2017/06/16- 06/30 #twhz 21h(JST)/ English

日本人でもよく分からない平沢進21時定時ツイート(twhz)の英語翻訳に挑む。 https://togetter.com/t/tw21h Susumu Hirasawa's stream of tweets starting at 21:00 JST in all except Wednesdays, which often is challenging to comprehend even for native Japanese speakers. Despite that, some multilingual fans are attempting to translate his tweets into English for better understanding. 続きを読む
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Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

「私が太る男なのだ」 と断言しないのは、自信がないからなのだ。 2キロ増えたが、そこから先がキツイ。 そして満腹はけしからん。実にけしからん。親戚縁者を訪問して、「けしからん」と説いても説いてもまだけしからん。 あ、

2017-06-28 21:04:37
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz "I am a man who can gain weight easily." I can't make a firm statement like that because I am not confident.

2017-06-28 21:22:49
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I have gained 2 kilograms, but it's difficult beyond that. And I hate being full. I really hate it.

2017-06-28 21:23:17
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz There is no end to my hatred toward it even after I preach the "disadvantage of it" to all my relatives. Ah!

2017-06-28 21:23:26
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-06-28 21:11:46
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz How about a man who eats nuts high in calories as snack though they are in a small quantity, and gains weight as a squirrel man.

2017-06-28 21:27:03
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

木の実で肥ゆるはキツイ。 そこで、ヴィーガン対応クッキーなる邪悪なものを輸入するならば、巨大なり。 一つで通常の私の二食分はあろうかという邪悪さなり。

2017-06-28 21:16:37
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It has turned out that it's hard for me to try to gain weight eating nuts. So, I imported an evil product called cookies for vegans,…

2017-06-28 21:32:19
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ...but I found it was huge. It was evil because a cookie was as large as my two meals.

2017-06-28 21:32:53
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

どっしりと重いクッキーを天高くかかげ、「ヴィーガン?」と首を傾げる。 静かに邪悪な質量を胸の高さに降ろし、氷のような冷たい囁きで言う。 「ばかばかしい。太る理由がどこにある」

2017-06-28 21:21:24
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I raised the heavy, huge cookie high in the air, and I tilted my head in confusion and said, "Vegan?"

2017-06-28 21:39:32
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz I held the evil heavy cookie in the height of my chest quietly, and whispered in a cold voice like ice,

2017-06-28 21:39:56
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz "Ridiculous! Why am I supposed to gain weight?"

2017-06-28 21:40:16
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

燃えざるゴミの日は燃ゆるゴミの日の次のゴミの日であり、それが水曜日なのである。 火曜日は「火」と共にあるために燃ゆるゴミであり、水曜日は「水」とともにあるために燃えざるゴミのひなのだ。 分かってるのか?おい!

2017-06-28 21:28:27
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz #twhz The day to take out non-burnable trash is the next day to take out combustible trash. That's Wednesday.

2017-06-29 00:33:40
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz #twhz Tuesday(火曜日/kayoubi) is called fire day, so it is the day for combustible trash.

2017-06-29 00:34:37
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz #twhz And Wednesday(水曜日/suiyoubi) is called water day, so it is the day for non-burnable trash. Do you understand? Hey!

2017-06-29 00:35:06
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa

「水」が燃えないというのも語弊があるが、燃えない約束の日にエナジーを余分にTwなどで燃やすならば、その分を節約するのが「燃やせば燃える”木”」の日なのだ。 (さっぱりわからんというご意見に同意)

2017-06-28 21:35:07
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz It is not true if you say "water" doesn't burn, but if you burn your extra energy in Twittering on the promised day for non-burnables,

2017-06-28 21:54:03
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz ... then that energy should be saved on Thursday, "Day of Wood that can burn".

2017-06-28 21:54:42
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz (If you say you don't understand this theory at all, I agree with you.)

2017-06-28 21:54:51
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-06-28 21:39:31
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz To put it plainly: There will be no twittering tomorrow!!

2017-06-28 21:56:23
Susumu Hirasawa @hirasawa


2017-06-28 21:45:07
Lucy @Lucy1205

#twhz By the way, about the life in which touch-screens and non-touch-screens exist together.

2017-06-28 21:58:36
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