
X_MacMittens @X_MacMittens

@xtreemmasheen3k @SidAlpha @UE_UpperEchelon @TheQuartering imagine if they reversed the roles and the monsters hunted humans? Would it make sense?

2020-01-08 21:17:10


Critic Kitten @CriticKitten

This PC Gamer review of Monster Hunter: Iceborne perfectly illustrates the disconnect between reviewers and their target audience. This guy is complaining that a game called "Monster Hunter" is asking her to hunt monsters. But even more egregious is that she's actually lying. pic.twitter.com/l1E7Gnkpco

2020-01-09 07:18:43




Ephrain Estrella @GodSasquatch

@xtreemmasheen3k @SidAlpha @UE_UpperEchelon @TheQuartering You can capture the monsters, which are then studied and released. Even the description for the quests usually notes the target is out of its usual area and threatening another ecosystem. Is this person a dunce or oblivious?

2020-01-08 16:16:44


Upper Echelon Gaming 🇹🇼 @UE_UpperEchelon

This is sort of like saying "bUt tHiNk oF tHe pOoR kAiJu iN pAcIfIc rIm!!... hUmAnS aRe tHe bAd gUyS!!" Can these journalists just fuck off back to their safe space bubble already? twitter.com/xtreemmasheen3…

2020-01-08 13:15:33
Dr. Decepticon Boba Fett 🇺🇸🇹🇼🇭🇰 @xtreemmasheen3k

This PC Gamer Review almost reads like a satire. They had enough of a sense to still give it an 82/100, but what exactly was this person expecting from a series that's literally called Monster Hunter? @SidAlpha @UE_UpperEchelon @TheQuartering web.archive.org/web/2020010803… pic.twitter.com/AVxYk8WMvv

2020-01-08 12:43:11


Upper Echelon Gaming 🇹🇼 @UE_UpperEchelon

Dear lord. "To offset the unpleasant moments where you brutally murder a monster fighting for its life".... just fucking quit your job... whoever wrote this... its monster hunter. Do the industry a favor and dissapear.

2020-01-08 13:21:09


Kyuryon, The Strongly Forsaken and Resented @KyuryonX

@UE_UpperEchelon I wish they could all be fired for writing up bullshit like this. People might as well read a goddamned tabloid rather than all of the bullshit from pseudo-game journalists.

2020-01-09 08:43:21



Kit @koinekko

@UE_UpperEchelon I know I read "PC Gamer". But everything about this article screams IGN.

2020-01-08 17:46:14

PC Gamerの記事だと分かっているのに、記事自体がIGNとさけびまくってやがる。

ThumbWarriorDX @ThumbWarriorDX

@UE_UpperEchelon Pokemon snap is a rail shooter. How the hell is it gonna be more like Pokemon Snap? We're using advanced massage techniques to massage dragons until they fall asleep?

2020-01-08 18:02:51



Greysun Morales @GreysunMorales

Sooo Pokemon Sword and Shield: Iceborne? Yeah, I'll give you all the money you need :)))) #PokemonDirect pic.twitter.com/zUY6Oh3phf

2020-01-10 01:07:23