
2010年5月の総選挙で、どの党も過半数に至らないという結果のなか発足した保守党とLiberal Democrats(LD)の連立政権が、歳出削減の具体策を示す作業に着手しつつあります。 先日はFSA(食品基準局)の廃止という方針が示されましたが、7月26日、文化・スポーツ省(ジェレミー・ハント大臣、保守党)から、UKフィルムカウンシル http://www.ukfilmcouncil.org.uk/ やMLA(博物館・図書館・アーカイヴ・カウンシル) http://www.mla.gov.uk/ など多くの機関の廃止や事業見直しとの方針が示されました。 それに対するTwitter上での反応を(主に自分が参照するために)まとめておきます。 続きを読む
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Neil Alcock, HITCHOLOGY author and pro wrestler @MrNeilAlcock

This just in: Government to abolish film. Culture Sec Jeremy Hunt: "I didn't get Inception so I don't see why anyone else should have fun"

2010-07-26 21:23:28
thecallsheet.co.uk @thecallsheet

UKFC to be scrapped http://bit.ly/bbyjJr Our friend Jeremy Hunt to address the commons today.

2010-07-26 21:42:26

#Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt abolishes UK Film Council without proper consultation #guardian #UKFC http://gu.com/p/2tj6j/tw

2010-07-26 22:13:02

The Tories have just announced they are abolishing the UK Film Council without consultation. I am gobsmacked. Jeremy Hunt, what an arsehole.

2010-07-26 21:45:24
Myles Runham @mylesrun

This government is behaving as if it won a landslide. Did I miss something in the share of votes somewhere?

2010-07-27 02:07:04
Glyn Jones @voyagefantastic

Crushing news about the UKFC. It seems Jeremy Hunt + his department are on a mission to destroy all great bastions of British culture.

2010-07-26 21:29:19
Ben Trebilcook @BenTrebilcook

How supportive of Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt to axe the UK Film Council http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/jul/26/uk-film-council

2010-07-26 22:04:12
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

信じがたい。2000年代以降の「(わかりやすくマスにアピールする)良質な英国映画」の牽引役を廃止する(「仕分け」する)とは。ロッタリー・ファンドからの資金を映画産業に注ぐのはこれまで通りと言うが… / BBC News - UK Fil… http://htn.to/QqfdeV

2010-07-27 01:05:42

Great work Jeremy Hunt. You know inception is a British film right? How would it have done without the UKFC? Twat.

2010-07-26 21:30:52
John Murphy @John_murphy1

UK Film Council abolished. Yeah, 'cos who needs films and all that elitist rubbish eh? Well done Jeremy Hunt, you piece of rhyming slang.

2010-07-26 22:04:15
Ian Wharton @ianwharton

UK Film Council to be axed?! Jeremy Hunt is a total moron. http://bit.ly/baajYJ

2010-07-26 22:43:16
@nicol@social.coop @helloideas

Soho learns a new bit of rhyming slang as Jeremy Hunt scraps UK Film Council: http://bit.ly/aWaqb5

2010-07-26 21:32:12
Beez Entertainment @BeezEnt

It's well worth saying re the #UKFC that until it is announced by Jeremy Hunt there's no point panicking as there may be a replacement plan.

2010-07-26 21:24:54
The Writers' Guild @TheWritersGuild

Jeremy Hunt: 'Government and Lottery support for film will continue' http://bit.ly/9sevj7

2010-07-26 22:54:57
Michael Spicer @MrMichaelSpicer

'Lottery support for film will continue,' says Jeremy Hunt. He's given a scratchcard to Ken Loach.

2010-07-26 22:04:38
Asking for a friend...🇧🇷🇬🇧🇳🇬 @S_sS

UK Actors Calm down. Jeremy Hunt, said you'll still get Lottery Funding & he didn't say anything about taking away your part time job. #ukfc

2010-07-26 23:24:21
Leo Payne @Leo_Payne

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt said he wants to establish a "direct and less bureaucratic relationship with the British Film Institute".#ukfc

2010-07-26 21:36:20
Jonw5555 @Jonw5555

So... Is the BFI going to be in charge of handing out Lottery money? Maybe Jeremy Hunt think's he can decide himself what should get funding

2010-07-26 22:12:01
⚫️ Thérèse  @TiggerTherese

I don't trust Arts Min Jeremy Hunt at all but all these arts bodies are going to be "replaced" in some way. Watch http://bit.ly/betcKE @2.30

2010-07-26 22:13:56
⚫️ Thérèse  @TiggerTherese

@Kelpsych Yes, by other arrangements: http://bit.ly/9sevj7 Jeremy Hunt in HoC, 2.30: http://bit.ly/betcKE. Film Council were useless though.

2010-07-26 22:18:16
jfraseruk @jfraseruk

OK, this is weird but I've read the Jeremy Hunt statement and I'm not angry. Dare I say it but everything he is proposing sounds sensible

2010-07-26 22:37:32
Leo Payne @Leo_Payne

Jeremy Hunt brushed over the UKFC announcement but did say 'Every penny to be spent frontline services and not on back office bureaucracy'.

2010-07-26 23:12:15
jamie carruthrz @carruthrz

Is Jeremy Hunt qualified to talk about back room bureaucracy? Of course he is, he's a politician... #savetheUKFC

2010-07-26 23:11:02
Xavier Henry-Rashid @xavierrashid

"£3 Million on admin, could it be better spent on filmmakers?" Jeremy Hunt

2010-07-26 23:16:40
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