

トニー・ブレアの回顧録、A Journeyが9月1日に出ました。これを受けて、Twitter上は「真顔でジョーク」のパーティ会場。ブレアといえば「誠実さ honesty」が疑問視されている政治家の筆頭で、主にそれをネタにした「真顔ジョーク」です。ただしあまり直球で下品なものは外してあります。 回顧録の内容については、真面目な新聞記事などをお読みください。例えば下記。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/sep/01/tony-blair-memoirs-verdict 続きを読む
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Tim Almond @timalmond

saw a WH Smith poster for Blair's biography with the line "The New Tony Blair", like it's a work of fiction.

2010-09-01 03:06:46
Alan Beech @alanbeech

Tony Blair's book should be in the crime section.

2010-09-01 07:45:33
t.j greene @greentak

John Pilger writes about the "paramount war crime" defined by the Nuremberg judges in 1946 and its relevance to the case of Tony Blair,

2010-09-01 08:31:35
Giddy George Osborne @Gideon_Osboner

GID'S TOP TIPS: brighten up your day today by moving at least one of tony blair's books to the crime section in your local book shop #yah?

2010-09-01 15:24:01

DO NOT DO THIS. No-one will notice and poor booksellers have to tidy up. RT @gideonsaysyah: move tony blair's book to the crime section

2010-09-01 16:42:52
Giddy George Osborne @Gideon_Osboner

@kirstylogan booksellers can also brighten their day by leaving tony blair's book in the crime section and pointing customers there #yah?

2010-09-01 17:38:15
Tom Jamieson @jamiesont

Tony Blair's autobiography on sale now in the fiction section of all good bookshops.

2010-09-01 15:57:17
Dr Sally Osborn @sallyosborn

Am heartily sick of Bliar memoir already & no intention of reading it. Best bit was #Blair1stlines last night.

2010-09-01 16:10:09
Pop Cult magazine @popcultmag

Will book stockists be placing Tony Blair's autobiography in the fiction section next to Don Quixote?

2010-09-01 17:23:12
Nick Sarjant @The_HammerGames

Tony Blair has a book out now. I expect to find it in the fiction sections of book stores!

2010-09-01 17:38:02
John L @2MuchApplePie

Tony Blair's book getting masses of free publicity across all the major media outlets. That'll learn him. Who said (war) crime doesn't pay?

2010-09-01 18:15:37

Tony Blair's book is in the library, under fiction!

2010-09-01 18:37:14
Nerø AD @NeroAD

Tony Blair's biography hits the shops today. Couldn't find it in Waterstones, it wasn't anywhere in the crime section...

2010-09-01 19:03:26
Ian Charters 🇪🇺 @IWCharters

Did you try Fiction? RT @andrew_neary: Tony Blair's biography hits the shops today. Couldn't find it, wasn't anywhere in the crime section..

2010-09-01 19:06:26
CarlMinns @carlminns

Mmm. Tony Blair's book 1/2 price in Waterstones hull. Interestingly located in the fiction section :-)

2010-09-01 20:01:25
oxfordgirl @oxfordgirl

No, No Tony Blair, no one wanted your New Labour any more and your wars damaged Labour, and we could not fix it in time #Tonyblair

2010-09-01 20:04:05
oxfordgirl @oxfordgirl

Usually very anti any such move, but as Blair memoirs come out I think may be time for a good book burning #Tonyblair #LabourLeadership

2010-09-01 20:06:53
oxfordgirl @oxfordgirl

With Blair and Mandy behind David Miliband, surely no clear thinking person could possibly vote for him as leader #LabourLeadership

2010-09-01 20:08:04
Mashood Salman @omo_baba_kaduna

So why's Tony Blair trending? They charging him for war crime? Do nøt forget Bush pls, they in it together

2010-09-01 20:29:39
Alan Austin #FBPE 🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇩🇪🇳🇴🇮🇪 @lutefisk2u

Searched all over the Amazon & Play Fiction sections yet can't find Tony Blair's book, that's odd as it's the lau... ♫ http://blip.fm/~vlu7l

2010-09-01 21:43:12
Roger Spelling™ @roger180868

Just announced on R4: Tony Blair to rewrite The Bible. Spokesman says "it should be even higher on the fiction charts with Tony's touch"

2010-09-01 21:44:42
Kez @keziz

Tony Blair's book hasn't made it into the iBook store yet - I've checked all the way thru the historical fiction section

2010-09-01 23:07:41
Birmingham StWC @BStWC

Everyone should go to their local bookstore and move the Tony Blair autobiography 'A Journey' to the Fiction or Crime section :)

2010-09-01 23:53:27
Lee 'Budgie' Barnett @budgie

7pm tonight. BBC2 - interview with Tony Blair; BBC3 - Doctor Who. Fantasy, fiction & ludicrous things said? Or shall I watch Doctor Who?

2010-09-02 02:26:56
Paul Steven Jewell @PaulJewellFacts

Tried to find Tony Blair's book earlier on Amazon. Looked for an hour in the Fiction section to no avail.

2010-09-02 03:02:46
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