あるロシア兵の手記 「ブレーキが効かないトラックで迫撃砲の弾を運んだ」「空挺部隊はパラシュートの使い方を知らない」

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ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

(See below for a link to the original account in Russian.) vk.com/doc365182800_6…

2022-08-18 07:53:17


リンク vk.com ZOV.pdf 154

ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

1/ On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This 🧵 highlights the first-person account of Russian paratrooper Pavel Filatyev, who was in the invasion force that entered Ukraine from Crimea, captured Kherson and unsuccessfully fought to reach Mykolaiv. pic.twitter.com/p4MYkaEmvM

2022-08-19 04:57:13


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

2/ For the first part of Filatyev's story, covering his first six months with the Crimea-based 56th Guards Air Assault Brigade/Regiment before the war, see the thread below: twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/st…

2022-08-19 04:57:13
ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

1/ A 34-year-old former Russian paratrooper, Pavel Filatyev, has published a remarkable in-depth account of his experiences of the Ukraine war. He served with the Feodosia-based 56th Guards Air Assault Regiment and fought in southern Ukraine for two months. A 🧵 follows. pic.twitter.com/upGQAejb12

2022-08-18 06:55:33


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

3/ Filatyev's experiences with the regiment were so disillusioning that he sought unsuccessfully to make an early exit from his contract with the Russian Army. He had already written a letter to the Russian Ministry of Defence complaining about his unit's unfitness for combat.

2022-08-19 04:57:14


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

4/ He was also worried about what his unit's "anarchy" said about the state of the rest of the army. "And this is in the airborne forces, the elite, the commander-in-chief's reserve! It is scary to imagine how things will be in other units." This turned out to be prescient.

2022-08-19 04:57:14


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

5/ In mid-February, Filatyev's unit and many others based in Crimea were sent to a training range at Staryi Krym, not far from their base in Feodosiya. He realised that something was up from the news and from the fact that even sick soldiers were being sent there for training. pic.twitter.com/hNSgPv4jRo

2022-08-19 04:57:16


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

6/ Filatyev and his comrades did not know what was going on. "Rumours and information varied, from Ukraine and NATO attacking Crimea and us simply having to gather at the borders to prevent this, to Ukraine attacking the [Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics]."

2022-08-19 04:57:16



ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

7/ He assumed that he would be sent to the Donbas as "it seemed logical to me that [we] would carry out an operation under the guise of peacekeepers", defending the region while a referendum was being held to annex "the woeful Donbas" to Russia.

2022-08-19 04:57:17


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

8/ Filatyev postponed his earlier intention to quit the army. He "thought now that something was brewing, refusing would be shameful, tantamount to chickening out ... I do not know what drove me, patriotism or unwillingness to back down."

2022-08-19 04:57:17


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

9/ The situation at the training range dismayed Filatyev. His entire company of 40 men shared one tent. "In the tent, bunks, a potbelly stove. Even in Chechnya life was better organized. The food in the canteen is even worse than in the garrison." There was nowhere to wash. pic.twitter.com/bX9G3gaj7s

2022-08-19 04:57:18


ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

10/ Other units had it worse. Some "had nothing to heat stoves in February, there was no place to wash, because of which people went into the sea in winter". Sickness was rife. Hospitals became clogged with patients, leading to "an order ... to ban them going to hospital."

2022-08-19 04:57:19



ChrisO_wiki @ChrisO_wiki

11/ Equipment was also in short supply. Filatyev and several others in his unit "did not have a sleeping bag, no camouflage suit, [body] armour, helmets, etc". They ended up taking turns to share equipment.

2022-08-19 04:57:19
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