
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

How would I say “he is holding me back”? “彼に遠慮される”? And “a man that knows no restraint”? “遠慮なく男”?

2014-04-10 19:01:21
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer ”he is holding me back" is "彼は私に遠慮させた。". "a man that kows no retraint" is "遠慮を知らない奴". The former should be "彼は私をためらわさせた。”

2014-04-10 20:53:41
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

@ytaniike Thank you! What’s the difference between 彼は私に遠慮させた and 彼は私をためらわさせた。?

2014-04-10 20:59:17
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer "彼は私に遠慮させた。" means "He doesn't want me to do something" or "He doesn't allow me to do something"

2014-04-10 22:25:08
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer "彼は私をためらわさせた。" means "He made me hesitate to do something."

2014-04-10 22:25:51
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

@ytaniike I see. As a non-native English speaker, I understand “he made me hesitate” as “he said/did something insightful so I hesitated”.

2014-04-10 22:33:07
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

@ytaniike But I understand “he is holding me back” as in “keeps me from advancing in life”. i.e., “he is a burden”.

2014-04-10 22:33:08
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer I do, too. So maybe Japanese expression "彼が私を引き止める", "彼のことが気に掛り、そうはできない。”, etc.

2014-04-10 22:38:27
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

@ytaniike It’s beginning to click. Thank you for your explanations!

2014-04-10 22:40:58
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer "遠慮" originally means "deep consideration". You may understad "遠慮" as "hesitation".

2014-04-10 22:43:28
Yasunori Taniike @ytaniike

@marcelgruenauer BTW, "遠慮します" is used to politely express "No, thank you.".

2014-04-10 22:47:43
danubedataflow @MarcelGruenauer

@ytaniike Interesting! As in “I’m deeply considering it, but - no, thanks”? :)

2014-04-10 22:48:47