06-17 10:03:36

Apology for #BloodySunday! 4get a report & just acknowledge the wrongs of the American version, #KentState http://tinyurl.com/358a6tn #p2

2010-06-17 10:26:16

#bloodysunday 38 años después Inglaterra reconoce que matanza de 14 personas fue "injustificada e injustificable" http://tinyurl.com/26xpepc

2010-06-17 10:39:28

http://bit.ly/bwWnge 北アイルランド自治政府首相ピーター・ロビンソン(「ミセス・ロビンソンと19歳イケメンとカフェの営業許可」でもおなじみ)のサヴィル報告書への反応。他のDUPの政治家たちが感情的な反発を示し、人々のそれを煽っているのに対し、非常に現実的。

2010-06-17 09:56:17

ピーター・ロビンソンって1980年代にアイルランド紛争がすごかったころはユニオニスト過激派の活動家で(武装してアイルランド共和国側に「侵入」して警察を襲撃して逮捕、有罪で罰金刑など)、「実務家肌」「リアリスト」ではなかったんだよなあ。 http://bit.ly/aKx2sn

2010-06-17 10:01:02

Bloody Sunday report: All paramilitaries should reveal their crimes, says first minister http://bit.ly/bGaON9

2010-06-17 15:08:09
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