バイリンガール・ツイズ:Vlog (Diamond Fuji Part1)

バイリンガール英会話の動画 Diamond Fuji Part1をテーマにしたツイッタークイズのまとめです♪ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdySo-AOUSY
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アユミ @ayumiiii0037

@bilingirl_twiz ほんとですね。。 簡単なことなのに 使うとなったら 間違えることが多い自分ですが、 この間違いも恥ずかしがらず もっともっと英語 使っていこうと思います( * ›ω‹ )!

2014-01-04 23:23:20
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

@sana0414janne 楽しむ方法を見つけられれば、継続って意外と簡単だったりしますよね。私も継続は苦手ですが、バイリンガールは楽しいから続いています♡

2014-01-04 23:23:46
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

@zvk03561 thank you :) I appreciate it♡ Good luck on studying for the TOEIC!!

2014-01-04 23:25:15
Tokujin。 @mamaja28

@bilingirl_twiz I have never meet them, but I keep in touch with them on LINE:) They teach me English and I teach them Japanese:D

2014-01-04 23:26:37
のぞみ @nozomine_213

@bilingirl_twiz I know! I've learned a lot from your positive outlook:-) My favorite sentences:I want to live as I please. Who cares?

2014-01-04 23:26:57
tomoh @QQ_ZZZ

@bilingirl_twiz what's the difference between "to not be..."&"not to be..." same? @wimpser

2014-01-04 23:28:03
Yumi @londonyumi

@bilingirl_twiz Yes. Sometimes I think too much and can't start anything. I wanna challenge everything I want like Chika san this year!

2014-01-04 23:30:16
つくつくも@175 @zvk03561

@bilingirl_twiz I think I can continue to study as long as you make lesson!

2014-01-04 23:33:17
あかさたな @sana0414janne

@bilingirl_twiz もっとまともな英語でちかさんにTweetしたいので、頑張りますヽ(´ー`)ノ Thank you as usual! I'm going to sleep now. Good night!

2014-01-04 23:34:46
allovertheworld @synchronicity61

@bilingirl_twiz I made a resolution to improve my English skill

2014-01-04 23:36:16
tomoh @QQ_ZZZ

@mamamaiii_ Do you know xylitol, actually? It's as sweet as sugar& good for healthy teeth too. @bilingirl_twiz

2014-01-04 23:37:13
アユミ @ayumiiii0037

@QQ_ZZZ @bilingirl_twiz I don't think they're same, but I cannot explain why... I'm sorry.

2014-01-04 23:42:55
satton @satton19830106

@bilingirl_twiz I missed twiz this time..My resolution of 2014 is to try practical conversation in English !

2014-01-04 23:43:36
エコパ @ekopa2012

@bilingirl_twiz 田舎者故、天王洲アイルを知らず小一時間考え込み、isleとaisleのスペルの違いに気づかず、なんでwikipediaはアイルを通路じゃなくて島って訳すんだろう?と小一時間考え込み、やっと謎が解けたので寝ることにしますw good night!

2014-01-04 23:51:06
winter.Kazu @TruhTruht

@bilingirl_twiz To become the person who is felt even if some important persons in my life can't see me. Like the sun.

2014-01-05 00:27:33
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

Thank you guys for sharing your new year’s resolutions with me last night :) Sorry I got cut off in the middle of twiz! (><)

2014-01-05 20:20:17
前へ 1 ・・ 8 9