posts aggrigation for "The biology of genomes" (1)

meeting page is . tweets searched by #bg2011 at 2011-05-14, RTs & duplicates are removed by the function of togetter. free to edit. please see for posts later than 2011-05-13 15:54:12.
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Michael Hoffman @michaelhoffman

#bg2011 RK: Two parameters: S for selection (neg or pos); B for bias (W or S)

2011-05-13 10:10:39

@leonidkruglyak: Indeed MT @dgmacarthur: If you want to study evolution, do it in yeast. #bg2011

2011-05-13 10:12:17
Michael Hoffman @michaelhoffman

#bg2011 RK: 4 alignment models: 1. null 2. gBGC 3. acceleration (selection only) 4. Acceleration and gBGC. Compare likelihoods of these

2011-05-13 10:13:00
Michael Hoffman @michaelhoffman

#bg2011 RK: Analyzing 202 HARs: most fall in selection classes--most with positive selection. Also some where gBGC is most likely

2011-05-13 10:15:19
Shoa L. Clarke @ShoaClarke

Kostka models gBGC & selection together & looks for accelerated regions which cant be accounted for by gBGC under likelihood model #BG2011

2011-05-13 10:15:59
Shoa L. Clarke @ShoaClarke

Kostka 118/202 HARs are likely true positive selection. #BG2011

2011-05-13 10:16:58
Michael Hoffman @michaelhoffman

#bg2011 RK: Use this to prioritize follow-up experiments on HARs. Adam Siepel's lab will add gBGC detection into models of codon evolution

2011-05-13 10:17:32
National Human Genome Research Institute @genome_gov

DK: human accelerated regions; ~200 analyzed; many with positive selection #bg2011

2011-05-13 10:18:26
Beth Shapiro @bonesandbugs

tweets from #bg2011 are making me sad to be in AL. But - I feel the need to point out that you CAN study evolution outside a model system!

2011-05-13 10:19:10
Michael Hoffman @michaelhoffman

#bg2011 RK: We've also looked at accelerated regions in yeast and other species but with gBGC.

2011-05-13 10:22:47
National Human Genome Research Institute @genome_gov

DS: performed an assay invented by Gregor Mendel... ...they did a cross #bg2011

2011-05-13 10:45:05
Shoa L. Clarke @ShoaClarke

Stern: enhancers driving overlapping expression patterns are very common in eukaryotes. #BG2011

2011-05-13 10:47:18
Shoa L. Clarke @ShoaClarke

Stern: nice example of redundant enhancers offering robustness to environmental variation encountered during development #BG2011

2011-05-13 10:48:12
Orli Bahcall @obahcall

David Stern on phenotypic robustness and morphological evolution in Drosophila. #bg2011

2011-05-13 10:48:18
Shoa L. Clarke @ShoaClarke

Stern: redundant enhancers are observably epistatic at local level ~400 bp. #BG2011

2011-05-13 10:50:14
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