
10年目突入、随時追加中。 ※同じ出来事を日英それぞれの言語でどう表現するか、という半翻訳的エチュードみたいなものです。 ※途中でツイッターが日本語ハッシュタグに対応したため、 #育児あるある も混入しています。 The ups and downs of childraising from a gamer dad perspective, 10th year handling the various aspects and leakages pertaining to the business(es).
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Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

"<Playing UNO for 3rd place, realizes the Reverse card + number combo would make them win ahead of Knightboy - who was frustrated and tearful from losing the previous round - and plays just the number, allowing Knightboy to win. Cries their eyes out>" #shinygems #gametranskids

2019-12-10 22:26:02
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

2019: Knightboy gets me hooked on Lobotomy Coporation. He starts playing and surpasses my progress within a couple of weeks. 2020: I get hooked on Caveblazers. Knightboy checks it out on my recommendation, and gets insta-hooked. Multiplayer rampage upcoming. #gametranskids

2020-01-02 20:05:57
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

(((( (((( That feeling when the next generation has roughly double your APM when playing Lobotomy Corporation, in a game that doesn't have a lot of shortcut keys... He sometimes forgets there's even a pause button ,despite defaulting to x2 speed. #gametranskids #songems )))) ))))

2020-01-06 21:36:45
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Achievement Unlocked for Jr. : Legacy Kill - Triumphed against the final boss of Cazeblazers Together on the easiest custom setting possible, in your first encounter with it, dancing around the fallen body of your predecessor and making him proudly cheer from beyond. #AUEN

2020-01-08 14:05:31
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Knightboy already quad-team multiplaying, within an hour of starting to play Fortnite, uncannily already familiar with the game's mechanics, likely due to prior exposure through YouTube videos. #gametranskids

2020-01-16 16:10:58
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

First duo Fortnite, son on Switch, myself on PC after a 2.5-year blank and never even having played Battle Royale. Son carries me to Victory Royale, and I prove useful by flanking targets with the weapons he doesn't need. Best family multiplayer ever. #gametranskids

2020-03-02 18:41:15
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Actually getting better at writing e-mails...(((( ((((and Fortnite!!!)))) )))) Quint-replied to applications back on Tuesday...(((( ((((and scored our 5th consecutive and 5/5 family duo Victory Royale last night!!!)))) )))) #gametransfromhell #gametranskids

2020-03-05 14:24:32
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Shiny の実績のロックが解除されました: ダムイットユアセルフ - 前髪を事故トリミングしたものの、ロックダウン中だったのでわりかしノープロブレムで済んだ。 #AUJPN #gametranskids

2020-08-16 20:21:01
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Achievement Unlocked for Shiny : Whydunnit - Overtrimmed your own forward-facing hair, though miraculously not on your first day of school. #AUEN #gametranskids

2020-08-16 20:15:05
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Achievement Unlocked for Shiny : Oof, Heaven - Learned the hard way that potato chips and vanilla yoghurt do and don't mix. #AUEN

2020-09-18 21:27:27
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Shiny の実績のロックが解除されました: 止揚ーもない - 金曜ポテチとバニラヨーグルトの出会いと別れを痛感した。 #AUJPN

2020-09-18 21:28:59
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

「そこに置いといた手芸用ボンドで遊んだでしょ」 #wifebombs 「だってあったんだもん」 #shinygems

2020-10-29 10:22:13
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

「そこにいるのは誰だ。わしはネズミばあさんだぞ」 「コンビネーションビーバーさん?」 #shinybombs

2020-11-09 19:27:39
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

Son learning English by playing Among Us, after having shown minimal interest in the language itself for 2 whole years, and learning what to type and when from YouTube videos. Glad we let him choose how to learn. Would have loved being his age in 2021. #gametranskids

2021-02-20 07:40:38
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

遊びに来てくれたサンの同級生との雑談が訳語の参考になるなど。 #gametranskids

2021-04-23 04:57:12
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

「ボクのことはバカにしていい。でもサムスのことはバカにするな」 #songems "You can diss me all you want. Just don't you diss Samus." #translationmine

2021-11-12 16:25:48
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

「ピザって10回言って」 「ピザピザピザピザ、ピザピザピザピザ、ピザピザ」 「ここは?」 「エルボゥ」 #shinygems

2021-11-19 19:17:52
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

サンが金曜夜9時過ぎに宿題やっちょる。動画に気をとられて進みは遅いものの、宿題しちょる。風邪でもひいたのか。 #gametranskids

2021-12-03 21:13:50
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

…と思ったら二人とも宿題やっとった。明日は吹雪かあられか。 #gametranskids

2021-12-03 21:27:03
Garyou Tensei @Garyou_Tensei

「アホ毛が生えてるからって、アホとはかぎらないんだよ」 #shinygems

2021-12-17 07:17:32
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