W3C Workshop on Annotations #ianno14

2014 4/2, San Francisco, California http://www.w3.org/2014/04/annotation/ 4/3からはI Annotate http://iannotate.org
I Annotate @i_annotate

Great position papers on #openannotation in advance of next week’s @w3c Workshop on Annotations. http://t.co/VdrhrQVPmE #ianno14

2014-03-27 04:12:54
Hypothesis @hypothes_is

Tomorrow (Thu, March 27th) is the last day to register for the @W3C Workshop on Annotations. Here: http://t.co/TMZxfQOc71 #ianno14

2014-03-27 04:45:39
Sean Boisen @seanboisen

Position papers on #openannotation for this week’s @w3c Workshop on Annotations. I'll be there! http://t.co/8tAZVnS8cY #ianno14

2014-04-01 00:51:03
Peter Brantley @naypinya

we’re moving the rain out of the way of SF to be ready for W3C workshop on annotations and I Annotate 2014 #ianno14 http://t.co/O0jqMsXZI9

2014-04-01 08:06:45
Nathan Lisgo @nlisgo

Waiting to depart for #ianno14. Looking forward to my first conference representing @elife. #sanfrancisco

2014-04-01 20:32:27
I Annotate @i_annotate

Welcome to town all W3 and I Annotate peeps! We’re excited to have you joining us in just a few hours. #ianno14

2014-04-02 15:07:00
Dan Whaley @dwhly

P.S. Anyone that wouldn’t mind helping set up tomorrow morning a bit earlier (7am) would be greatly appreciated! #ianno14

2014-04-02 15:08:00
Nick Stenning @nickstenning

People of I Annotate and today’s W3 workshop — please do join the IRC channel #ianno14 on Freenode: https://t.co/8Xy07nmjle

2014-04-03 00:46:55
Hypothesis @hypothes_is

“Unleashing a tsunami of annotations on the web” @shepazu #ianno14

2014-04-03 00:48:31
Nick Stenning @nickstenning

I’ve started a pad for Annotator things to work on over this week. Please join in the fun. #ianno14 #openannotation https://t.co/EgycEJirvx

2014-04-03 00:49:58
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

.@shepazu introducing background for annotations at @w3c workshop at #ianno14: "Distributed, Decentralized connective tissue of the web"

2014-04-03 00:53:02
Paolo Ciccarese @paolociccarese

@shepazu talking about taking Web Annotation to a new distributed and decentralized level #openannotation #ianno14

2014-04-03 00:54:22
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

.@shepazu #ianno14 Most activity on the web is annotation: comments about other things. It's just not done right, yet. // all the +1s

2014-04-03 00:57:51
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

.@shepazu "4 blind elephants felt a human. 1st: Humans are flat. Other 3: Agreed!" Don't want 4 elephants to squash web annotation #ianno14

2014-04-03 01:00:48
Peter Brantley @naypinya

“If you can improve upon the silence, speak up” - @shepazu at W3C on annotation wg formation #ianno14 http://t.co/vzL4pIR2n6

2014-04-03 01:01:21
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

.@tilgovi "We cannot overload URI syntaxes for ever. Fragment syntaxes aren't sustainable." @w3c #ianno14 #openannotation

2014-04-03 01:12:05
Tim McCormick @tmccormick

A parable about centralization/agreement: 4 blind elephants touch a human. 1st says: humans are flat. Others: agreed! @shepazu at #ianno14

2014-04-03 01:13:30
Interchain Maximalist ⚵🧪✨☯🏴 @JakeHartnell

@tilgovi "We don't need to do much. We need to be extremely practical." #ianno14

2014-04-03 01:17:03
Rob Sanderson @azaroth42@w3c.social @azaroth42

Chris Gallello from MS Office Online: Need accessible annotations for comments, machine or human generated. #ianno14

2014-04-03 01:21:24
Interchain Maximalist ⚵🧪✨☯🏴 @JakeHartnell

@Microsoft's Chris Gallello talking about accessibility and annotations. "How do we make annotations accessible for blind people?" #ianno14

2014-04-03 01:21:42
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