
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】1 やってみます! 「あるとき私は幼児期を過ごした町を通る機会に恵まれた。記憶のなかの光景をたぐりよせながら、なんとかそれらしい場所まで来たが、自信がない。…

2015-12-17 08:40:06
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】2 …周囲の町並は完全に変わってしまっていた。そこに建っていた家はいかにも新しく、30 年前からそこにあったものとはとても思えなかった」Fortunately I had a chance to pass by my…

2015-12-17 08:43:33
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】3 Fortunately I had a chance to pass by my home town where I had spent my childhood. →

2015-12-17 08:45:59
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】4 According to my weak memories, I managed to come to the place which seemed to be familiar to me. →

2015-12-17 08:46:55
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】5 But I was not sure because all the surroundings in town had totally changed. →

2015-12-17 08:48:02
R @ncocoro

【京大英作文に挑戦】6 The houses there were so new that I never thought they were the ones 30 years ago. (了)

2015-12-17 08:58:19