tYp3 LyK tHi5 祭り

トレンドにでていた「tYp3 LyK tHi5」が気になって調べてみたら、hateやlolのツイートの嵐。tYp3 LyK tHi5 を使ったネタ祭りにも発展の模様。火がつき始めの最初の方を重点的にまとめました。 ちまちまRTが多かったツイートも追加してます。
✨bird lady✨ @cerepa_

In Indonesia we called it as 4LAY RT @funnyorfact: p3oPl3 tYp3 LyK tHi5 #tiredofthat

2011-01-08 14:11:56
Rey @uthrey

In Indonesia, called, 4L4Y RT @funnyorfact: p3oPl3 tYp3 LyK tHi5 #tiredofthat

2011-01-08 14:12:49
AL @aldespejo

JEJEMON lang. RT @funnyorfact: p3oPl3 tYp3 LyK tHi5 #tiredofthat

2011-01-08 14:16:30
Eyki Wyasta .T @eykiwt

In indonesia we called them g4uL, tambi "@funnyorfact: p3oPl3 tYp3 LyK tHi5 #tiredofthat"

2011-01-08 14:17:52
Jerome @jeromeaguila

We call it jejemon in Philippines RT @funnyorfact: p3oPl3 tYp3 LyK tHi5 #tiredofthat

2011-01-08 14:28:03
jake. @papabearjake

If you tYp3 LyK thI5 you can calm all that down and take an English class! #educateyourself lmfao

2011-01-08 14:41:47
Ven @venszki

Aj3j3! :D RT @ErgiesonAdriano: Jejemon is the term here in the Philippines if you tYp3 LyK tHi5. :))

2011-01-08 14:44:08

tYp3 LyK tHi5....and I'll slap you hoping to knock some sense into you.

2011-01-08 14:48:05

Nope. I don't "tYp3 LyK tHi5". I "Type Like This". That's the professional way.

2011-01-08 14:52:11
Ari-chan! @arielnano

I have 10-12 year old cousins who use #Facebook and tYp3 LyK tHi5 whilst using curse words and saying 'I LOVE U BBY!'. #SeriouslyYoureTEN!!!

2011-01-08 14:52:57
María Victoria @mvbrunori

i H4T3 tHi5, 5o c0nFu5iNg! 4nYw4y, i'M 8oR3D... tYp3 LyK tHi5

2011-01-08 14:53:40
hmm @PanicAtLeDisco

why is "tYp3 LyK tHi5" a Trending Topic !?

2011-01-08 14:55:08
Saint Alexander @ralphalexandr

tYp3 LyK tHi5 = stop it or go to hell.

2011-01-08 14:58:00
อญ. @mytheying

Why it still on 1st Trends ?? you're spend worse time for trending tYp3 LyK tHi5 ???

2011-01-08 14:58:43
Story of My Life @StooryOfMyLife

Typ3 Lyk tHi5 4ND 1 W1LL 500000 H1-5 Y0UR F4C3.

2011-01-08 14:58:56
Teen Status @teen_status

if everyone tYp3 LyK tHi5 twitter will never be over capacity because people are too busy reading others' tweets #teenstatus

2011-01-08 15:02:09
WTT: Define Now @whatthetrend

Trend [tYp3 LyK tHi5] first spotted in Indonesia now popular worldwide. Why? http://wttrend.com/183044

2011-01-08 15:04:02
Idil Ahmed @idillionaire

We can't be friends if you tYp3 LyK tHi5.

2011-01-08 15:08:03
J ! M @jt_andrews

If you "tYp3 LyK tHi5" you are a dumbfuck and a disgrace to the human race.

2011-01-08 15:10:16
Katie @MINIacKat

The fact that "tYp3 LyK tHi5" is a trending topic makes me hate the youth of America.

2011-01-08 15:10:51
Dené K. Rorie @dkrorie

Girls who grew up in a unstable home tYp3 LyK tHi5

2011-01-08 15:12:14
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