
2010年5月の総選挙で、どの党も過半数に至らないという結果のなか発足した保守党とLiberal Democrats(LD)の連立政権が、歳出削減の具体策を示す作業に着手しつつあります。 先日はFSA(食品基準局)の廃止という方針が示されましたが、7月26日、文化・スポーツ省(ジェレミー・ハント大臣、保守党)から、UKフィルムカウンシル http://www.ukfilmcouncil.org.uk/ やMLA(博物館・図書館・アーカイヴ・カウンシル) http://www.mla.gov.uk/ など多くの機関の廃止や事業見直しとの方針が示されました。 それに対するTwitter上での反応を(主に自分が参照するために)まとめておきます。 続きを読む
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Tom Kerin - singingmute.bsky.social @Singingmute

So Jeremy Hunt is targetting both the UK Film Council and the BBC... the feck is that mans problem

2010-07-26 23:28:16

I'm gonna guess that Jeremy Hunt didn't understand Inception. And therefore no-one else can either. Ever again. As he has killed UK film.

2010-07-27 02:22:35
Kittydoodle @kittydoodle

I've just heard it is Jeremy Hunt that is scrapping the UK Film Council. Since he's my local MP, I feel I have the right to smack him.

2010-07-26 22:12:53
Nigel Doylerush @NigelTGM

Has anyone told Jeremy hunt he's supposed to be axing the costs of the culture department, not actually axing culture?

2010-07-26 23:15:31
Partridge Thornton @PartridgeToffee

We could've saved £134,000 a year by just axeing Jeremy Hunt. (The MP not the professional cyclist).

2010-07-26 22:46:12
Andy Field & Beckie Darlington @andyandbeckie

Jeremy Hunt to cut DCMS by 130%. Offering his own salary to David Cameron. Flagellating himself nightly in the bowels of downing street.

2010-07-26 22:55:29
Andrew Jones @Mandrew_IOM

@jonronson Does Jeremy Hunt realise that he's the Minister for Culture & Media (& sport)? Ideally he should try to save some of it

2010-07-26 22:47:23
pauliecee @pauliecee

whoever left Jeremy Hunt in charge is clearly no lover of culture, media or sport...

2010-07-26 21:55:53
Amanda Jade @msamandajade

How abut we scrap Jeremy Hunt and get someone into the job who actually cares about the job of culture secretary

2010-07-26 21:22:20

I recently heard that Jeremy Hunt doesn't read novels. He's just not interested. This is our Culture Secretary, remember.

2010-07-26 22:04:52
Jeremy Allen @jeres

UK Film Council abolished? How long before Jeremy Hunt has to stand down as Culture Secretary because there's no fucking culture left?

2010-07-26 22:22:29
Adrian Giddings @cunabula

Jeremy Hunt soon to a Minister without Portfolio what with abolishing his job and all. More time for lunches.

2010-07-26 23:31:20
Sue @Surfingsue

Jeremy Hunt may do himself out of a job, if he keeps this up we will have no Culture! #savetheUKFC

2010-07-27 01:28:02
RichNeville @RichNeville

I worry how Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt will fill the rest of his five years in government once he's ended all culture.

2010-07-26 22:09:57
Holly Brightwell @Hollius

Christmas is cancelled, thanks to Jeremy Hunt. Hands up who regrets voting Tory now http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-10761225

2010-07-26 22:24:21
lizzie bruce @v_short_stories

ok here's one: Jeremy Hunt: l,r,e,m,d,i,a,p & o all gone in efficiency savings, leaving us with....wait for it... Dept for Cuts #JeremyHunt

2010-07-27 00:39:33
Grant Sharkey @GrantSharkey

Jeremy Hunt oiled up and helped slide Peter Mandelson's Digitial Economy Bill through, now abolishing the British Film Council.

2010-07-26 22:02:59

メディア・文化担当大臣のジェレミー・ハント(保守党)は、今回の選挙前の4月に議会が解散する直前にろくに審議もされずに通ったDigital Economy Act(英国版スリーストライク法、労働党提出)に賛成したわずか4人の保守党議員のうちの1人である。 @heatwave_p2p

2010-05-14 06:11:23
Thomas Septer @ThomasSepter

BBC News - Torie scum, Jeremy Hunt 'sorry' over Hillsborough hooligans claim http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10434714

2010-07-26 07:31:54

Charterhouse School : No excuse for Hillsborough slur by Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for ... - Liverpool Echo http://bit.ly/c9BPE7

2010-07-26 15:17:24
HJ Hampson @heatherjhampson

I can't believe Jeremy Hunt is abolishing the UK Film Council...first the Hillsborough gaff now this. What a cunt. #j496 #saveukfc

2010-07-26 22:13:40
John Murphy @John_murphy1

So, as well as thinking Hillsborough was caused by football hooligans, Jeremy Hunt also wants to abolish the UK Film Council. What. A. Guy.

2010-07-26 23:05:49
Kal Bonner @KalBonner

Isn't Jeremy Hunt that knob who said hooligans were responsible for Hillsborough? Thought so. #Film Council #Jeremy Cunt

2010-07-26 23:13:01
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

ジェレミー・ハント文化大臣は、閣僚になっても&2010年になっても、ヒルズバラの悲劇 http://bit.ly/aRG9oT (狭い空間に大勢の人がいたための群集事故。発生当時は「フーリガンが暴れた」と説明された)に関し暴言を吐いて謝罪 http://bit.ly/bvuQDK

2010-07-27 01:21:06
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