オバマ大統領 #IranDeal について

Barack Obama @BarackObama

Tune in at 11:20 a.m. ET to watch President Obama discuss the historic #IranDeal at @AmericanU: ofa.bo/f9Ax

2015-08-05 23:29:09

ETタイムで午前11時20分をまわりました イランディールについての歴史的な議論をごらん下さい。

Barack Obama @BarackObama

LIVE: President Obama is speaking at @AmericanU about the importance of the #IranDeal. ofa.bo/t96o

2015-08-06 00:58:39


Barack Obama @BarackObama

“More than a decade later, we still live with the consequences of the decision to invade Iraq.” —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:10:30


Barack Obama @BarackObama

"Now more than ever, we need clear thinking in our foreign policy." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:12:34


Barack Obama @BarackObama

"The question then is not whether to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but how." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:13:42
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"Even before taking office, I made clear that Iran would not be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon on my watch." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:14:57
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"I have also made clear my preference for a peaceful diplomatic resolution of the issue." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:16:42


Barack Obama @BarackObama

“It was our very willingness to negotiate that helped America rally the world to our cause.” —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:18:33
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"What made our new approach more effective was our ability to draw upon new U.N. Security Council resolutions." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:19:37
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"Winning this global buy-in was not easy. I know. I was there." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:20:40
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"It was diplomacy that ratcheted up the pressure on Iran." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:22:19
Barack Obama @BarackObama

“The progress of Iran's nuclear program was halted for the first time in a decade.” —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:25:17
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"What was once proclaimed as a historic mistake is now held up as a success." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:26:16
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"In July, we reached a comprehensive plan of action that meets our objectives." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:27:26
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"This deal shuts off the type of covert program Iran has pursued in the past.” —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:29:52
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"Iran has powerful incentives to keep its commitments." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:30:59
Barack Obama @BarackObama

“If Iran violates the agreement over the next decade all of the sanctions can snap back in to place.” —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:32:42
Barack Obama @BarackObama

“This deal is not just the best choice among alternatives—this is the strongest non-proliferation agreement ever.” —President Obama

2015-08-06 01:34:19
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"The bottom line is, if Iran cheats, we can catch them—and we will." —President Obama #IranDeal

2015-08-06 01:35:47
Barack Obama @BarackObama

"Without this deal, the scenarios that critics warn about happening in 15 years could happen six months from now." —President Obama

2015-08-06 01:37:05