blurかるた(英訳付き)Blur‐Karuta with English translation

January 12,We made the original Blur-Karuta by ourselves,and enjoyed playing. The details are listed below.
HAL @kthalinger

blurかるたとは… 絵札にblur関連画像を使用しています。 五十音関係なく作られてるので、同じ文字の札が存在します。 五十音ではない文字の札も存在します。 blur沼民が幸せになれるかるたです。 #blurかるた

2015-01-13 17:17:49
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger we made the blur karuta on the 1st anniversary of blur live at tokyo. we fervently hope blur come back to Japan again. つづく

2015-01-13 23:30:10
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger karuta is Japanese famous card games. The 50 sets of cards are printed Blur's photos and Japanese characters of them. つづく

2015-01-14 00:00:45
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger we competes for pic cards that match the verse cards read out by one person. The player with the most pic card is the winner.

2015-01-14 00:35:45
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger Damon appeared hand in hand with Graham at the Budokan

2015-01-21 12:34:27
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger "God bless you" Message from Damon for Japanese Blur Fans

2015-01-21 12:57:02
🖤R S S M🖤 @nooneheresalone

@kthalinger The Universal is the best for the ending, after all.

2015-01-14 16:07:27
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger very deep and cozy place, that's a Swamp of Blur

2015-01-22 17:49:34
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger “Umaibos are the Godzilla of snacks” by Alex

2015-01-14 01:00:57
ikumilk @imilkumilk

@kthalinger "The best of" has wonderful artwork of Julian Opie.

2015-01-19 20:11:57
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