
スパロボOGMD特典ピクチャードラマ「び~ちでゅえら~ず」に英字幕が付いてたので検証しました。英語圏の人向けにやったので英語です(Togetterに類似するサイトを知らないのでこちらを使わせてもらいます)。 結論からいうとゴミです。翻訳者は日本語能力が明らかに足りていない(エンドレスフロンティアは「未知なる開拓地」から「未知なる埋立地」になってる等)他、原作の知識が微塵もありません(不死桜が複数形になってたり、ネージュがエルフじゃなくてフェアリーになってたり、コードDTDを発動するのはアシェンじゃなくてハーケンだったり)。あとスタッフロールを見ると英語を担当したのはシンガポールの人らしいが、英語そのものも所々おかしいです(文法が変だったりします)。 続きを読む

"Yousei" is confusing for translators because it means both fairies AND elves in Japanese. But Neige is an elf from the land of Elfetale.

2016-07-05 23:58:53

I'm leaving it at this. 80% of the lines are off in some way or other. Not localisation shit but straight up mistakes Translation is shit

2016-07-05 23:59:43

seriously though "frontier" is translated to "RECLAIMED LAND"

2016-07-06 01:31:51

Just to elaborate on the frontier thing: "Kaitakuchi" is land being opened up and developed. A "kaitakusha" is a pioneer.

2016-07-06 01:44:21

In a modern context, reclaimed land CAN be referred to a kaitakuchi, but it's a sub-category of kaitakuchi. And in this context-

2016-07-06 01:45:10

that is to say, the context of Endless FRONTIER- it's clearly meant to have one think of "seibukaitaku"- The old west, the American FRONTIER

2016-07-06 01:46:48

And before some drooling retard starts mumbling about "localisation", look up what "reclaimed land" actually means.

2016-07-06 01:48:04

The dumbass who translated this seriously thought that the Endless Frontier is basically Odaiba. Wow.

2016-07-06 01:48:46

Eh 80% was exaggerating, regular dialogue isn't TOO bad. But given how the translator is clueless about the source material to this level

2016-07-06 01:54:14

given how OG and SRW are "references to other stuff: the game" I really doubt the main game will turn out well.

2016-07-06 01:55:11

Aschen's weird speech is completely removed and aside from calling Sanger names she speaks completely normally in the subtitles.

2016-07-06 01:56:14

And then there's weird shit like Haken suddenly addressing Sanger as Mister Phantom pic.twitter.com/thPK9zbSwy

2016-07-06 01:58:49

(He's talking to Sanger ABOUT the Phantom so what the fuck?)

2016-07-06 01:59:22

Line was about Haken getting his ship from the previous captain. Completely changed so that's "localisation" I guess pic.twitter.com/TKUutiSyPb

2016-07-06 02:01:10

According to the subtitles, HAKEN activates code DTD (even though Aschen does it five seconds later) pic.twitter.com/uVGgs8fv6o

2016-07-06 02:03:21

Genbu Spike is left untouched, thankfully. pic.twitter.com/hCnRYROLhp

2016-07-06 02:05:06

Why do Excellen's subtitles use honourifics while Shouko's (actually Japanese) don't? Weird. pic.twitter.com/2Rh1AIak9w

2016-07-06 02:10:33

(Shouko uses -san on them)

2016-07-06 02:10:54

"Where are Kusuha, Seolla and Latooni" has just Seolla's name removed for some reason. Weird.

2016-07-06 02:12:28

Context: Lamia lists a bunch of objective reasons why Latooni's swimsuit is a good choice. Latooni says that she also chose it because she

2016-07-06 02:16:11

personally likes it and wanted to. The "jibun de" was somehow misconstrued into this. Straight up mistranslation.

2016-07-06 02:17:18

Oh and regarding "samurai-san"- Pretty much ALL of Haken's silly English is left intact except one more where he calls Sanger

2016-07-06 02:18:35

"enjoy samurai" (which of course is straight up Engrish and thus changing that actually makes sense)

2016-07-06 02:19:19

Mistranslations aside, I'm kind of surprised at how ridiculous it is that the translator has no idea about EF when the interviews with

2016-07-06 02:24:45