2017/04/03- 04/16 #twhz 21h(JST)/ English

https://togetter.com/t/tw21h Susumu Hirasawa's stream of tweets starting at 21:00 JST in all except Wednesdays, which often is challenging to comprehend even for native Japanese speakers. Despite that, some multilingual fans are attempting to translate his tweets into English for better understanding. [NOTE] Translations here are NOT authorized by nor affliated with Mr. Hirasawa and they may contain mistakes and errors. 続きを読む
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Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

Back Apace Pass 開催にあたって、質問を ハッシュタグ: #答えろ循環ステルス で放っておくように。 Back Apace Passは準備ができ次第 行う。

2017-04-03 21:04:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I will accept your questions before conducting Back Apace Pass.

2017-04-03 22:31:07
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Submit your questions on twitter with a hashtag: #答えろ循環ステルス [Kotaero Junkan Stealth/Answer the questions, Circulating Stealth].

2017-04-03 22:32:42
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I will stream the Back Apace Pass as soon as I am ready.

2017-04-03 22:33:01
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-04-03 21:08:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz A fog machine is known as something to create the scene that looks like not of this world.

2017-04-03 22:37:56
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

それは、過剰に使えば、観客をただの雲海の凸凹に変えてしまう。 (煙の正体は一応水と食品添加物指定された物質で、人体には無害とされている。残念なんだが)

2017-04-03 21:12:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz If you make too much fog with it, the audience would turn into just a sea of the fog with bumps.

2017-04-03 22:44:31
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz (The fog is said to consist of water and approved food additives which are not harmful to human body, to my disappointment.)

2017-04-03 22:49:39
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-04-03 21:16:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Because of the fog, I had to sing on the stage, looking down the sea of the fog yesterday.

2017-04-03 23:03:33
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Then, I wanted to play the guitar and step on the effects pedal, but I couldn't find it being covered with thick fog.

2017-04-03 23:04:04
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-04-03 21:20:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The dim red LED light coming through the fog cloud looked as if it were the aviation obstacle light on a high-rise building...

2017-04-03 23:16:35
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ...seen from an airplane flying above it.

2017-04-03 23:16:57
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

その灯りを頼りにペダルの位置を探り当て、豪快に不適切なペダルを踏んだ。 そのままにした。「オッケー大丈夫。大差はない」、と念じた。

2017-04-03 21:24:01
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Relying on the light as my guide, I guessed where the pedal was, and I bravely stepped on the wrong pedal.

2017-04-03 23:24:06
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I didn't correct it. "Okay. No problem. There isn't much difference", I talked myself into believing it.

2017-04-03 23:24:28
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

昨日のマシンは多分ロスコと呼ばれているマシン。 最近はドライアイスなど使わない。 ところが…

2017-04-03 21:29:47
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The fog machine used yesterday was probably the one called Rosco. They don't use dry ice nowadays any more. However...

2017-04-03 23:29:53
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

CD「AUROR」のブックレットにある、ステルス某が棺桶に入っている写真。 アレはドライアイスを使っている。

2017-04-03 21:34:23


Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz The photo of Stealth something in a coffin in the booklet in the CD "Aurora". Dry ice was used when that photo was taken.

2017-04-03 23:34:03
前へ 1 ・・ 22 23 次へ