KenAkamatu氏 制服少女の性行為マンガ 英有罪判決について+超党派MA議連+TPP

適切な説明なしでは創作物(実在のモデルの存在しないマンガなど)は日本でも規制される。 元記事(英語)と関連記事を追加しました。 関連記事はヤフー!トピックスにも消え際 この流れで超党派のマンガ・アニメ議連に関する情報収集と陳情について追加しました。 (お詫びをかねて)ウィキリークスのリーク情報により同人誌が影響を受ける可能性があります。これに関する呟きが混ざっていました。訂正と整理をかねて後半にウィキリークスに関する呟きをまとめさせていただきました。関係者の皆様にご迷惑をかけて申し訳ありません。

ニッカンスポーツ 朝日新聞にも掲載!

 学校の制服を着て性行為をしている少女が登場する漫画を所持していた英国在住の39歳の男が有罪判決を受けたと「Gazette Live」など海外の複数メディアが報じた。報道によれば、同事件を担当した刑事法院のトニー・ブリッグズ裁判官はこれらの漫画の画像について「不快だ」と述べ、児童との性行為が描かれていることで、その行為が許されるものだと考える人が増える可能性がある、などと指摘したとしている。



Middlesbrough man creates legal history after being convicted of possessing illegal images of cartoon children
Robul Hoque admitted 10 counts of possessing prohibited images at Teesside Crown Court :: His barrister warns other Manga and Anime fans to be careful

A jobless animation fan has made legal history as he was convicted of having illegal pictures of cartoon children.

Robul Hoque, 39, is believed to be the first in the UK hauled before court over his collection of Japanese Manga or Anime-style images alone.

He admitted 10 counts of possessing prohibited images of children at Teesside Crown Court.

His barrister Richard Bennett said: “These are not what would be termed as paedophilic images. These are cartoons.”

And Mr Bennett revealed that such banned images were freely available on legitimate sites.

He said: “This case should serve as a warning to every Manga and Anime fan to be careful. It seems there are many thousands of people in this country, if they are less then careful, who may find themselves in that position too.”

Police found the images when they seized Hoque’s computer from his home on June 13, 2012, said prosecutor Harry Hadfield. He said officers found 288 still and 99 moving images, but none were of real people.

They were classified as prohibited images as they depicted young girls, some in school uniforms, some exposing themselves or taking part in sexual activity.

He added: “The expert was able to see that the defendant had been actively searching for this material on the internet.”

Hoque, of Hardwick Road, South Bank, Middlesbrough, had denied 20 charges of possessing prohibited images of children and was due to stand trial this week.

But he pleaded guilty to 10 specimen charges. The other 10 were left to lie on the court file.

He denied a separate charge of failing to notify police of a string of online usernames, but he was cleared of this as prosecutors offered no evidence.

Six years ago he was prosecuted for having “Tomb Raider-style” computer-generated pictures of fictional children.

They were so realistic, a jury convicted him on six counts of making “indecent pseudo-photographs” of children, which he had denied.

That too was the first case of its kind in the country. A judge told him he “crossed the line as to what is illegal” and those pictures could be “a door into a very murky and distasteful world”.

He was given a community order and completed a sex offender treatment programme after the 2008 conviction.

The former student and office worker had hundreds of “Manga Japanese style” pictures at that time, but they were not made illegal until 2010.

Mr Bennett said: “On two occasions now he’s been a test case. This is a test case because he’s the only person as far as I’m aware who has appeared for possession singly of these sorts of images.”

He said Hoque helped many people in the Middlesbrough community and many spoke very highly of him.

Hoque has had the case hanging over him for more than two years and he had been physically attacked since the allegations were publicised, he said.

And he pointed to some of the pictures which were available on legal sites.

He added: “It’s clear that that material is available on a legitimate website in this country.

“There’s no indication at all on the web page that these would fall foul of any legislation in a particular country.”

Hoque, who lived with and cared for his mother, had hoped to set up his own business.

Judge Tony Briggs said the pictures were manufactured, stylised, and “repulsive” to varying degrees.

He said: “They are clearly all images designed to make people think they are of children. They are fictitious images in the sense that in no part of them does any real person appear.

“It is important to emphasise that there were no actual children or perpetrators involved.

“I have to tell you that if there had been, an immediate prison sentence measured in years might have been appropriate.

“You are an intelligent man. You certainly should have been aware of the risk of indulging in accessing this material, and you acknowledge your foolishness and guilt.”

