
「初音ミク、あのSF作家ウィリアム・ギブスンに捕捉された!…のがクリプトン伊藤社長に捕捉されるまで」 http://togetter.com/li/70066 の続きのようなもの。世界各国のボカロ信徒(こう書くとアバル信徒のようだ)が寄ってたかってギブスンを折伏せんとす。こんだけmentionが殺到すりゃあ、そりゃあ認識改めるよね……。あとで適当にデコるので気合いで読めれ。
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ask9@Next⛸:N杯💛💙M4P3💉x7 @ask9

@ColinPeters @ealvarezgibson @GreatDismal: Although many professional musicians using Miku on the same ground as 2ch/otaku amateurs.

2010-11-20 16:21:50
転生したら女児だったさくらʅ(๑ ᷄ω ᷅ )ʃ @principessakura

ギブスン先生、ミクの件、本気みたいですよ。RT @GreatDismal I hope Giant Robot will cover Miku, and explain the entire context to me. Right up their alley #miku

2010-11-20 16:52:45
あんこだま @bel_tt

@GreatDismal I think that a popular mainspring of Miku is an innumerable creator. Miku's substance is indistinct(like theory of Ideas).

2010-11-20 17:20:51
Par😷,CHSPE @jasonsnitker

@GreatDismal Sweet Ann (Swedish pop singer in Vocaloid 2) is good also. Made by PowerFX in sweden.

2010-11-20 17:22:33
AzetNews @AzetNews

@GreatDismal "I hope Giant Robot will cover Miku, and explain the entire context to me." - if you want to know something about her, just ask

2010-11-20 19:47:51
いわさく @iwasaku

最近の William Gibson( @GreatDismal )のツイートがミックミクしてる。

2010-11-20 20:11:29
Russell Chou @math4origami

@GreatDismal she gives a face to a "instrument" and allows anyone to compose any song they want,

2010-11-20 20:50:18
Russell Chou @math4origami

@GreatDismal as well as freedom for usage in any promotional graphics, video, story, etc.

2010-11-20 20:51:02

Oh dear Gibson. Hope it's not Cthul-ko. RT @GreatDismal So Hatsune Miku involves some sort of ongoing crowd-sourced evolution?

2010-11-20 20:56:02
つゆ @mtsuyugu

すげー、なんか震えてきた。RT @GreatDismal: Hatsune Miku is clearly a more complex phenomenon than I initially assumed. Requires further study.

2010-11-20 21:22:10
away.social/millenomi @millenomi

@GreatDismal for another Japanese thing where industry, indieness and fandom interact bizarrely, there's Touhou http://tinyurl.com/28hz42a

2010-11-20 22:24:10
Apreche @Apreche

@GreatDismal Have you watched this video about Miku? It's quite good. http://bit.ly/aD0YzT

2010-11-20 22:35:32
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