
1997年、世間がクリスマス休暇中、北アイルランドのメイズ刑務所(有罪となった武装組織メンバーのための刑務所)で、囚人が囚人によって撃ち殺されるという事件が起きた。 殺されたのはロイヤリスト超過激派武装組織LVFのリーダー、ビリー・ライト。殺したのはリパブリカン武装組織INLAのメンバー3人。面会時の移動のため中庭で移送車に乗り込もうとするライトを、INLAは収容棟の上から狙って撃った。 刑務所内でのこのような事件がいかにして起きたのか、当局と武装組織との間に極秘裏の関係があったのではないか、という点について、2005年から5年の月日と£30mの費用を投じて、パブリック・インクワイアリが行なわれてきた。その結果の報告書が2010年9月14日に公表された。 続きを読む
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Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

Wright inquiry says a review of the Northern Ireland prison service similar to Lord Patten's police overhaul should be launched

2010-09-14 23:52:38

No collusion says Wright inquiry: A public inquiry into allegations of state collusion in the murder of loyalist p... http://bbc.in/dvAtUP

2010-09-14 23:54:26
Tweet NI @tweetni

No collusion says Wright inquiry: A public inquiry into allegations of state collusion in the murder of loyalist p... http://bbc.in/dvAtUP

2010-09-14 23:54:26
In Belfast @inbelfast

A public inquiry into allegations of state collusion in the murder of loyalist prisoner Billy Wright says prison e... http://bbc.in/dvAtUP

2010-09-14 23:54:26
nuzhound @nuzhound

Billy Wright assassin - Maze security was 'a joke' :: Guardian.co.uk -- Henry McDonald: http://bit.ly/a2z0et #Ireland #Ulster

2010-09-14 23:57:03
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

'The panel was not persuaded in any instance there was evidence of collusive acts or collusive conduct.

2010-09-14 23:58:43
DavidMapstone @DavidMapstone

Wright Report specifically refutes the definition of collusion in other reports, eg Claudy. No surprise then that it says "no collusion".

2010-09-15 00:01:52
Patricia Devlin @trishdevlin

Mr Speaker there was no State collusion in the murder of Billy Wright. The panel finds..

2010-09-15 00:06:22
Ged Robinson @GedRobinson

Ah, Billy Wright debate, what is there to debate? Was he a loss? #NorthernIreland #TweetNI #BBCParl

2010-09-15 00:06:28
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Billy Wright Inquiry dismisses state collusion, but failures by arms of state 'did in our opinion facilitate his death.' says inquiry.

2010-09-15 00:06:34

NI Sec. of State Owen Paterson: No collusion in Billy Wright murder. Full Statement & Video here: http://bit.ly/cSJXVF

2010-09-15 00:06:50

No collusion in Billy Wright murder - Video: The report into the murder of former leading loyalist Billy Wright ha... http://bit.ly/cMNWzG

2010-09-15 00:07:16
Patricia Devlin @trishdevlin

Specifically, the panel finds that “the decision to allocate Billy Wright and the LVF faction to H Block 6 in April 1997 .....

2010-09-15 00:08:20
Mail+ @DailyMailUK

Murder of loyalist leader Billy Wright aided by 'serious failings' of prison officials http://bit.ly/b3Kq8d

2010-09-15 00:12:04
Chris Hagan @hagan_utv

Ian Paisley Jnr tells the Commons that the Wright report is a whitewash.

2010-09-15 00:13:00
The SDLP @SDLPlive

Kelly: Wright inquiry underlines need for 'Prisons Patten' http://tinyurl.com/24m96md

2010-09-15 00:14:54

'King Rat' Billy Wright murder: There was no state collusion http://bit.ly/d4HllA

2010-09-15 00:15:18

'Serious failing' over Wright death http://bit.ly/bolBXY

2010-09-15 00:15:28
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

RUC criticised by Wright inquiry for not passing on threat, to prison bosses when Wright moved to Maze. Negligent rather than intentional.

2010-09-15 00:17:02
Bob Connors @bobc_38

#homeland 15:57: Wright murder report finds 'serious failings' but no 'state collusion': The official inquiry into... http://bit.ly/dBm9gV

2010-09-15 00:19:15
Liz Fawcett @LizFawcett

Full Billy Wright Inquiry report here: http://bit.ly/c6s0Mq (nearly 5MB - may take while to download)

2010-09-15 00:20:02
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