He added: “This is material that clearly society and the public can well do without. Its danger is that it obviously portrays sexual activity with children, and the more it’s portrayed, the more the ill-disposed may think it’s acceptable.”

He gave Hoque a nine-month prison sentence suspended for two years. He said anything that encouraged child abuse, including word of mouth, drawings or artistic impressions, was to be “actively discouraged”.


赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

「制服少女の性行為マンガ」英国で初の有罪判決… @wired_jpさんから ★日本でも、この7月15日から児ポ法改正案が施行され、「いわゆる単純所持の禁止」が現実のものとなりました。しかし、マンガやアニメなど創作物は対象外です。(続く)

2014-10-21 14:44:36
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu


2014-10-21 14:45:30
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu


2014-10-21 14:48:46
24⋈589 @24_589

赤松健氏も『言論・表現の自由』が『人権』である、という部分を『侵害されて当然』と捉えてる訳か・・・。 そりゃ違うでしょ、としか。

2014-10-21 14:51:48
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

@24_589 「適切な説明」無しでは、普通に侵害されるでしょうね。そもそも6月に侵害される寸前まで行ったのをお忘れでしょうか? 私が議員会館で必死に行っていたのも「適切な説明」だったのですが、不必要でしたか?

2014-10-21 15:01:50
24⋈589 @24_589

@KenAkamatsu 方法論としては理解できます。私もロビーはやってましたから。 ただし、それは『本来は不要な事』を『政治が機能不全を起こしている(憲法が蔑ろになっている)』から仕方なく『やらざるを得なくなっている』のであって、『必要な事』と捉えるのは拙いと思います。

2014-10-21 15:04:52
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

@24_589 え、必要な事じゃないんだったら、やめますけど。私も連載で忙しいので。

2014-10-21 15:06:24
24⋈589 @24_589

@KenAkamatsu 筋論から言えば、正に赤松先生を含めた全て国民にとって言論・表現の自由は当然の人権であり、人権の保持の為にリソースを割かなければならない現状が異常なのであって、それを『必要である』と受け止めてしまうのはどうか?という事です。

2014-10-21 15:13:41
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

@24_589 児ポ法改正案の附則からマンガとアニメをやっと削除してもらったときも、「そんなの憲法で保証されてるんだから当たり前だろ」という意見をいっぱいもらったのですが、大体そんな感じでしょうか? それも納得できますので、今後は反対活動を自粛しようかなと思います(^^;。では。

2014-10-21 15:19:50
24⋈589 @24_589

@KenAkamatsu 付け加えれば、一ファンとしても一市民としても赤松先生の活動には敬意を表しますが、創作者が政治活動にリソースを取られる問題は筋違いも良いところですし、負担が創作に差し障るほど大きいのであれば、バトンタッチを検討されるのも必然だろうとは思います。

2014-10-21 15:20:55
兼光ダニエル真 @dankanemitsu

英国での二次元児童ポルノ事件、赤松さんがこちらで取材… されたのが英語圏最大のアニメ・マンガ関連ニュースサイト、ANNで紹介されましたね… コメント欄では殆どの人が赤松さんを支援しています。

2014-10-25 00:26:37

マンガ・アニメ議連 2014/10/22

てんたま @tentama_go


2014-10-19 19:25:36
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

@tentama_go なるほど確かに。では、その案も具申してみます。超党派議連にして山田太郎議員なども入れたいところですね。馳先生も今は自民党広報本部長なので、もし味方にできれば相当強いですよ。

2014-10-20 13:05:14
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu


2014-10-21 21:26:07
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu


2014-10-21 21:28:11
瀬戸内海アマ(パレスチナ🇵🇸に自由を!!) @12koku

@KenAkamatsu クリエーター減税と表現規制がバーターになりませんかね?

2014-10-21 21:29:27
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

赤松健氏、英国の児童ポルノ裁判に警鐘(日刊スポーツ) - Y!ニュース… ★何かタイトルが変な気もしますが。(^^;)

2014-10-22 20:22:34
赤松 健 ⋈(参議院議員・全国比例) @KenAkamatsu

@tentama_go なるほど確かに。では、その案も具申してみます。超党派議連にして山田太郎議員なども入れたいところですね。馳先生も今は自民党広報本部長なので、もし味方にできれば相当強いですよ。

2014-10-20 13:05:14