
しましまのFAT*2020の参加・聴講記録 https://fatconference.org/2020/
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Bogdana Rakova @bobirakova

Rethinking norms through advocacy and strategic litigation ~ @InterwebzNani My favorite slide from today #FAT2020 A great reminder for the need of an intergenerational mindset when working on the issues of fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI! pic.twitter.com/zJySWPSA97

2020-01-30 20:36:57
StopWatch UK @StopWatchUK

#FAT2020 Final day keynote in from Nani Jansen Revenflow @df_fund – automated decision making is 'just one of many new frontiers' our lawmakers need to keep up with

2020-01-30 20:38:05
Dr. Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna @gabrielazanfir

A bit of a bitter taste when listening to the #FAT2020 keynote on strategic litigation (brilliant from @InterwebzNani, btw!) at the exact same time when @ECHR_Press published its latest step cozying up to invasions of privacy in @echo_pbreyer's case against mandatory SIM card reg

2020-01-30 20:38:46
Eticas / Algorithmic Audits @EticasAI

Awesome keynote talk by Nani Jansen Reventlow @InterwebzNani at #FAT2020 @fatconference discussing the essential role of strategic litigation to ensure fairness and justice in algorithmic processing! nanijansen.org pic.twitter.com/X1Z4d5mqSL

2020-01-30 20:45:05
Dr. Corinne Cath-Speth @C___CS

We don’t need new regulation as such - but be more strategic and use “radical lawyering” to apply existing legal tools to remedy right implications caused by ai systems says @InterwebzNani #FAT2020 @df_fund pic.twitter.com/cm5Sohk4e5

2020-01-30 20:48:27
Flora Salim @flosalim

#FAT2020 keynote @InterwebzNani, expert on human rights litigation, argues for approval by judge and litigation bases for usage of mobile phone, cell tower and sensor data for other purposes differ from the original intent of the data collection @fatconference #AI #harms #bots pic.twitter.com/iY3j43O34T

2020-01-30 20:48:57
Flora Salim @flosalim

Could be of interest to the folks in @fatconference #FAT2020 in the context of @InterwebzNani keynote on the need for government to regulate AI Tech that may induce harms. Singapore is a great example of this and way ahead of many... twitter.com/tobywalsh/stat…

2020-01-30 20:58:40
Toby Walsh @TobyWalsh

Singapore releases latest AI Framework edition to improve governance and trust zd.net/2uoELRe via @ZDNet & @achanthadavong

2020-01-30 02:22:28
aaron horowitz @Aaron_Horowitz

#FAT2020 - whoever it was suggested that places like the ACLU need more resources for this type of strategic litigation, I agree with the keynote, you'd make a great funding advocate for us!

2020-01-30 20:58:45
Ted Pedersen @SeeTedTalk

Q; how do you think about money in litigation, especially relative to high-tech companies? why be optimistic given the imbalance in resources? #FAT2020 @interwebznani yes, there is an inequality of arms when it comes to resources, but the dedication is there

2020-01-30 21:00:58
Ted Pedersen @SeeTedTalk

overall message from @interwebznani on strategic litigation seems to be patience, chipping away at the block (eg death penalty advocacy), incremental change, being pragmatic (US supreme court not always wonderful), resources matter but so does optimism and dedication #fat2020

2020-01-30 21:07:58
Ted Pedersen @SeeTedTalk

Q: isn't the law on the side of the powerful? why should we be optimistic? @interwebznani i'm a realistic optimist, the law is one of the tools we have, but the law and litigation is not the only tool we have, it is part of the arsenal #FAT2020

2020-01-30 21:10:17
harryhalpin @harryhalpin

The framing of “fairness” is a liberal “civil rights” discourse to help lawmakers regulate algorithmic surveillance so we are all EQUALLY under surveillance. A revolutionary approach would ABOLISH SURVEILLANCE via privacy enhanced tech - including from government. #FAT2020 twitter.com/organizejs/sta…

2020-01-30 22:12:06
js @organizejs

People at #FAT2020 seem to think computer scientists/engineers need to read ethics and take ethic classes. Wrong. They need to read Marx and get organized.

