「balk」じゃないのに「catcher balk」?わかりづらい英語圏の野球表現と雑に和訳するフルカウント

「colloquially」とか「informal phrase」とか言ってる人もいるけど全然浸透してなくない…?
Matt Trahan @MatthiasTrahan

It’s not a “catcher balk” it’s an illegal use of equipment like if a ball gets stuck in a shirt. Everyone is awarded a base because the ball went out of play twitter.com/StoolBaseball/…

2023-03-30 06:37:29
K Wheelz @keith151123

@JomboyMedia Not a balk......Detached equipment violation.......quit creating false narratives to ridicule the umpires. You're turning into clickbait.

2023-03-30 06:42:31
.45Halo @45halos

@thibeaux_aaron @drdry1121 @BaseballQuotes1 Wow. Wrong twice in a single tweet. No such thing as a catcher’s balk. And it’s not interference, it’s an E-2.

2023-03-30 06:57:33
GreatCall @26Greatcall

Fairfield's catcher gets called for a game-losing balk - via @ESPN App. ⁦Please stop referring to this play as a catchers balk. It is illegal use of detached equipment, which can happen to any player. Happened to Mike Scioscia in a Sun gm YOU broadcast! espn.com/video/clip/_/i…

2023-03-30 07:48:42
Hancock Tigers Baseball @PlayBallTigers

@JomboyMedia This is actually classified as "catcher's interference." Many call it is a balk bc the runners are awarded 1 base....and yes, there is a such thing as a catcher's balk, but this is not in this case.

2023-03-30 22:27:32
リンク Yahoo!ニュース マスクの間違った使い方で、捕手が走者を進塁させてしまう(宇根夏樹) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース 捕手が行った行為に対し、球審は、一塁走者と二塁走者をそれぞれ進塁させた。 9
metoo @metooDX

捕手ボークじゃないですよね。 5.06b(3)E投球1個 5.06b(4)D送球2個 5.06b(4)Bフェアボール3個 twitter.com/Fullcountc2/st…

2023-03-29 17:53:42
Full-Count フルカウント @Fullcountc2

“捕手ボーク”で試合終了に全員ポカン… 珍事に賛否噴出「正しいけど馬鹿げたルール」 full-count.jp/2023/03/29/pos…

2023-03-29 17:31:25
ドンドコドンCHANNEL @DonDokoDon_459

Full-count は野球専門誌じゃないの? 酷すぎてよく審判批判してるなと思う Creative2の採用人事笑われてるやろ twitter.com/fullcountc2/st…

2023-03-29 18:31:18
成績黙示録開示 @seiseki_kaizi

“捕手ボーク”で試合終了に全員ポカン… 珍事に賛否噴出「正しいけど馬鹿げたルール」(Full-Count) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b6136… 10000回くらい指摘されてそうだけど、「捕手ボーク」って書くと敬遠のキャッチャーボックスはみ出しにしか読めないのでタイトル変えてください

2023-03-29 19:07:09
成績黙示録開示 @seiseki_kaizi

一番クレイジーなのはこの記事書いた奴だろ オーティズのアレを「トリプルボーク」って書くのかな

2023-03-29 19:14:15

ルール上のボークではないが、口語、俗称で捕手のミスを「Catcher’s Balk」と呼ぶことがある?

Cory Bennett @wsucougs2000

@JomboyMedia Are you serious Jomboy? A balk? The catcher was called for using detached equiowmmt for using his mask to scoop up the ball. That a dead ball and all runners are awarded one base.

2023-03-29 08:19:29
Jason Stadel, Expert @JasonStadelMT

@wsucougs2000 @JomboyMedia Detached equipment violations are colloquially called "catchers" balk.

2023-03-29 11:52:57
Cory Bennett @wsucougs2000

@JasonStadelMT @JomboyMedia Not true. There are two things that are considered “catcher’s balk” and this is not one them. This is actually consisted catcher’s obstruction. The two type of catcher balks are when he leaves the box before the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand or steps on the plate during a pitch.

2023-03-29 12:04:07
Jason Stadel, Expert @JasonStadelMT

@umpire1986 @wsucougs2000 @JomboyMedia It doesn't mean it's right, I'm saying people often call it that informally. I'm an umpire too but I guess "colloquially" is too big a word for a few to understand.

2023-03-30 11:10:18
Jordan @umpire1986

@JasonStadelMT @wsucougs2000 @JomboyMedia I perfectly understand what colloquially means. No one ever calls detached equipment a catcher's balk. catchershome.com/catchers-balk/

2023-03-30 11:17:21
Jason Stadel, Expert @JasonStadelMT

@wsucougs2000 @jbo911 @JomboyMedia I understand that, but in discussion, informally, which could be incorrect terms, it's colloquially called a catcher's balk. I know the difference but when explaining to it to others, IE simplify, this is a discussion. TAke a look at "colloquially."

2023-03-29 23:52:05
𝕧𝕖𝕕𝕨𝕖𝕕 @vedwed

@thibeaux_aaron @callen0013 @BaseballQuotes1 A catcher's balk is an informal phrase used to describe a catcher doing something in violation of two specific rules which results in a penalty by the umpire.

2023-03-30 05:33:45
Jordan @umpire1986

@JasonStadelMT @wsucougs2000 @JomboyMedia I perfectly understand what colloquially means. No one ever calls detached equipment a catcher's balk. catchershome.com/catchers-balk/

2023-03-30 11:17:21
Cory Bennett @wsucougs2000

@bchance1455 @JomboyMedia No he did not. You are making things up now. If he called a catcher’s balk he would have yelled “balk.” This is some little league game where umpires don’t know what they are doing. These are MLB umpires who all know the correct terminology.

2023-03-31 00:26:48
こはるなぎ まなか@野球競馬解説系vtuber @KoharunagiManak

“捕手ボーク”という表現について ・記録は捕手のエラーでボークではない ・「an informal phrase」「 it's colloquially called」→『catcher's balk』は捕手のミスプレイの俗称ようなものとの意見あり ・ただアメリカでもこの俗称は一般的ではなさそう(ボークじゃないだろというツッコミが少なくない) pic.twitter.com/dWdTOCkL8I twitter.com/Fullcountc2/st…

2023-03-31 08:09:20
こはるなぎ まなか@野球競馬解説系vtuber @KoharunagiManak

「catcher's balk」でツイッター調べたところこんな感じ。 【英辞郎】には「balk」について『《野球》ボーク、失策』と、失策の意味があるとしている(いくつか見たけど他の辞書系では見つけられず)。→eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=balk まあ日米ともに誤解を招く「balk」の用法は辞めた方が良いと思いますよ…

2023-03-31 08:09:21


リンク Full-Count(フルカウント) ― 野球ニュース・速報・コラム ― “捕手ボーク”で試合終了に全員ポカン… 珍事に賛否噴出「正しいけど馬鹿げたルール」 想定外の決着に、ファンから賛否の声が噴出している。捕手がマスクでボールに触れ、捕手の反則により走者に進塁権が与えられる“珍事”は「クレイジー。だけと正しい判断だ」「正しいコールだけど馬鹿げたルールだ」「ひどいルール。ひどい判定」などの声が上がっている。 54