
HeyGenのフリートライアルを使用したとのことです。 音声翻訳だけではなく、アバターも作成可能です。 興味がある方は是非。


Jim Spencer - Iowa Tesla Guy @iowateslaguy

This is wild. Used AI to translate this from English to Japanese. It changed my mouth to match the Japanese. Anyone know if the translation is good? pic.twitter.com/wpVC6zbCl8

2023-10-21 10:55:49
リンク Digital Watch Observatory HeyGen Unveils AI Avatar with Enhanced Video Quality and Voice Technology | Digital Watch Observatory HeyGen's CEO, Joshua Xu, introduces Joshua Avatar 2.0, an AI-generated avatar that perfectly mimics Xu's accent and speech patterns, with enhanced video quality and voice technology. 14
Gonzonator1982 @Gonzonator1982

@iowateslaguy @TheCTStud Was this the free trial or did you stump up for the premium service?! My trial took three days to process.

2023-10-22 05:09:18
Olivier Manuel @omanuel

@iowateslaguy When this kind of functionality will be able to run live in Zoom, the world will change. I can’t have that soon enough. If anyone needs help making that vision happen ping me.

2023-10-22 02:48:51
Olivier Manuel @omanuel

Yes. Then layer in mixed reality (also just a matter of time). You’ll be able to have anyone from anywhere who speaks any language stand in the same room with you (virtually) and seamlessly converse with them. In 5-10 years the greatest friction to cross cultural collaboration, language, will be solved. And this is only 1 of multiple huge “unlocks” happening due to AI.

2023-10-22 02:55:11
山野里子_YaSa @Eoo_oo3

@iowateslaguy Super! It's great enough to convey the message. Not sure if it's deliberately done, but certain parts were omitted, though. Did you say "Good bye" at the end?

2023-10-21 19:09:09
Jim Spencer - Iowa Tesla Guy @iowateslaguy

@Eoo_oo3 The English video is what I translated. No. I didn’t say goodbye at the end.

2023-10-21 23:40:56
山野里子_YaSa @Eoo_oo3

@iowateslaguy I see. I was curious since Japanese video says "Sayonara" at the end. Interesting.

2023-10-22 01:17:36
Jim Spencer - Iowa Tesla Guy @iowateslaguy

@chrisbanach Hard to say. I did the free trial and there was a long queue.

2023-10-22 07:23:30
StudyLate @derkdiggl3r

@iowateslaguy Wow 😮 that’s pretty cool. Was it accurate? Looks legitimate

2023-10-21 11:20:42
Yuzo Koshiro @yuzokoshiro

@iowateslaguy @fate6p_nayo While some translations may need minor adjustments to make context natural, it’s generally accurate and easy to understand for native Japanese speakers. I feel real-time video conversations with this exciting feature will be coming soon.😆

2023-10-22 16:49:34
Jeffé @jeffpun_

@iowateslaguy i know zero Japanese but this looks good!

2023-10-21 20:45:22
Matthew Santoro 🇨🇦 @SantoroSystems

This is the type of stuff that I'm amazed by. Know the amount of compute necessary. But I'm just imagining applying this to basically all youtube content, video conference platforms, basically everything.. The ability to take English only content or really content from any language and immediately make it accessible to anyone on the planet is insane.

2023-10-21 12:12:43
Tesla Pilot 🛩🇺🇸 @jchybow

@iowateslaguy Wakarimasu! I understood your Japanese fairly well. Can’t say whether it was perfect or not, but it certainly sounds right from what I can tell.

2023-10-21 12:45:17
CarterMultz @Carter_M2

since you asked.... your english speech was ... in contemporary style, lacking punctuation and running on (run on sentence). The japanese you is much cooler. (I can count to ten in japanese, so not an analysis of the translation.) songwriter below dreamed the lyric, no real meaning youtube.com/watch?v=nGy9uo…

2023-10-22 01:47:48


くりえみ @kurita__emi

ElevenlabsとHeygenというソフトを使って本来私が日本語で喋っている映像が英語でリップシングも含め喋り、表現する事が可能に。手が顔にかかってしまうと透けてしまうのが少しネックだけど、これからの時代は同時に多国籍に向けて発信することが可能になりますね!まだまだ精度を上げていきます✨ pic.twitter.com/6AQXHBmyL1

2023-10-15 16:37:38
HeyGen @HeyGen_Official

Many of you are curious to hear how it sounds when our video translator turns a language into English. Here’s a clip of Cristiano Ronaldo speaking 🇵🇹 Portuguese, translated into English. What are your thoughts? Let us know below!👇 pic.twitter.com/3FKlHz12EH

2023-09-27 07:25:33