2020-01-29 00:13:10
Judea Pearl @yudapearl

1/ It is FAT2020 week, so I'll not spoil the fun. But I am not convinced by Issa's argument that counterfactual logic cannot capture fairness because it presumes autonomy which breaks down in social systems. Heckman made similar arguments for economic systems: "Shutting down one twitter.com/TheShubhanshu/…

2020-01-30 22:26:48
Shubhanshu Mishra @TheShubhanshu

@mikarv @yudapearl @fatconference @uhlily I also found this fantastic 2 part article by @uhlily which also touches upon some related aspects of the video I shared earlier. phenomenalworld.org/analysis/dispa… pic.twitter.com/F7pNW6LNmj

2020-01-30 11:45:56
Judea Pearl @yudapearl

2/2 equation might also affect the parameters of the other equations in the system and violate the requirements of parameter stability." (Heckman and Vytlacil 2007). I countered here ucla.in/2NnfGPQ#page=44, as well as Cartwright's critique of autonomy, earlier.#Bookofwhy

2020-01-30 22:26:49
Karen L Boyd @karen_leslie

if firms are profit maximizing, they will set marginal revenue = marginal cost. I'm minority groups' data is more costly to acquire, firms will acquire less data about minority groups. #FAT2020 pic.twitter.com/hSj7xWuwpU

2020-01-30 22:34:18
Priya Kumar, PhD @deardrdata

#digitalrights = #humanrights ... thanks to @InterwebzNani for pushing us to think about differences in outcomes that may result when using rights-based/legal frameworks instead of nimble and flexible terms like "ethics" #FAT2020 #policy #governance twitter.com/InterwebzNani/…

2020-01-30 22:46:12
Nani Jansen Reventlow @InterwebzNani

Such an honour to deliver the closing keynote at #FAT2020 today! Great questions from the room and perfect moderation by @janethaven. Thank you, @mireillemoret and @ChaToX for inviting me! For some of the key points, see the short @df_fund thread below 👇🏽 twitter.com/df_fund/status…

2020-01-30 22:32:46
StopWatch UK @StopWatchUK

#FAT2020 craft session on Hardwiring Discriminatory Police Practices - will be explaining stop and search pic.twitter.com/vPe0mPoqJx

2020-01-30 23:06:01
sarah chander 🇵🇸 @sarahchander

We are holding a workshop at #FAT2020 on data driven policing in Europe and it’s impact on black and brown communities @OSFJustice @ENAREurope @e3i5 @PatrickWillia17 pic.twitter.com/ilqihnlc1L

2020-01-30 23:10:51
Mohammed Khwaja @MoKhwaja

We've kicked off the second day of the #ethicsontheground workshop at #FAT2020. Do join us if you're at the conference! @fatconference pic.twitter.com/WQ9igPE0YE

2020-01-30 23:11:53
JB Rubinovitz @rubinovitz

Pumped to be at the Centering Disability Perspectives in Algorithmic Fairness, Accountability & Transparency workshop at #FAT2020 today! Opened with a great talk by @shaunkane pic.twitter.com/Bde7WyJekt

2020-01-30 23:13:55
Mohammed Khwaja @MoKhwaja

@AphraK speaks about her experience with tech companies and universities over-inflating claims with what AI can do and how this impacts ethics, privacy, policy and how people perceive AI. #FAT2020 #ethicsontheground pic.twitter.com/xSl1aUexKN

2020-01-30 23:41:09
Mohammed Khwaja @MoKhwaja

Really interesting question at our workshop: what ethical issues will exist with tech and AI in the next few years? And how can this be tackled? I'm curious to know what the Twittersphere thinks @AcademicChatter @fatconference #ethicsontheground pic.twitter.com/27WOwlU6Kz

2020-01-30 23:41:30
Frédérique Krupa @frede_sib

Go beyond the « sexy » disabilities and question your stereotypes. #CRPD Excellent #FAT2020 craft session on the issues of tech and disabilities: Centering Disability Perspectives in Algorithmic Fairness, Accountabi… slideshare.net/merriejune/cen…

2020-01-30 23:42:11
Samsara Counts @samsaranc

Learning so much at the #FATE4PWD talk at #FAT2020. There are so many ways we as developers, researchers, and users of AI can do better for PWD. Check out aka.ms/FATEslides thank you @AlexReeveGivens @jeffbigham @skoularidou @autistichoya @shaunkane @nasukaren @merrierm pic.twitter.com/fqOqaDE5qR

2020-01-31 00:07:51
Maranke Wieringa @MarankeWieringa

.@fdechesne making some sharp observations on the 'rules of FAT* club'. Focus on computer science excellence, seems to imply that 'Other' disciplines are to be evaluated on CS terms. She argues for *-excellence. Interesting points for the town hall meeting later today! #FAT2020 pic.twitter.com/eaOMUzEgZe

2020-01-31 00:11:24
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