バイリンガール・ツイズ:Vlog (Diamond Fuji Part1)

バイリンガール英会話の動画 Diamond Fuji Part1をテーマにしたツイッタークイズのまとめです♪ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdySo-AOUSY
前へ 1 ・・ 7 8 次へ
のぞみ @nozomine_213

@bilingirl_twiz I will pass the college entrance exams! I will be more active and positive!! I will be a bilingual!!!

2014-01-04 23:15:48
tomoh @QQ_ZZZ

@muchmooooty good idea. @bilingirl_twiz Can typing new words replace "write&read-aloud =remember" theory, partly ? ?

2014-01-04 23:16:53
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

@wimpser 自分がこうすると言う時は、⇒ to not be afraid of making mistakes! Don't be afraid ...と言うと相手に怖がるな!って言っているニュアンスになるので☆

2014-01-04 23:17:01
Tokujin。 @mamaja28

@bilingirl_twiz I wanna go to Canada or America!! And wanna meet my friends there:)

2014-01-04 23:17:23
あまぐり @maron_princess

@bilingirl_twiz I'm going to change my job and move to better apartment than now. Speaking of apartment your house is pretty☆my longing.

2014-01-04 23:17:44
まっっきー @hdmakky

@bilingirl_twiz 1. I will improve my English skill. 2. I will be on a diet.

2014-01-04 23:17:57
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

@HnM_HnM NYC is awesome! I had a lot of fun when I went there last year!

2014-01-04 23:18:08
あかさたな @sana0414janne

@bilingirl_twiz I continue to study ENGLISH!! 英語に限らず、『継続』が本当に苦手なので、今度こそ継続したいです(;´Д`) ↑『したい』ではなく、『します!』ですね。笑

2014-01-04 23:18:18
Yumi @londonyumi

@bilingirl_twiz try to get a new job, practice driving...I wanna move forward without too much thinking.

2014-01-04 23:18:50
Omanjuuu @3104amnos70

@bilingirl_twiz I also want to cook more frequently, for my health and to be a good wife in the future...I have a lot to do this year!

2014-01-04 23:18:59
HnM @HnM_HnM

@bilingirl_twiz oh wow! I'm really excited to go :)

2014-01-04 23:19:49
bunstagram🐘🇯🇵 @benglishzo

My resolution for this year is to be positive and to make the people around me have fun. @bilingirl_twiz

2014-01-04 23:21:01
Omanjuuu @3104amnos70

@bilingirl_twiz ちかさん私もとっても楽しかった!ありがとうございました I hope to see you soon♡

2014-01-04 23:21:28
バイリンガール(twiz) @bilingirl_twiz

@nao_akita changing jobs! 2014 will be a big year for you! my longing(憧れと言いたいのであれば、単純に i love it, i adore it, or i want a room just like it!

2014-01-04 23:22:06
tomoh @QQ_ZZZ

@bilingirl_twiz @mamamaiii_ from my research, just replacing sugar by xylitol(commonly sold there? ) makes ppl much healthier :)

2014-01-04 23:22:23
つくつくも@175 @zvk03561

@bilingirl_twiz I will take toeic test.I aim for up 100 points! And I aim for 50 people I introduce"バイリンガール英会話" to my friends!.

2014-01-04 23:22:31
7070bebe @7070bebe

@bilingirl_twiz I'm gonna keep studying English so far!

2014-01-04 23:22:50
前へ 1 ・・ 7 8 次へ