English Jam(Oct.7.2012)

八王子、世田谷を中心に英語で議論をする集まりEnglish Jamのディスカッションの大体の概要をまとめています。 「参加したことはないけど、これから行きたい」 なんて方に向けて作ってます。よろしければよろしくお願いします。

Before going to the first topic, we talked about "Why do people become vegetarians?"

There are lots of reasons, psychologically or religiously, to become vegetarians.

Typical ones are when one....

  1. Doesn't want to kill(and eat) "living things".
  2. Wants to be "healthy".
  3. Wants to stay skinny.
    4.Wants to save some money.

And, we came up with one more initiative...

minaksn @minaksn

"vegetarian is a fashion."

2012-10-07 18:43:57

Then, we discussed kind of an extreme option that we have. If one doesn't want to murder and eat other living things, such as cows, pigs, or chickens, what about our species, HUMAN BEINGS?

minaksn @minaksn

"why not eating human beings?"

2012-10-07 15:16:56
misce @masamisce

It reminds me of the movie "Soylent Green". The world human meat is produced in large scale.

2012-10-07 15:45:46

Soylent Green is a movie. Basically, the story takes place in a world that food is scarce because of an extreme population increase. So, poeple live on "Soylent Green"(some kind of food, made of HUMAN BEINGS).

Soylent Green(1973) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVpN312hYgU

minaksn @minaksn

in the history, human beings use others as slaves. so why not as something to eat.

2012-10-07 15:28:17

The fact that many of us feel WRONG when it comes to cannibalism, is undeniable. Why, though?

In the discussion, there were some opinions such as...

"If we were to eat human, we gotta murder other persons. That's just wrong."

"As we all know, we(humans) can feel pain when hurt. we also have an ability to think."

misce @masamisce

Actually anything we were to say about meat was almost pointless when we don't know how do we kill animal to eat. #e_jam

2012-10-07 23:22:23
misce @masamisce

It also suggested an interesting point. What is our reality? We are kinda like "what we don't see doesn't exist". Ignorance is bliss. #e_jam

2012-10-07 23:30:40

This is a good point.

Being vegetarian makes us "healthy". But, what does "healthy" mean, anyway?

minaksn @minaksn

"what does being healthy mean?"

2012-10-07 16:02:43
minaksn @minaksn

as the pursuit of happiness means different for each of us, the condition of being healthy also is different from person to person.

2012-10-07 18:24:19

For us, being healthy, of course, is about our physical conditions. That is not the only condition of "healthy", though.

We also got to be mentally "healthy".

And, mentally or physically, our states of being "healthy" are, more or less, different from each of us.

It may not be related to this topic. But, it might have something to do with SMOKING, also.

I mean many people today say that smoking cigarette isn't good because it's not "healthy" for yourself and even for people close to you.

That's true. Isn't it getting too much, though? sometimes, what anti-smokers say sounds like they are forcing smokers to follow their criterion. As if smoking is no longer a choice for any of us.

misce @masamisce

Now, something completely different, "smoking" or rather "forcing to be happy".

2012-10-07 15:55:06
minaksn @minaksn

"is smoking no longer a choice?"

2012-10-07 16:04:02
minaksn @minaksn

when it comes to "smokers vs non-smokers", the discussion should stay only in the manner of smokers. nothing more than that.

2012-10-07 18:46:05
minaksn @minaksn

when people tell us not to smoke, they're only talking about being physically healthy.

2012-10-07 16:58:39
minaksn @minaksn

ultimately, it's impossible for non-smokers to know what it's like to smoke. still, smokers have their own reasons to be smokers, healthy.

2012-10-07 17:38:02