
2010年12月8日、HillsboroughがUKのトレンディング・トピックスに入っていました。「ヒルズバラの悲劇」は4月だし、シェフィールド・ウェンズデーの試合で大きなことがあったのかな、でもTTに入るようなビッグ・チームではないし(失礼)、と不思議に思って見てみると、米国の新聞『ボストン・タイムズ』のコラムニストが、「ヒルズバラはサポが暴れただけなのに、20年以上も追悼し続けている変な都市、それがリヴァプールだ」みたいなことを書いていた、ということでリヴァプールFCのサポのみなさんを中心に「これはひどい」と大炎上。デイリー・メイルまで出てきてます(たぶんTwitterでネタを拾ったのでしょうが)。 以下、基本的事実を調べることもなく好き勝手なことを書いているジャーナリストへの感情的反発を示す英文の例文集としてもご活用ください。
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siân 🎄 @sianhxwen

theres no point in tweeting alex beam about hillsborough, his twitter is automated. email the boston globe instead, this cant go unnoticed!

2010-12-08 04:43:58
Mikki Deschaine @NHFireWoman

History Channel aired documentary that showed Hillsborough caused by barrier fences, locked gate & poor staff communication-no riot! #LFC

2010-12-08 04:45:33
Leon snotsky 🌳 @sme30

@Phil_Mahon @jimboardman Just sent this to baron@globe.com To the 96 that passed away at hillsborough on that (cont) http://tl.gd/7c7nr8

2010-12-08 04:46:51

@Leerob72 my nephew is 14 and if I gave him a laptop and left him for 10 minutes he could find a wealth of info out about Hillsborough.

2010-12-08 04:47:59
arwel luke @alukey

Any chance u could point ur ahem journalist 2 any research sites b4 spouting rubbish about hillsborough @bostonupdate

2010-12-08 04:49:27
jules @Julian_Lee76

A copy of my email to Alex Beam of the Boston Globe http://bit.ly/i6f7Yt #fb #hillsborough

2010-12-08 04:49:32
Paul Dalglish @pauldalglish

Disgusted to read the article calling hillsborough a riot.I think the least Beam can do is write an apology to the families of the 96. JFT96

2010-12-08 04:50:48
siân 🎄 @sianhxwen

it's irrelevant which team anybody supports. hillsborough should never be forgotten and it's disgusting that anybody has taken it in vain.

2010-12-08 04:51:41
. @desertavox

So a journalist writes about what he knows nothing about? That's a shocker. Hillsborough was NOT a riot, Shame on you @GlobeAlexBeam.

2010-12-08 04:51:58
The Spooky Band Wagon 🎃 @ScoobyGangKid

Hard to believe someone could be so insensitive and ignorant about something as tragic and sad as Hillsborough JFT96 YNWA :((

2010-12-08 04:52:04
Scot Williams @scotwilliams

These Hillsborough slurs from Alex Beam just plain upset me. If only he knew how many oceans of tears have ran because of ignorance. #jft96

2010-12-08 04:52:05

As someone engaged in academic work about Hillsborough, the factual inaccuracy and insensitive provocation by Alex Beam is astounding.

2010-12-08 04:52:38
ellie @laurdinah

Hillsborough wasn't a riot. I know people who had friends and family there, some of who were injured and even died. @GlobeAlexBeam you tit.

2010-12-08 04:53:40
Joe Thwaites @joe_thwaites

So a Boston Globe 'journalist' thinks Hillsborough was a "riot" caused by Liverpool supporters, email him with your thoughts beam@globe.com

2010-12-08 04:53:52
Dan B @danbullock

An awful, callous misinformed piece of 'journalism' from an American about Hillsborough: http://b.globe.com/e1h4ny (via @BostonUpdate)

2010-12-08 04:54:20
Rick Coyle @Rick_Coyle

Insensitive idiot thinks we should all be over the Hillsborough disaster by now. http://bit.ly/eeUAmB #lfcfollowback #YNWA

2010-12-08 04:57:02
Empire of the Kop @empireofthekop

Hearing from fans of other clubs l@tehdago @Kaveeeen showing respect #JFT96

2010-12-08 04:57:32
Mark @McrRed

@kop_that @Julian_Lee76 RT @Julian_Lee76: my email to Alex Beam of the Boston Globe http://bit.ly/i6f7Yt #hillsborough <=Good work Julian

2010-12-08 04:59:44
John Hughes @indicium

insensitive, inaccurate, and offensive articles like Alex Beams re: Hillsborough disaster are a disgrace @BostonUpdate #JFT96

2010-12-08 05:00:24
ferryman 🥶 @ferryman72

My mail to beam@globe.com: Heading: About Hillsborough and Liverpool FC Dear Mr. Alex Beam. Sco... http://kvs.co/2uDO

2010-12-08 05:01:25
Joe Thwaites @joe_thwaites

In Liverpool we boycott the Sun because of their Hillsborough lies (yes Mr McKenzie you lied) if we could we'd now boycott the Boston Globe

2010-12-08 05:01:44
Chloe Kinton @chloekinton

the only good thing to come from disgusting Boston Globe article is the wave of unity and a further need for justice #Hillsborough #JFT96

2010-12-08 05:02:50

RT @scotwilliams: These Hillsborough slurs from Alex Beam just plain upset me. If only he knew how many oceans of tears have ran because of ignorance. #jft96

2010-12-08 05:03:26
Nini @secretshed

Can anyone tell me why Hillsborough is trending? Nothing comes up on Google

2010-12-08 05:04:19
Jeff @ellibin

@BostonGlobe The Hillsborough disaster was NOT caused by a 'riot', your reporter should check his facts..

2010-12-08 05:04:34
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