"Lost in Translation (ありのままで)"

歌詞カードの愉悦 或いは「ライナーノーツって何ですか?」
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

It's hard to look right at you baby (待つわ いつまでも待つわ) But here's my number (他の誰かにあなたが) So call me maybe (ふられる日まで)

2014-07-31 08:35:15


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Trans-Europa Express (ビュワーン ビュワーン 走る) Trans-Europa Express (青い光の超特急) Trans-Europa Express (時速250キロ) Trans-Europa Express (滑るようだな走る)

2014-07-28 08:26:12


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Roxanne (サッちゃんはね) You don't have to put on the red light (サチコっていうんだほんとはね)

2014-07-25 08:44:24
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Those days are over (だけどちっちゃいから) You don't have to sell your body to the night (じぶんのことサッちゃんっていうんだよ) Roxanne (おかしいな サッちゃん)

2014-07-25 08:46:24


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

We don't need no education (たばこを吸いながら) We don't need no thought control (いつでもつまらなそうに)

2014-07-29 08:17:48
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

No dark sarcasm in the classroom (たばこを吸いながらいつでも部屋に一人) Teachers, leave them kids alone (ぼくの好きな先生)

2014-07-29 08:20:49
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone! (ぼくの好きなおじさん) All in all it's just another brick in the wall (たばこと絵の具のにおいのあの部屋にいつも一人)

2014-07-29 08:21:59
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

All in all you're just another brick in the wall (たばこを吸いながらキャンバスに向かってた)

2014-07-29 08:22:33


♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Don't go changing, to try and please me (おもしろいっていいたいのに) You never let me down before (いえないなんてつまらないでしょ)

2014-08-04 08:25:30
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

Don't imagine you're too familiar (おなじになっていい子でなんて) And I don't see you anymore (いたくないってキミもそうでしょ)

2014-08-04 08:26:51
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

I would not leave you in times of trouble (だれかのルールにしばられたくはないの) We never could have come this far (わがままドキドキこのままでいたい)

2014-08-04 08:28:50
♍≠様♍ @XavierCohen

I took the good times, I'll take the bad times (このせまいこころの檻も) I'll take you just the way you are (こわして自由になりたいの)

2014-08-04 08:30:08
