
2010年5月の総選挙で、どの党も過半数に至らないという結果のなか発足した保守党とLiberal Democrats(LD)の連立政権が、歳出削減の具体策を示す作業に着手しつつあります。 先日はFSA(食品基準局)の廃止という方針が示されましたが、7月26日、文化・スポーツ省(ジェレミー・ハント大臣、保守党)から、UKフィルムカウンシル http://www.ukfilmcouncil.org.uk/ やMLA(博物館・図書館・アーカイヴ・カウンシル) http://www.mla.gov.uk/ など多くの機関の廃止や事業見直しとの方針が示されました。 それに対するTwitter上での反応を(主に自分が参照するために)まとめておきます。 続きを読む
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Anne Nelson @anelsona

New govt in Britain: no-go for a British version of Fox News. BBC website needs "red lines" for sake of competition. http://bit.ly/cwrCCk

2010-07-26 05:47:44
Iconic Meatball @ire_engine

"Hunt confirmed Government has no plans to relax rules on TV news impartiality." YES! FUCK YOU, RUPERT! IN YOUR FACE! http://bit.ly/cwrCCk

2010-07-26 20:40:45
1 @verygoodyear

Jeremy Hunt says "absolutely not" to a British Fox News style network from Murdoch. "Committed to protecting the impartiality requirements."

2010-07-26 21:30:53
reporterer @reporterer

Journalism.co.uk | BBC must remain editorially independent, says culture secretary: Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt ... http://bit.ly/bpqIox

2010-07-26 19:46:28

Jeremy Hunt (Culture Minister) Media keynote speech http://bit.ly/9LKTqY supporting roll-out of superfast broadband

2010-07-26 07:46:44
Kate Norman ♥ @sarahkatenorman

Jeremy Hunt: 'I don't want to hear about how to roll out a fibre-optic pipe to every home in Wales.' http://bit.ly/bFBI3l

2010-07-26 19:25:33
Nice Gadgets @Nice_Gadgets

BBC’S iPAD TAX – Mirror.co.uk: BBC'S iPAD TAXMirror.co.ukCulture Secretary Jeremy Hunt said increasin... http://bit.ly/bNHOLJ #gadget #ipad

2010-07-26 16:24:52
BR Public Affairs @BRPubAff

The Sun reports Jeremy Hunt might call for an iPlayer fee http://bit.ly/93VY5n (via @conhome)

2010-07-26 17:32:48

Culture sec Jeremy Hunt suggests those using PC or laptop to watch TV could face paying a licence fee http://bit.ly/cAQbC3

2010-07-26 17:44:01
Keiran Macintosh @Keiranmacintosh

Do Tories plan to put BBC websites behind a paywall?.... interesting comments from Jeremy Hunt; http://tiny.cc/lkm5o

2010-07-26 21:57:01
Rosie Clarke @rosieclarke

Jeremy Hunt's making a speech in the House of Commons at 2:30pm about these plans: I think we should all watch what he says.

2010-07-26 21:07:55
⚫️ Thérèse  @TiggerTherese

DCMS statement re cutting, merging etc arts bodies: http://bit.ly/9sevj7 Watch arts minister Jeremy Hunt in HoC, 2.30: http://bit.ly/betcKE

2010-07-26 21:54:09
Dom Fripp @Domicus

Jeremy Hunt DCMS Full statement transcript http://ow.ly/2gxHL

2010-07-26 21:55:25

If Jeremy Hunt is cutting half the jobs in Culture Dept, is he cutting half the ministerial jobs? Why not?

2010-07-26 19:47:31
olli challiner @ollichalliner

'bargain hunt' a show where ordinary members of the public have half an hour to strike a deal with culture and olympics minister jeremy hunt

2010-07-26 20:36:42
Joe Cassels @joecassels

@gibbzer I think it's fair to call Jeremy Hunt the Lack of Culture Secretary.

2010-07-26 20:57:47
Bethany Spence @bethany_spence

Government Scraps UK Film Council - So the government plans to scrap the UK Film Council. Jeremy Hunt is due... http://tumblr.com/xege8otuy

2010-07-26 21:08:15
Richard Ross @Mitch_UK

Guess Jeremy Hunt really hated Sex Lives Of The Potato Men

2010-07-26 21:07:32
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

英国の文化大臣の名前がtrending topicsに入ってると思ったら、大変なことが発表されている… UK Film Council to be abolished http://bit.ly/9XlLA2

2010-07-27 00:34:52
Nordic Oddchild @kaoticoddchild

Jeremy Hunt to scrap Uk Film Council at 2:30pm? Cockney rhyming slang may just have an addendum soon. http://tinyurl.com/3agac9m

2010-07-26 21:17:43
Ben Butterworth @benbutterworth

I can think of something more appropriate to call Jeremy Hunt http://bit.ly/aMxPw8 #ukfilmcouncil

2010-07-26 21:20:29
Mike Rymer @Mike_Rymer

UKFC abolished? Jeremy Hunt due to inform the House of Commons at 2:30pm (6:30am PST) http://bit.ly/9sevj7 #in

2010-07-26 21:21:59
Rob Fahey @robfahey

UK Film Council to be scrapped. Waiting to see what Jeremy Hunt announces to replace it before making a judgement.

2010-07-26 21:14:06
Cineme @Cineme

The UK Film Council is to be axed as part of a cost-cutting drive by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

2010-07-26 21:39:30
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