
英国(正式名称「グレイト・ブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国」)の「国旗」として使われているあの旗は、「ユニオン・ジャック」なのか「ユニオン・フラッグ」なのか……「ユニオン・ジャック」がTrending Topic入りしていたので見てみると、一方の説に固執してもう一方を「間違い」と決め付け、人を罵るテレビ司会者など非常に残念な光景が展開されていました。
Pixelcocoa @Pixelcocoa

@timlovejoy Virtual hands up over here, Union Flag my arse!

2010-11-18 19:24:48
Tim Lovejoy @timlovejoy

@Pixelcocoa: @timlovejoy Virtual hands up over here, Union Flag my arse!” - exactly

2010-11-18 19:25:49
Laird Of Logie @itisjustmy

@timlovejoy It's proper name is actually the Union Flag - the Union Jack is only used by the Navy at sea!

2010-11-18 19:25:04
_ @___coyi

@timlovejoy it's the union flag it is only called union jack when at sea

2010-11-18 19:16:18
_ @___coyi

@timlovejoy if you want to call it the union jack then maybe you should go out to sea. We don't need to start our own country.

2010-11-18 19:25:33
_ @___coyi

@timlovejoy to be honest we all know it as the union jack just thought I'd inform you of your error for future reference. Haha

2010-11-18 19:27:30
Tim Lovejoy @timlovejoy

@bakerjimmy47 it's always been the union Jack, union flag is modern messing. Do your research!

2010-11-18 19:27:02
_ @___coyi

@timlovejoy yes it has always been the union jack when at SEA. Hahahaha

2010-11-18 19:29:03
_ @___coyi

@bobbyengland yes it is the union jack when at sea I know we all know and call it the union jack and we prob always will.

2010-11-18 19:41:53
Hanks Legacy Spurs fan @OptimusGinge

@timlovejoy but is proper name IS the union flag only since george the 3rd and ship bearing folk was it referred to as jack

2010-11-18 19:25:55
Tim Lovejoy @timlovejoy

@OptimusGinge So we've been calling it Jack for a long time why change it?

2010-11-18 19:29:08
Hanks Legacy Spurs fan @OptimusGinge

@timlovejoy to be honest I always fly the george cross anyway!!!

2010-11-18 19:53:48
Alex Hall @ahallicks

@timlovejoy Haha, but it's been forever since it was actually called the Union Flag. Surely we should be getting it right for "patriotism"?

2010-11-18 19:25:51
Alex Hall @ahallicks

@timlovejoy Hands up if our Grandads were misinformed! *puts hand up*

2010-11-18 19:26:32
Tim Lovejoy @timlovejoy

@ahallicks it's been called the union Jack for hundreds of years by the people. Why change it?

2010-11-18 19:28:04
Tim Lovejoy @timlovejoy

@ahallicks look at my time line, the people know what they want! Ha ha

2010-11-18 19:39:57
Simon Hadley @Simon_Hadley

@timlovejoy It's only the Union Jack when it is on a boat.

2010-11-18 19:29:57
Alex Hall @ahallicks

@timlovejoy That article calls it "Flag" the whole way through. That's official. No-one even knows why it's called "Jack"!!

2010-11-18 19:48:16
Laird Of Logie @itisjustmy

@timlovejoy Royal site refers to it as the "Union Flag" http://bit.ly/9NrAYh except at sea. I prefer the Saltire ;o)

2010-11-18 19:49:01
Alex Hall @ahallicks

@timlovejoy I'm not personally suggesting changing the way everyone says it. Just that, technically 'Union Flag' is the correct way

2010-11-18 19:31:11