
Rainbow Jupiter🌈 @Jupiter_917

@historyinmemes It's fascinating to see - I wonder how realistic these colours are - the skin colour seems to correspond with real view, rest of the colours seem pretty bleak 🤔

2023-10-26 15:52:03
リンク 歴史人 【龍馬像をカラー化】プロとAIで結果はどう違うのか? | 歴史人 近年の技術向上により、AI(人工知能)を活用したサービスが拡大している。AIに自動生成させたイラストや、あたかも会話しているかのような文章を作成できる、対話型生成AIが話題になっているのは記憶に新しいところだ。AIによる、モノクロ画像の自動カラー化もそのうちのひとつで、幕末や昭和初期に撮影されたモノクロ画像のカラー化が広がりを見せている。研究分野はもとより、民間でもAIによるカラー化をサービスとして打ち出している企業が少なくない。そこで、今回は最新版の画像編集ソフトのAIによってカラー化された写真と、彩色 1 user 2
Nero. @ProIntegritas

@historyinmemes Fascinating to see old film such as this. 👍

2023-10-26 08:22:32
Walter Johnson @thebigtrain2000

@historyinmemes This was the last time that a Japanese person would look at a camera and wonder “what’s that?”

2023-10-27 03:52:29

国産量産カメラ(1903) 小西本店(現コニカミノルタ)

No Rest For the Space Rangers @nr_space

@historyinmemes tl;dr:1853,Commodore Perry's cannons forced Japan to open trade with U.S.,leading to modernization & adoption of Western ideals. 1902,Japan formed an alliance with GB against Russia's East Asia expansion. 1905,Japan shocked the world by defeating Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.

2023-10-26 14:16:45
VisionaryVoid @VisionaryVoid

The Meiji era marked a significant turning point in Japan’s history. The country underwent rapid modernization and westernization under Emperor Meiji’s rule, transforming from an isolated feudal state to an industrialized world power. The influence of Western culture led to a fascinating blend of traditional Japanese and Victorian aesthetics within Japan. The Russo-Japanese War during this period demonstrated Japan’s military prowess on the global stage, marking the first time an Asian nation defeated a European power in modern history. This war also saw the first use of machine guns, trench warfare, and torpedoes in battle, reflecting Japan’s successful adoption and implementation of Western technology. Furthermore, advancements in communication infrastructure, such as the establishment of a nationwide telegraph system, played a crucial role in connecting Japan with the rest of the world. This era laid the foundation for Japan’s emergence as a global economic powerhouse in the following decades.

2023-10-26 03:49:59
Alexander James @siralexanderj

@historyinmemes Japan's rapid transformation: from isolation to global powerhouse.

2023-10-26 03:47:55
Meisoo History @MeisooHistory

Japan’s rapid modernization during the Meiji Era was not just about military and industrial advancement. It also encompassed cultural, educational, and social reforms. The government sent students abroad to study Western sciences and arts, and invited experts from Europe and America to teach in Japan. The country adopted a new legal system based on the French, German, and British models. The education system was revamped, making it compulsory for children to attend school. This era also saw the rise of Japan’s railway system, modern postal service, and the introduction of Western-style banking. The blend of traditional Japanese values with Western ideas laid the foundation for Japan’s emergence as a global power in the 20th century.

2023-10-26 03:48:18


Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

In 1905, a photograph was taken in Japan capturing the moment when a Geisha, a female Japanese performing artist and entertainer, washed her hair before styling it. Geisha are renowned for their expertise in traditional Japanese performing arts, including dance, music, singing, and the art of conversation. They possess a distinctive appearance characterized by long, flowing kimonos, traditional hairstyles, and oshiroi makeup. Geisha entertain at gatherings called ozashiki, frequently entertaining affluent clients. They also showcase their talents on stage and participate in various festivals.

2023-10-26 03:52:07
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

April 18, 1906 is a day that will live in infamy in the minds of San Franciscans. Over 80% of San Francisco was destroyed and approximately 3,000 people lost their lives. However, it was not the magnitude 7.8 earthquake and its aftershocks that caused most of the damage. It has been estimated that the subsequent fires that burned out of control for three days after accounted for up to 90% of the total devastation. Footage on the left is from April 14, 4 days before the earthquake. Footage on the right is the aftermath of the earthquake and fires.

2023-10-26 03:48:28
リンク GIGAZINE 1906年のサンフランシスコ大地震の被害を映した写真とムービー 1906年4月18日に、サンフランシスコで大地震が発生しました。マグニチュード7.8と推定されるこの地震は大規模な火災を引き起こし、被害はアメリカの歴史の中でも特にひどい災害の一つに数えられるほどのものでした。 9 users 8
Time Capsule Tales @timecaptales

@historyinmemes Oda Nobuyoshi was a dentist from Japan during the the Meiji Era (1868-1912) and was apparently a retainer for the lga clan (famous ninja clan), although what that entailed remains a mystery. This photo was taken in 1880 when he was 20 years old. pic.twitter.com/uNpz0iDx60

2023-10-26 03:50:22
リンク withnews.jp イケメン過ぎる明治の偉人、子孫が語る骨太人生 爆弾抱えて上京 高知の自由民権運動家で歯科医の織田信福(のぶよし)(1860~1926)が、「イケメン」とネットで注目されている。「明治のオダギリジョー」という声も。いったいどんな人だったのか? 子孫が今も高知市内で歯科医院を営んでいると知り、訪ねてみ… 12 users 276
