2017/06/16- 06/30 #twhz 21h(JST)/ English

日本人でもよく分からない平沢進21時定時ツイート(twhz)の英語翻訳に挑む。 https://togetter.com/t/tw21h Susumu Hirasawa's stream of tweets starting at 21:00 JST in all except Wednesdays, which often is challenging to comprehend even for native Japanese speakers. Despite that, some multilingual fans are attempting to translate his tweets into English for better understanding. 続きを読む
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Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

帰り道には豆絞りの手ぬぐいを頭に乗せ、菖蒲の葉を口にあてて草笛を鳴らし、夕焼けの橙に染まってはや歩き。 それがステルスの生活。

2017-06-16 21:56:51
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz On the way back home, I will walk fast, under the orange light from the setting Sun,...

2017-06-16 22:34:05
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ...with a head cloth with dot pattern【mame shibori】on my head, whistling a grass whistle made by an iris leaf. That's Stealth's life.

2017-06-16 22:34:28
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

その頃オマエタチはクリーチャーの第二次咀嚼で反芻の唾液まみれの夢心地。酸いも甘いも噛まれ分ける懐深い異臭の衆に。 アタシャ湯船でシャボンの香り。 今夜も首尾よくまたこんど!!

2017-06-16 22:06:34
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz Meanwhile, you guys are dreaming in the creature's saliva, being chewed by him in his second cud-chewing.

2017-06-16 22:45:06
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz You guys have become a crowd with strange smell who have experienced being chewed in sweetness and bitterness.

2017-06-16 22:45:27
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I, on the other hand, am surrounded by the fragrance of soap in my bathtub. With a success tonight, see you later!!

2017-06-16 22:46:20
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