
 震災から一年が経ち、当時どんな風だったかなと個人的に思い出してみたく、出来る限りツイートを掘り返してみました。時間が経ち過ぎてるのとログ保存状態が適当なため、拾えてないのもかなりありますが、まあ大体こんな感じ。他の人の呟きは今更探し切れず、自分のうわついたツイートばかりになっているのはご容赦。  この後ハイチは、夏のハリケーンに襲われ、秋からはコレラの感染拡大、冬に入っては大統領選挙に纏わる大混乱に襲われました。大統領選は決選投票が延期されるという話で、いつ決着がつくか見通しが立っていません。  避難民の多くは相変わらず不衛生でセキュリティを欠いたテント暮らしを続けている様子。  復興は遅々として進まず、暴動が続く不穏な状態が長期化し、レイプ事件の発生率が跳ね上がった結果、震災後の首都PaPでの出生率は三倍になったとの報道も。 続きを読む
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九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

また揺れただろうか。酷いパニックが起きていませんように。物資配給が円滑に進みますように。 #Haiti RT @QuakeInfo: earthquake! M 4.6, Haiti region http://bit.ly/bIh9wZ

2010-02-04 14:36:45
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

グプタ先生行くのか。後ろから情報を見ているしかない自分が少し悲しい。 #Haiti RT @sanjayguptaCNN : think it's time to go back to haiti. can't forget what is happening there.

2010-02-08 01:02:36
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

これからハイチ入りか。先生、どうかご無事で。 #Haiti RT @sanjayguptaCNN: Now in the dominican republic. going to be crossing border into haiti shortly.

2010-02-08 19:07:09
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

あれからもう一月になるのだ。 #Haiti RT @andersoncooper: Anderson is in Haiti, reporting on what progress has been made since the quake struck ...

2010-02-09 08:10:48
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

ドミニカ共和国にある、カリブ海の島国唯一の地下鉄。現代的デザインの施設なのに、手売り手書きの切符が前時代的、でもプリペイドカードあり。これがハイチの隣国という、現実。 #Haiti http://bit.ly/aOvdFx

2010-02-10 14:32:50
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

そのためにはやっぱり、何年にも渡って支援が必要だろうなあ。 RT @carelpedre: Education should be first priority in this new #Haiti . Schools, schools and more schools...

2010-02-11 02:55:23
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

水はけ悪いの辛いな…。 RT @carelpedre: Several camps in PAP are now flooded because of last night's rain. People have no place to sleep. #haiti

2010-02-18 22:12:02
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄---------'11/1/1(土祝) ----------✄

2011-01-01 00:00:00
World Food Programme @WFP

76% of Haitians live on less than US $2.00 per day. 56% live on less than US $1.00 per day. http://exm.nr/eGl1G8 @WilliamLambers #Haiti

2011-01-07 00:05:41
Plan International @PlanGlobal

Today 1,000,000 made homeless by the #Haiti earthquake are still living in tents. What would you do? What should Plan do?

2011-01-07 18:44:02

UNICEF #Haiti update: 720,000 students and 10,000 teachers returned to school. (webinar link: http://bit.ly/h3kZL8)

2011-01-09 05:31:49

UNICEF #Haiti update: To date, UNICEF has built 117 new school structures. (webinar link: http://bit.ly/h3kZL8)

2011-01-09 05:33:31

UNICEF #Haiti update: 369 Child Friendly Spaces were opened to serve 94,800 children. (webinar : http://bit.ly/h3kZL8)

2011-01-09 05:35:35

UNICEF #Haiti update: 1.5 million children in 5,000 schools received soap & hygeine msgs to prevent #cholera. Webinar: http://bit.ly/h3kZL8

2011-01-09 05:37:54

UNICEF #Haiti update: UNICEF staff embedded in govt ministries to provide expertise for long-term recovery. Webinar: http://bit.ly/h3kZL8

2011-01-09 05:40:54
World Food Programme @WFP

Do you remember where you were and what you were doing last year when you found out about the earthquake in #Haiti?

2011-01-11 00:29:24
United Nations @UN

Children in Haiti one year later: long road from relief to recovery http://bit.ly/fM11Q9 (PDF report)

2011-01-11 01:19:52

"Leave us alone on 12 January 2011. We need to find some peace..." http://bit.ly/emh8pX #HAITI via @BraveKidsVoices

2011-01-11 11:53:24
Merlin USA @MerlinUSA

This is not a flashback. Bodies are still being discovered in rubble a year after the #Haiti earthquake http://bit.ly/f6HMzh

2011-01-11 23:10:33
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