ICWSM2012 Day 2

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Rob Kien @mikroplantage

NewsWhip: What's trending right now? - analyze topic distribution across social media in real-time http://t.co/X5nZwuwv #ICWSM

2012-06-07 01:38:21
Marco T Bastos @toledobastos

BBC still the biggest news provider in social media. Old habits die hard. @NewsWhip #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:38:39
Nicholas Diakopoulos @ndiakopoulos

Struggle between editorial control and being driven by social media attention / crowd. #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:39:27
Patty Kostkova 🇺🇦 🇦🇲 @PattyKostkova

"drunk elk in a tree" picture - no 1 story & the highlight of #icwsm news panel discussion #newswhip but balance of stories needed @guardian

2012-06-07 01:39:51
Marie Boran @marievonboran

'Giant hairy spiders' would be a great band name... first album: Drunk Elk in A Tree. #icwsm #surrealsideofsocialmediaconference

2012-06-07 01:40:11
Julie Teresa Olsen @JTolsen

@hrwaldram great talk at ICWSM. @elinstue and I would really like to hear more about reader engagement. Are you in Dublin at Thursday?

2012-06-07 01:40:26
Edelman Ireland @edelmanireland

Interesting point from @paulyq. Some of the most social stories are about social networks themselves #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:41:32
https://mastodon.social/@lrvick @lrvick

Great talk from @paulyq on @newswhip and what web users find interesting vs regular mass media. Check out http://t.co/IPU61KIc #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:41:34
Stuart McRae @smcrae

Mashable always feature in top stories on social networks as Twitter and Facebook love stories about Twitter and Facebook @paulyq at #ICWSM

2012-06-07 01:41:43
Richard McCreadie @richardm_

12 of the top 25 social news providers did not exist 10 years ago #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:41:54
Micheál Deery @MichealDeery

are these ppl fighting among each other?? #icwsm #News panelist

2012-06-07 01:42:08
Marie Boran @marievonboran

What makes a top story? It's hard to predict but cute kid or animal stories always go down well say @newswhip. Community-driven also #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:43:52
Marie Boran @marievonboran

Audience member talks about divide between digital and print journalists. Print journalists feel superior he says. #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:46:01
Akisato Kimura @_akisato

Topics in trend would be important, I agree. In contrast, social media can provide keen & specific stories to us, how's going on? #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:46:20
Patty Kostkova 🇺🇦 🇦🇲 @PattyKostkova

that's the picture discussed at the #icwsm panel as top story - Drunk Swedish elk found in apple tree near Gothenburg http://t.co/hMwacrDl

2012-06-07 01:47:02
Conor Hayes @conor_hayes

Defriendster: "a recommendation system for getting rid of friends (to keep your network more relevant)" #icwsm @PadraigC @smcrae

2012-06-07 01:47:24
Crysta Vesely @CrystaVesely

Remember the #stuffibmerssay meme? Analysis now in academic paper, "Microblogs expressing org culture" http://t.co/i0XkQhrj via @linny2777

2012-06-07 01:47:46
Marie Boran @marievonboran

Discussions on two-tier media. 'We suffered because we kept digital section separate for too long', says @hlinehan #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:50:02
Edelman Ireland @edelmanireland

@HowardMortman speaking about how America no longer gets its news from just the big three networks #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:50:46
Marie Boran @marievonboran

#icwsm attendees might be interested in this. Social music discovery startup Seevl has upgraded its YouTube plugin http://t.co/sh931jYg

2012-06-07 01:53:26
Ian Brunswick @ianbrunswick

Interesting to hear how @IrishTimes had totally separate print and online opps, now rapidly merging #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:54:42
Akisato Kimura @_akisato

Pinterest, Digg, Reddit, Diigo & scoop.it / Top 5 social curation sites http://t.co/TCEYJFg4 #icwsm

2012-06-07 01:56:21
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