
トニー・ブレアの回顧録、A Journeyが9月1日に出ました。これを受けて、Twitter上は「真顔でジョーク」のパーティ会場。ブレアといえば「誠実さ honesty」が疑問視されている政治家の筆頭で、主にそれをネタにした「真顔ジョーク」です。ただしあまり直球で下品なものは外してあります。 回顧録の内容については、真面目な新聞記事などをお読みください。例えば下記。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/sep/01/tony-blair-memoirs-verdict 続きを読む
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Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

On hunger strikers TB writes: I think of the pain, the unendurable horror, the blind courage required for such an act of self destruction."

2010-09-03 21:07:14
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

On the awfulness of horror and violence visited on each other Tony Blair said "for decades, such barbaric atavism defined Northern Ireland."

2010-09-03 21:09:11
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

T/Blair is attracting some attention in this city! Books flying off the shelves. There is a bit of the Clinton factor at play here!

2010-09-04 02:25:09
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Unionist accusations of Blair dissembling rolling off him like water off a duck's back. Lively interview bagged.

2010-09-04 03:23:01
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Hey guys ...I am almost certain Tony Blair was wearing blue suede shoes when I was interviewing him. What a groover!

2010-09-04 04:42:49
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Remarkably Peter Robinson gets only two passing references in Tony Blair's autobiography. TB says he thinks two mentions are quite good.

2010-09-04 05:13:10
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

I adopted the love seat position for my interview with Tony Blair. He didn't mind being bossed about and willingly signed 9 books for me.

2010-09-04 05:37:02
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Finishing my interview with T/ Blair blonde aide said to me, "Sweetie I'll carry one of your bags and bring you down." Sweetie familiar?

2010-09-04 05:42:26
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

I don't think Tony Blair liked the half price sticker on his Waterstone books. Neither would I before the pages had cooled.

2010-09-04 05:45:53
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

Colleague Mark Simpson reports the surreal outside RTE with an anti war protest against Tony Blair and teenagers calling out for Jedward!

2010-09-04 06:00:56
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-09-02 07:49:42
Sunday Independent @TheSundayIndo

Prince 'baffled by Prescott habit': The Prince of Wales was baffled by John Prescott's habit of balancing a teacup... http://bit.ly/bj5WOL

2010-09-01 21:23:12
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