"Lost in Translation (ありのままで)"

歌詞カードの愉悦 或いは「ライナーノーツって何ですか?」
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♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

When every man is torn apart (悪い事ばかりじゃないと) With nightmares and with dreams (思い出かき集め)

2014-08-08 08:25:44
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Will no one lay the laurel wreath (鞄につめこむ) As silence drowns the screams (気配がしてる)

2014-08-08 08:26:39
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Confusion will be my epitaph (行ったきりなら幸せになるがいい) As I crawl a cracked and broken path (戻る気になりゃ何時でもおいでよ)

2014-08-08 08:27:49
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

If we make it we can all sit back and laugh (せめて少しはカッコつけさせてくれ) But I fear tomorrow (寝たふりしてる間に) I'll be crying (出て行ってくれ)

2014-08-08 08:29:46


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Here's a little song I wrote (銭の無い奴ぁ俺んとこへこい) You might want to sing it note for note (俺も無いけど) Don't worry, be happy (心配するな)

2014-08-01 08:23:32


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

How many roads must a man walk down (もういくつ寝ると) Before you call him a man? (お正月)

2014-12-02 08:18:10
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail (お正月には) Before she sleeps in the sand? (凧あげて)

2014-12-02 08:19:17
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly (こまを回して) Before they're forever banned? (遊びましょう)

2014-12-02 08:20:33
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, (早くこいこい) The answer is blowin' in the wind. (お正月)

2014-12-02 08:21:40


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